
Due to the characteristics of English as an SOT language and Korean as a non-SOT language, the differences between the two languages in tenses should be reflected in translating English complex and compound sentences into Korean. I compared translators’ translations with machine translations focusing on Korean translations of the tenses of those English sentences. I found out that machine translations made errors with regard to tenses and made a suggestion for better machine translations. Translators translated English complex and compound sentences with past-tense clauses under past-tense matrix clauses including verb complement clauses and relative clauses into Korean sentences which have simultaneous construal. Sentences including coordinate conjunctions were translated into either sentences with simultaneous construal or shifted construal. Meanwhile, sentences with subordinate conjunctions were translated into having shifted reading. In contrast, a machine translator on the Internet translated all the sentences, regardless of their structures, into sentences with shifted reading. Therefore, the machine translator should be programmed accordingly to yield simultaneous construal.


SOT language, non-SOT language, translator’s translation, machine translation, simultaneous construal, shifted construal


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