
The study attempted to describe the institutional transition of dance education which had occured in the 1960, 70s’ Korea. Using Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis method, it approached the transitional process as a discursive struggles between two types of institution: private dance schools and dance departments in universities. Though both appeared in the modern era, the later was assumed as a modernized institution, but the former was not. The dance department in university was regarded as modern, but at the same time it claimed the ruling ideology, modernization. The analysis of the discourse of the time identified five thematic discourses. Among these, two discourses, ‘well trained dancers’ and ‘freedom for dance creation’ were for the private dance schools; and three discourses, ‘obtainment of degrees and certifications’, ‘specialized and systemic curriculum’and ‘sustainable and reasonal reproducing system in the field of dance as an art’ were for the universities’ dance departments.


구술사, 근대화, 비판적 담론분석, 개인무용연구소, 대학무용과


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