
This study is about a doubt about whether a choice of syllables can be regularized when blends are created through a simultaneous application of clipping and compounds. The study finding revealed that the creation of blends was affected by the semantic relation between word ‘X’ and word ‘Y’, which are source words for the creation of blends. To put it concretely, ‘a coordinate blend’ (e.g. geom-gyeong[geom-chal+gyeong-chal, The prosecution and The police]), ‘a synthetic blend’ (e.g. chwi-jeo[chwi-hyang+jeo-gyeok, It suits my taste.]), and ‘X-Y of a modified blend’ (e.g. ma-sang[ma-eum+sang-cheo, A wounded heart]) were the AC type, whereas ‘Y-X of modified blends’ (e.g. gi-rae-gi[gija-sseuraegi, A crappy reporter], hal-ppa[hal-a-beo-ji+a-ppa, A grandfather like a father]) was the AD type. However, it was impossible to predict if ‘coordinate blends with the third referents’ (e.g. a-jeom[a-chim+jeom-sim], ra-bokki[ra-myeon+tteok-bokki]) were the AC type or the AD type. In addition to this, there were additional terms for the creation of blends. The first additional term is that when there is a syllable with a central meaning, the syllable is selected regardless of the above mechanism. This was identified in ‘yeon-pil+bol-pen→yeon-pen’. The second additional term is that if a blend, created according to the above mechanism, is a homonym of a vocabulary in the same semantic category, the creation is blocked. This was demonstrated by ‘Hak-saeng+gyo-soo→hak-soo’ and the result of the additional survey.


신어, 조어법, 신생어, 혼성어, 생성기제


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