
This study aims to examine the aspect of realization for politeness strategy in the request speech act. As the request is the act of demanding something, it is the hard speech act in the position of hearer. Accordingly speaker is needed to prepare proper way for not losing each other's face after full consideration of hearer's position. Such as strategy was examined by the making use of the face of strategy and stratagem on the basis of materiality suggested by Brown & Levinson(1987). The request speech act is the act of menacing each other's negative face, and for complementing it, negative politeness strategy is selected as the highest frequency of 43.98 percent. But rather impoliteness is accomplished in the extent of 18.67 percent as the politeness strategy used in the request. When speaker's intention which is an aspire to accomplish his favorite request preferentially rather than each other's face, is strongly exposed, intentional politeness strategy is disregarded and shows that rather FTAs is frequently accomplished. Also, it shows, though the request is menacing act of negative face, positive politeness strategy appears as a frequency of 37.35 percent. As this social relationship like the degree of intimacy and the feeling of solidarity between speaker and hearer has the effect of offsetting the burden of the request, such as phenomenon appears. The stratagem used as the highest frequency in the positive politeness strategy is 'the explanation of reason'. This stratagem is the way to make sure to each other how the request in speaker is important and the way to persuade each other that the act which imposes a burden is an unavoidable. The stratagem used as the highest frequency in the negative politeness strategy is the stratagem, 'the minimum of request.' This stratagem shows the speaker's intention which tries to reduce the each other's burden. This stratagem reflects speaker's strong intention which tries not to make hearer reject by reducing hearer's burden.


요청 화행, 공손성, 적극적인 공손 전략, 소극적인 공손 전략


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