
China has started to focus on the development of the cultural industry since the end of Jiang Zemin(江澤民)’s reign. The government of Hu Jintao(胡錦濤) paid attention to ‘soft power’ and by establishing the “Cultural Industry Enhancement Plan of China”, has actually begun to develop the cultural industry. And the government of Xi Jinping(習近平) reinforced the development further on by connecting government’s policies, such as ‘China Dream(中國夢)’, ‘the rise of a great nation(大國崛起)’, and ‘one belt one road(一帶一路)’. China has already become the world’s largest producer of cultural goods, however regarding soft power, is still in very low position. It is because of the impatient cultural development and the concept of cultural security is blocking the growth of soft power. When the THAAD deployment was decided on Korea, the means of retaliation by China was ‘culture’. By invoking ‘Korean limit(限韓令)-the command to block Koreans from China’, China has blocked Korean cultural artists and products to enter China. After going through a long process of two years, Koreans have come to recognize that China is using its predatory means to develop its cultural industry, and in Korea, anti-Semitic sentiment has become prevalent. The Confucius Institute(孔子學院) is also receiving criticism from the international community for cultural invasion, undermining the freedom of scholarship, and the spread of Chineseism. Cultural industry is an important field to cultivate soft power, and rather, as the soft power increases, the progress of cultural industry follows. China must be able to grow its soft power, to be recognized as the leader of the international community, and for well development of the country.


soft power, hard power, Culture security, Culture business, Culture industry, the rise of a great culture


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