
Zhu Xi(朱熹),a well-known moralist and litterateur of Chinese academic history, was extremely interested in literature. Therefore, he was active in literary creation as a professional writer, and always expressed his literary opinion in his works, which include evaluation about other litterateurs. As for his literary opinion, the evaluation of Han Yu(韓愈) (Tang Dynasty) attracts our attention mostly, since this persons was influential in Chinese literature history. It was necessary for Zhu Xi(朱熹) to evaluate him firstly because his opinion stood opposite against Neo-Confucianism,which was came up with by Zhu Xi(朱熹). However, because of the limitation of his status and argument, he evaluated Han Yu(韓愈) differently, which made an acute academic debate about the reason why this difference appeared among the later litterateur generation. Some people think that,as time went by,Zhu Xi(朱熹) changed part of his opinion,so he gave different evaluation. But other people disagree with that. Through this article, the author argues that the reason why this difference appeared is mainly because the distinguished status of moralist and litterateur. As mentioned above, Zhu Xi(朱熹) was a moralist but also a litterateur, which are supposed to be 2 opposite statuses. Therefore, there are some contradiction in his mind originally, which made this difference.


Zhu Xi, Han Yu, moralist, litterateur, Neo-Confucianism


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