
‘Augmented reality’ technology that shows real time virtual information combined with real world has entered commercialization stage. As Boeing’s Tom caudell explained virtual image of plane wire assembly process by overlapping with the real screen in 1990, the term augmented reality was firstly used. Augmented reality stayed at research development and test application stage until mid 2000s, however it has entered commercialization stage recently as the smart phone with the functions as the terminal raised with camera and graphic treatment ability, radio communication with enough speed, and GPS, etc. Augmented reality is expected as a technology that could provide more improved immersion and sense of reality to user by providing real time combination of real world and virtual world, receiving high interest as a new education medium that could extend learning experience along with virtual reality as a type of mixed reality. To establish a virtual campus in a virtual reality and provide a virtual learning situation through avatar utilizing Second Life, etc., famous as an internet base virtual world is another representative case showing the barrier between reality and virtual world is gradually collapsing through technical development. Contextual learning of the reality is possible by providing virtual object by adding it to the real world simultaneously as enabling the user to see the real world of augmented reality. This enables us to do contextual learning related to real situation, and compose knowledge by ourselves not merely unilaterally receiving suggested knowledge given by the teacher passively by motivating learners’ positive operational activity. This is definite that learning contents service utilizing augmented reality technology would take center stage as a new alternative, which could promote sense of presence and immersion considering the educational paradigm of knowledge base information society based on bilateral communication requires high quality bilateral contents based on a new technology evading the existing unilateral educational contents.


Augmented Reality, a speech recognition system, Chinese education, multicultural families, bilingualism


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