
Liu Sanjie(third sister Liu) is the first girl called immortal singer in Chinese old popular tradition who had attractive supernatural voice, which had been well-known person since Tang Dynasty. in China the legend according to Liu Sanjie story spread over a wide area, so we consider it's value as traditional legendary literature, rudimentary researched the archetype of Liu Sanjie story, furthermore made an aesthetic appreciation. This paper especially focused on the mechanism of transposition, based on 5W mode, trying to chase Liu Sanjie story's acceptance and change in appearance. Critical survey on two biography of Liu Sanjie, written by Zhang Erhe and Sun Fanggui, gave us very significant information about Liu Sanjie and Liu Sanjie story which is building up not only complicated but also descriptive structure. Zhang's biography of Liu Sanjie is much more complicate than Sun's biography of Liu Sanjie, each of them have particularity and commonness. In case of storytelling methods configuration of Liu Sanjie is no longer fixing style, rapidly moved in unexpected direction, that none the less as a heroic woman, as an immortal being Liu Sanjie will be the most favorite figure, Liu Sanjie story will be alive in this time.


Liu Sanjie, Legend, Legendary Literature, Story, Storytelling, Archetype, 5W Mode, Acceptance and Change in Appearance


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