
The“Bu++V(P)”structure could be modified by adverb of degree, and it was taken as the research object in this paper. We mainly analyzed the grammatical meaning and function of “Bu”, also discussed the “Bu++V(P)”structure from chunk angle. We mainly studied the following content:Firstly, the “Bu++V(P)”structure could express antisense negation、degree negation and modal negation. The function of “Bu” which indicated the antisense negation was similar to the prefix. Secondly, there were several asymmetric situations between “V(P)”and “Bu+V(P)”with related words when “Bu” in the “Bu++V(P)”structure expressed antisense negation. According to the standard that the “intermediate region” was exist or not, we differed I-1 and I-2. Furthmore, I-1 was classified into three kinds because of the cognitive meaning. Thirdly,”Bu+V(P)”was always seen as a chunk when it indicated a whole meaning and in the different process of lexicalization. If “Bu+V(P)”chunk might describe or evaluate an object, it could be modified by adverb of degree. “Bu+V(P)”could be defined as adjective chunk and regarded to be attribute、adverbial、complement and other elements in the sentences.


“Bu++V(P)” structure, antisense negation, degree negation, modal negation, chunk


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