
This study is prepared to; firstly understand the progress of China Confucianism, analysed by main concepts and other relative subjects, which were selected from 20, 422 academic papers. These studies were released over 414 academic conferences in China throughout 1978 to 2010, while lots of discussions were made on Confucius and Confucian thought. Consequently many of newly approached studies were also availed during this period and many academic Confucius Research Centers were established. These series of active movements haves been continued in Chinese Culture Society and Academics throughout 1980 to 2000s, that were led to booming of ‘Culture-holic(fever)’, ‘Confucian-holic(fever)’ and ‘Tradition Study-holic(fever)’, which were influenced to open traditional culture and Confucianism and to be understood by more people. Overall this progress attributed to lead Renaissance of Confucianism in China; secondly access how Renaissance of Confucianism in China influenced to academics in China and internationally. Over this period, we’ve seen many of newly set up international academic research centers, which spearheaded to spread Confucianism to publics’ understanding and acknowledgement. Beijing Olympic in 2008, Confucius Institutes Headquarter(孔子學院總部), international networking relationship done by Chinese Education and Confucian Culture in many countries of the world, Developments of 《Ruzang儒藏》Publication Project, Traditional Studies by Public, so called all Traditional culture philosophers platform(國學百家講壇) -inter study between academics and public are those outcomes from revival of Confucianism in China in recent years; thirdly this study is to thoroughly understand activities and developments done in China Confucianism. Like in China and other countries, revival of China Confucianism affected to setting up Confucianism Research Centers in China universities, holding domestic and international conferences and to bring up more students majoring Confucianism. Fourthly this study would like to contribute to raise issues for future development and tasks in Renaissance of Confucianism based on its current progressive movements via systematic, modern, informative and opened approaches. Lastly in this study Renaissance of Confucianism’s overall achievements and its limitations are discussed and expected for future success.


Renaissance of Confucianism, Confucian thought, Confucian culture, Marxism, Tradition Study, organization, modernization, generalization, information, systemization


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