
Differences between Korean 한자(Hanzi) and Chinese Characters can be divided into four types: characters in complicated forms, in old forms, in alterative forms and in omitted forms. Korean students may make mistakes in writing above several kinds of한자 and those whose mother tongue is Chinese may judge wrongly which types these mistakes are. Universal errors made by Korean students in writing Chinese characters may not be wrong in “writing” but in “using”. It is extremely essential to know about the differences between Korean한자(Hanzi)and Chinese Characters for both Chinese teacher and Chinese learner.


Korean한자(Hanzi),Chinese Characters, differences of characters shape


  1. [단행본] 傅永和 / 1997 / 规范汉字综合表 / 华文出版社 : 1 ~ 285

  2. [단행본] 语文出版社编 / 1997 / 语言文字规范手册 / 语文出版社 : 348 ~ 349

  3. [단행본] 陈传锋 / 2004 / 结构对称性汉字认知:研究与应用 / 新华出版社 : 98 ~ 101

  4. [단행본] 동양문고편집부 / 1993 / 한자능력 검정시험 1급 / 동양문고 : 1 ~ 380