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Atlas of marine bony fish otoliths (sagittae) of Southeastern-Southern Brazil Part V: Perciformes (Sparidae, Sciaenidae, Polynemidae, Mullidae, Kyphosidae, Chaetodontidae, Mugilidae, Scaridae, Percophidae, Pinguipedidae, Blenniidae, Gobiidae, Ephippidae, Sphyraenidae, Gempylidae, Trichiuridae, Scombridae, Ariommatidae, Stromateidae and Caproidae)


This publication is part of a series prepared with the purpose to constitute an Atlas of Teleostei Otoliths for the Southeastern-Southern Brazilian area. Here we present the results of 15 morphological features and six shape indices for 33 Perciformes species of 20 families. Whenever available in out collection, three otoliths of each species were illustrated and photographed. The frequency of occurrence of each feature was calculated inside and among total length classes being the differences analyzed through multiple χ2 tests (significance level 0.05). Based on otoliths measurements, six shape indices values were obtained being the minimum, maximum, mean and standard deviations values presented.

Otoliths; Morphology; Morphometry; Southwestern Atlantic; Brazil; Perciformes


Esta publicação é a continuação de uma série que deverá resultar em um Atlas de Otólitos de Teleósteos da Região Sudeste-Sul brasileira. Aqui apresentamos os resultados de análises morfológicas relativas a 15 características e seis índices usualmente utilizados para a caracterização dessas estruturas. Neste estudo são apresentados os raesultados obtidos para 33 espécies de Percifomes de 20 famílias. Sempre que possível, foram desenhados e fotografados três otólitos de cada espécie. A frequência de ocorrência de cada característica morfológica foi calculada por classes de comprimento total (TL) e para toda a amostra, sendo as diferenças, dentro de cada classe e, ao longo do desenvolvimento do peixe, analisadas por meio de testes de χ2 múltiplo (nível de significância 0,05). A partir de medidas dos otólitos, foram calculados valores de seis índices de forma, sendo aqui apresentados seus valores mínimo, máximo, média e desvio padrão.

Otólitos; Morfologia; Morfometria; Atlântico Sudoeste; Brasil; Perciformes


Many papers have been published showing the importance of the otoliths as indicators for community, population, individual analysis and environmental events.

As a contribution for these studies we have been producing several papers about the shape of these structures since their specific variation is useful for studies on taxonomy, phylogeny, archeology, paleontology, species geographic variation, stock identification, food webs and others.

The basic material for our studies comes from the Collection of Otoliths of Teleostei Fish of Southeastern-Southern Brazil (COSS-Brasil), held at the Laboratory of Ichthyofauna and Growth (Laboratório de Ictiofauna e Crescimento - LABIC) of Instituto Oceanográfico, (Universidade de São Paulo - Brasil), presently containing 51886 otoliths corresponding to 201 different species (ROSSI-WONGTSCHOWSKI et al., 2016ROSSI-WONGTSCHOWSKI, C. L. D. B.; CHALOM, A.; SILIPRANDI, C. C.; BRENHA-NUNES, M. R.; CONVERSANI, V. R. M.; SANTIFICETUR, C.; GIARETTA, M. B. COSS-Brasil: Coleção de Otólitos de Peixes Marinhos da Região Sudeste-Sul do Brasil. São Paulo: Instituto Oceanográfico da Universidade de São Paulo, 2016.).

This publication contains the results of fifteen morphological data and six shape indices of the mostly common features for 33 Perciformes species.

At the end of these publications we intend to constitute an Atlas of Teleostei Otoliths for the Southeastern-Southern Brazilian region.


The sampled area and the methodology of this study followed that presented in ROSSI-WONGTSCHOWSKI et al. (2014)ROSSI-WONGTSCHOWSKI, C. L. D. B.; SILIPRANDI, C. C.; BRENHA, M. R.; GONSALES, S. A.; SANTIFICETUR, C.; VAZ-DOS-SANTOS, A. M. Atlas of marine bony fish otoliths (sagittae) of Southeastern-southern Brazil. Part I: Gadiformes (Macrouridae, Moridae, Bregmacerotidae, Phycidae and Merlucciidae); Part II: Perciformes (Carangidae, Sciaenidae, Scombridae and Serranidae). Braz. J. Oceanogr., v. 62, n. spe1, p. 1-103, 2014., SILIPRANDI et al. (2016)SILIPRANDI, C. C.; BRENHA-NUNES, M. R.; ROSSI-WONGTSCHOWSKI, C. L. D. B.; SANTIFICETUR, C.; CONVERSANI, V. R. M. Atlas of marine bony fish otoliths (sagittae) of Southeastern-southern Brazil. Part III: Clupeiformes (Clupeidae, Engraulidae, Pristigasteridae). Braz. J. Oceanogr., v. 64, n. spe1, p. 11-28, 2016. and BRENHA-NUNES et al. (2016BRENHA-NUNES, M. R.; SANTIFICETUR, C.; CONVERSANI, V. R. M.; GIARETTA, M. B.; ROSSI-WONGTSCHOWSKI, C. L. D. B.; SILIPRANDI, C. C. Atlas of marine bony fish otoliths (sagittae) of Southeastern-southern Brazil. Part IV: Perciformes (Centropomidae, Acropomatidae, Serranidae, Priacanthidae, Malacanthidae, Pomatomidae, Carangidae, Lutjanidae, Gerreidae and Haemulidae). Braz. J. Oceanogr., v. 64, n. spe1, p. 23-75, 2016.).

The acronyms presented in the shape indices tables are: TL=total fish length, OL=otolith length, OH=otolith height and OT=otolith thickness.




The sulcus acusticus opening is ostial, the ostium is funnel-like and the cauda is frequently tubular strongly curved; the profile is concave-convex; the pseudorostrum and pseudoantirostrum are always absent and the rostrum is developed in mostly cases.

Archosargus rhomboidalis (Linnaeus 1758) Plate 1

Shape: elliptic (77%), elliptic to triangular. Anterior region: peaked-round (41%), oblique (36%), angled-round. Posterior region: oblique-round (45%), round (36%), oblique. Dorsal edge: crenate to sinuate (50%), sinuate to entire, lobed to sinuate, crenate to entire. Ventral edge: sinuate to entire. Profile: concave-convex. Rostrum and antirostrum orientation: does not apply (50%), in agreement (50%). Rostrum: developed (82%), underdeveloped. Antirostrum: absent (50%), underdeveloped, developed. Sulcus acusticus: position: median; orientation: horizontal; opening: ostial; morphology: heterosulcoid; colliculum: heteromorphic; ostium: funnel-like; cauda: tubular strongly curved (59%), tubular markedly curved, tubular slightly curved.

Statistical differences (p<0.05) within some length classes were obtained for shape, dorsal edge, rostrum and antirostrum orientation and development. Along the growth development, statistical differences were found for rostrum and antirostrum orientation and antirostrum development.

Shape indices Mean±Sd Minimum Maximum OL/TL (%) 2.94±0.22 2.53 3.54 OH/OL (%) 67.10±2.68 62.44 71.85 OT/OL (%) 16.58±1.27 15.01 20.11 OT/OH (%) 24.72±1.67 21.77 27.99 Circularity 18.73±1.19 16.80 20.67 Rectangularity 0.69±0.01 0.67 0.71

Calamus penna (Valenciennes 1830) Plate 2

Shape: triangular. Anterior region: peaked. Posterior region: peaked-round. Anterior dorsal edge: sinuate. Posterior dorsal edge: sinuate to entire. Ventral edge: sinuate. Profile: concave-convex. Rostrum and antirostrum orientation: in disagreement. Rostrum: developed. Antirostrum: developed. Sulcus acusticus: position: supramedian; orientation: ascending; opening: ostial; morphology: heterosulcoid; colliculum: heteromorphic; ostium: funnel-like; cauda: tubular strongly curved.

Only one otolith was examined not allowing statistical analysis of the data but its morphometric characteristics are shown below:

Shape indices Mean±Sd Minimum Maximum OL/TL (%) 3.43±0 3.43 3.43 OH/OL (%) 45.28±0 45.28 45.28 OT/OL (%) 15.91±0 15.91 15.91 OT/OH (%) 35.14±0 35.14 35.14 Circularity 20.63±0 20.63 20.63 Rectangularity 0.69±0 0.69 0.69

Pagrus pagrus (Linnaeus 1758) Plate 3

Shape: elliptic (51%), elliptic to pentagonal (49%). Anterior region: angled (68%), peaked, angled-round, peaked-round. Posterior region: angled (60%), angled-round, round, oblique to angled. Anterior dorsal edge: does not apply (51%), sinuate (43%), dentate, lobed to sinuate, dentate to lobed. Posterior dorsal edge: does not apply (51%), dentate, lobed, lobed to sinuate. Anterior ventral edge: lobed to sinuate (46%), dentate to lobed, sinuate, lobed. Posterior ventral edge: lobed to sinuate (46%), dentate to lobed, sinuate, lobed. Profile: concave-convex (83%), plane-convex. Rostrum and antirostrum orientation: in agreement (56%), does not apply, in disagreement. Rostrum: developed. Antirostrum: developed (41%), absent (33%), underdeveloped. Sulcus acusticus: position: supramedian (87%), median; orientation: horizontal; opening: ostial; morphology: heterosulcoid; colliculum: heteromorphic; ostium: funnel-like; cauda: tubular strongly curved (52%), tubular slightly curved (48%).

Statistical differences (p<0.05) within some length classes were obtained for shape, anterior and posterior regions, dorsal, posterior dorsal, ventral and posterior ventral edges, rostrum and antirostrum orientation, profile and sulcus acusticus position. Along the development statistical differences were found for shape, dorsal, posterior dorsal, ventral and posterior ventral edges, rostrum and antirostrum orientation, profile and sulcus acusticus position.

Shape indices Mean±Sd Minimum Maximum OL/TL (%) 4.37±0.39 3.64 5.33 OH/OL (%) 73.30±3.85 62.77 81.90 OT/OL (%) 18.17±1.48 14.78 22.29 OT/OH (%) 24.84±2.23 21.23 30.23 Circularity 19.17±1.78 15.53 22.53 Rectangularity 0.66±0.02 0.63 0.70


Cynoscion leiarchus (Cuvier 1830) Plate 4

Shape: elliptic. Anterior region: round. Posterior region: angled-round. Anterior dorsal edge: entire (67%), sinuate to entire. Ventral edge: sinuate to entire. Profile: biconvex. Rostrum and antirostrum orientation: does not apply. Rostrum: absent. Antirostrum: absent. Pseudorostrum and Pseudoantirostrum: absent. Sulcus acusticus: position: median; orientation: horizontal; opening: pseudo-ostial; morphology: heterosulcoid; colliculum: heteromorphic; ostium: discoidal; cauda: tubular markedly curved, tubular curled.

The small number of otoliths examined did not permit the statistical analysis of the data but their morphometric characteristics are shown below:

Shape indices Mean±Sd Minimum Maximum OL/TL (%) 4.79±0.19 4.58 5.10 OH/OL (%) 9.84±1.32 48.70 52.23 OT/OL (%) 23.38±1.08 21.93 24.45 OT/OH (%) 46.93±2.37 43.69 49.74 Circularity 16.24±0.34 15.63 16.68 Rectangularity 0.78±0.01 0.77 0.79


Polydactylus virginicus (Linnaeus 1758) Plate 5

Shape: oblong (67%), oblong to rectangular. Anterior region: flattened (42%), round (33%), oblique-round. Posterior region: oblique (50%), round, peaked-round. Dorsal edge: lobed to sinuate (83%), sinuate to entire. Ventral edge: sinuate to entire (75%), lobed to sinuate, entire. Profile: concave-convex. Rostrum and antirostrum orientation: in agreement. Rostrum: underdeveloped. Antirostrum: developed (58%), underdeveloped. Pseudorostrum: absent. Pseudoantirostrum: absent. Sulcus acusticus: position: median; orientation: horizontal (67%), descending; opening: ostial; morphology: heterosulcoid; colliculum: heteromorphic; ostium: funnel-like; cauda: tubular strongly curved (75%), tubular markedly curved.

Statistical differences (p<0.05) within some length classes were obtained for dorsal and ventral edges and sulcus acusticus orientation. No differences appeared during the fish’s development.

Shape indices Mean±Sd Minimum Maximum OL/TL (%) 2.40±0.13 2.19 2.73 OH/OL (%) 49.17±1.88 45.85 51.57 OT/OL (%) 15.02±1.06 13.44 16.80 OT/OH (%) 30.57±2.10 26.27 33.59 Circularity 21.38±1.70 19.31 24.61 Rectangularity 0.71±0.03 0.67 0.76


Otolith shape is frequently elliptic to trapezoidal; the profile is concave-convex; the rostrum is developed; the pseudorostrum and pseudoantirostrum are always absent; the cauda is tubular markedly curved with the final region round and deeper.

Mullus argentinae Hubbs & Marini 1933 Plate 6

Shape: elliptic to trapezoidal (73%), elliptic, fusiform. Anterior region: peaked (36%), peaked-round (32%), oblique, double-peaked. Posterior region: oblique (53%), oblique to angled, angled, oblique-round. Dorsal edge: sinuate (55%), lobed to sinuate, lobed, irregular. Ventral edge: lobed to sinuate (59%), sinuate, lobed, irregular. Profile: concave-convex. Rostrum and antirostrum orientation: in agreement (98%), does not apply. Rostrum: developed (98%), underdeveloped. Antirostrum: developed (94%), underdeveloped, absent. Sulcus acusticus: position: median; orientation: horizontal; opening: ostial; morphology: heterosulcoid; colliculum: heteromorphic; ostium: funnel-like; cauda: tubular markedly curved.

Statistical differences (p<0.05) within some length classes were obtained for shape, anterior region, sulcus acusticus opening, rostrum and antirostrum orientation and development. Along the growth statistical differences were found only for the anterior region, rostrum and antirostrum orientation and development.

Shape indices Mean±Sd Minimum Maximum OL/TL (%) 2.31±0.43 1.76 3.83 OH/OL (%) 67.04±4.88 55.12 81.38 OT/OL (%) 18.90±1.74 15.12 23.74 OT/OH (%) 28.25±2.38 24.35 33.67 Circularity 20.17±3.06 16.25 39.26 Rectangularity 0.68±0.03 0.56 0.72

Upeneus parvus Poey 1852 Plate 7

Shape: elliptic (97%), elliptic to trapezoidal. Anterior region: angled (49%), peaked (44%), oblique, double-peaked. Posterior region: angled-round (49%), round, angled, oblique-round. Dorsal edge: lobed to sinuate (36%), lobed, dentate to lobed, sinuate. Ventral edge: lobed to sinuate (59%), lobed, dentate to lobed, sinuate. Profile: concave-convex. Rostrum and antirostrum orientation: does not apply (56%), in agreement. Rostrum: developed (72%), underdeveloped. Antirostrum: absent (49%), underdeveloped (44%), developed. Sulcus acusticus: position: median; orientation: horizontal; opening: ostial (95%), ostio-caudal; morphology: heterosulcoid; colliculum: heteromorphic; ostium: funnel-like; cauda: tubular markedly curved.

Statistical differences (p<0.05) within some length classes were obtained for shape, anterior region, sulcus acusticus opening, rostrum and antirostrum orientation and development. Along the growth, statistical differences were found for the anterior region, rostrum and antirostrum orientation and development.

Shape indices Mean±Sd Minimum Maximum OL/TL (%) 2.73±0.23 2.31 3.54 OH/OL (%) 65.80±2.58 60.75 72.75 OT/OL (%) 16.45±1.26 14.23 20.00 OT/OH (%) 25.03±1.94 21.72 31.0 Circularity 17.91±1.67 15.65 22.3 Rectangularity 0.70±0.02 0.66 0.70


Otolith shape is fusiform; the posterior region tends to be oblique-round; the profile is concave-convex; the rostrum and antirostrum are frequently developed and in agreement; the pseudorostrum and pseudoantirostrum are always absent; the ostium is funnel-like and the cauda is frequently tubular markedly curved.

Kyphosus incisor (Cuvier 1831) Plate 8

Shape: fusiform. Anterior region: lanceolated-round. Posterior region: oblique-round. Dorsal edge: lobed to sinuate. Ventral edge: sinuate to entire. Profile: concave-convex. Rostrum and antirostrum orientation: in agreement. Rostrum: developed. Antirostrum: developed. Sulcus acusticus: position: median; orientation: horizontal; opening: ostial; morphology: heterosulcoid; colliculum: heteromorphic; ostium: funnel-like; cauda: tubular markedly curved.

Since only one otolith was analyzed it was not possible statistical analysis of the data but its morphometric characteristics are shown below:

Shape indices Mean±Sd Minimum Maximum OL/TL (%) 2.72±0 2.72 2.72 OH/OL (%) 38.78±0 38.78 38.78 OT/OL (%) 11.00±0 11.00 11.00 OT/OH (%) 28.36±0 28.36 28.36 Circularity 26.35±0 26.35 26.35 Rectangularity 0.71±0 0.71 0.71

Kyphosus sectatrix (Linnaeus 1758) Plate 9

Shape: fusiform. Anterior region: round (89%), peaked-round. Posterior region: oblique-round (78%), peaked-round. Dorsal edge: lobed to sinuate (56%), crenate to sinuate, crenate to lobed. Ventral edge: crenate to sinuate (89%), dentate to lobed. Profile: concave-convex. Rostrum and antirostrum orientation: in agreement. Rostrum: developed. Antirostrum: developed (78%), underdeveloped. Sulcus acusticus: position: median; orientation: horizontal; opening: ostial; morphology: heterosulcoid; colliculum: heteromorphic; ostium: funnel-like; cauda: tubular markedly curved (78%), tubular strongly curved.

The small number of otoliths examined did not permit the statistical analysis of the data but their morphometric characteristics are shown below:

Shape indices Mean±Sd Minimum Maximum OL/TL (%) 2.20±0.19 1.76 2.40 OH/OL (%) 44.61±1.71 41.90 47.46 OT/OL (%) 12.15±0.43 11.60 12.91 OT/OH (%) 27.28±1.59 25.47 29.90 Circularity 25.72±2.38 23.39 29.65 Rectangularity 0.71±0.02 0.67 0.74


Chaetodon striatus Linnaeus 1758 Plate 10

Shape: elliptic. Anterior region: angled-round (38%), peaked (38%), peaked-round. Posterior region: round (63%), oblique to angled, oblique, flattened. Dorsal edge: sinuate to entire (63%), lobed to sinuate. Ventral edge: sinuate to entire. Profile: concave-convex. Rostrum and antirostrum orientation: in agreement. Rostrum: developed. Antirostrum: developed (50%), underdeveloped (50%). Pseudorostrum and Pseudoantirostrum: absent. Sulcus acusticus: position: median; orientation: descending (88%), horizontal; opening: ostial; morphology: heterosulcoid; colliculum: heteromorphic; ostium: funnel-like; cauda: tubular sinuous (75%), tubular strongly curved.

The small number of otoliths examined did not permit the statistical analysis of the data but their morphometric characteristics are shown below:

Shape indices Mean±Sd Minimum Maximum OL/TL (%) 3.43±0.21 3.23 3.81 OH/OL (%) 55.52±4.71 49.57 63.05 OT/OL (%) 18.93±1.81 16.82 22.22 OT/OH (%) 34.15±2.64 30.53 38.19 Circularity 19.80±1.32 17.59 21.92 Rectangularity 0.69±0.02 0.66 0.74


Otolith shape is oblong; the posterior region is round; the antirostrum is absent in mostly cases; the pseudorostrum and pseudoantirostrum are always absent; sulcus acusticus position supramedial and orientation ascending.

Mugil curema Valenciennes 1836 Plate 11

Shape: oblong (88%), elliptic. Anterior region: angled-round (42%), peaked, angled, double-peaked. Posterior region: round (88%), oblique-round, angled-round. Dorsal edge: entire (44%), sinuate to entire, dentate to lobed, lobed to sinuate. Ventral edge: sinuate to entire (53%), dentate to lobed, lobed to sinuate, lobed. Profile: concave-convex. Rostrum and antirostrum orientation: does not apply (64%), in agreement. Rostrum: developed (53%), underdeveloped, absent. Antirostrum: absent (64%), underdeveloped, developed. Sulcus acusticus: position: supramedian (98%), median; orientation: ascending (94%), horizontal; opening: ostial; morphology: heterosulcoid; colliculum: heteromorphic; ostium: funnel-like (79%), elliptic; cauda: tubular sinuous (85%), tubular slightly curved, tubular strongly curved.

Statistical differences (p<0.05) within some length classes were obtained for shape, anterior and posterior regions, dorsal and ventral edges, rostrum and antirostrum orientation and development, sulcus acusticus opening, position and orientation and ostium and cauda morphology. Along the development statistical differences were found for shape, anterior region, dorsal and ventral edges, antirostrum development, rostrum and antirostrum orientation and ostium and cauda morphology.

Shape indices Mean±Sd Minimum Maximum OL/TL (%) 3.65±0.82 2.14 5.61 OH/OL (%) 52.29±6.29 41.69 70.90 OT/OL (%) 14.99±2.21 11.35 23.28 OT/OH (%) 28.68±2.42 22.78 35.06 Circularity 21.38±4.15 14.82 39.66 Rectangularity 0.71±0.04 0.46 0.78

Mugil liza Valenciennes 1836 Plate 12

Shape: oblong. Anterior region: peaked. Posterior region: round. Dorsal edge: sinuate (50%), lobed to entire (50%). Ventral edge: crenate to irregular (50%), crenate to lobed (50%). Profile: concave-convex. Rostrum and antirostrum orientation: does not apply. Rostrum: developed. Antirostrum: absent. Sulcus acusticus: position: supramedian; orientation: ascending; opening: ostial; morphology: heterosulcoid; colliculum: heteromorphic; ostium: funnel-like; cauda: tubular slightly curved.

The small number of otoliths examined did not allow statistical analysis of the data but their morphometric characteristics are shown below:

Shape indices Mean±Sd Minimum Maximum OL/TL (%) 2.26±0.25 2.09 2.44 OH/OL (%) 44.98±4.16 42.04 47.92 OT/OL (%) 13.32±0.11 13.24 13.39 OT/OH (%) 29.74±2.99 27.63 31.85 Circularity 26.41±1.82 25.13 27.70 Rectangularity 0.68±0 0.68 0.68


Nicholsina usta (Valenciennes 1840) Plate 13

Shape: elliptic (67%), elliptic to rectangular. Anterior region: peaked (33%), double-peaked-round (33%), angled-round (33%). Posterior region: oblique-round (67%), round. Dorsal edge: lobed to sinuate. Ventral edge: dentate to lobed (67%), lobed. Profile: concave-convex. Rostrum and antirostrum orientation: in agreement (67%), in disagreement. Rostrum: developed. Antirostrum: developed. Pseudorostrum and Pseudoantirostrum: absent. Sulcus acusticus: position: supramedian; orientation: horizontal; opening: ostial; morphology: heterosulcoid; colliculum: heteromorphic; ostium: funnel-like (67%), round-oval; cauda: elliptic.

The small number of otoliths examined did not permit the statistical analysis of the data but their morphometric characteristics are shown below:

Shape indices Mean±Sd Minimum Maximum OL/TL (%) 2.12±0.14 1.95 2.22 OH/OL (%) 52.22±7.65 46.46 60.90 OT/OL (%) 13.36±1.73 11.81 15.22 OT/OH (%) 25.62±0.74 25.00 26.44 Circularity 25.40±3.69 21.24 28.25 Rectangularity 0.70±0.01 0.68 0.71


The rostrum is developed and the antirostrum is frequently absent; the pseudorostrum and pseudoantirostrum are always absent; the ostium is tubular in most cases.

Bembrops heterurus (Miranda Ribeiro 1903) Plate 14

Shape: elliptic to trapezoidal (60%), elliptic to rectangular. Anterior region: peaked. Posterior region: round (42%), oblique-round (38%), flattened, oblique to angled. Dorsal edge: sinuate to entire (65%), lobed to entire. Ventral edge: sinuate to entire (52%), lobed to entire, lobed to sinuate. Profile: biconvex (71%), plane-convex. Rostrum and antirostrum orientation: does not apply (77%), in agreement. Rostrum: developed. Antirostrum: absent (77%), underdeveloped. Sulcus acusticus: position: median; orientation: horizontal; opening: ostial; morphology: heterosulcoid; colliculum: heteromorphic; ostium: tubular; cauda: round-oval (90%), tubular straight.

Statistical differences (p<0.05) within some length classes were obtained for posterior region, ventral edge, profile, rostrum and antirostrum orientation, antirostrum development and cauda morphology. Along the otolith growth statistical differences were found for the posterior region and profile.

Shape indices Mean±Sd Minimum Maximum OL/TL (%) 3.12±0.39 2.44 4.09 OH/OL (%) 55.99±2.13 51.61 60.16 OT/OL (%) 20.36±1.33 17.58 24.44 OT/OH (%) 36.41±2.68 29.41 42.21 Circularity 17.59±0.84 15.72 19.96 Rectangularity 0.70±0.02 0.65 0.74

Percophis brasiliensis (Quoy & Gaimard 1825) Plate 15

Shape: spindle-shaped to lanceolated. Anterior region: lanceolated. Posterior region: round (50%), peaked-round, oblique to peaked. Dorsal edge: lobed to sinuate (75%), lobed. Ventral edge: sinuate to entire (63%), lobed to entire, entire. Profile: concave-convex. Rostrum and antirostrum orientation: does not apply. Rostrum: developed. Antirostrum: absent. Sulcus acusticus: position: median; orientation: horizontal; opening: ostial; morphology: heterosulcoid; colliculum: heteromorphic; ostium: tubular (63%), funnel-like; cauda: tubular straight (63%), tubular slightly curved.

The small number of otoliths examined did not permit the statistical analysis of the data but their morphometric characteristics are shown below:

Shape indices Mean±Sd Minimum Maximum OL/TL (%) 2.33±0.12 2.19 2.49 OH/OL (%) 26.63±2.06 23.69 30.00 OT/OL (%) 11.60±1.45 9.99 14.03 OT/OH (%) 43.45±2.27 41.33 46.77 Circularity 26.47±1.82 23.31 28.62 Rectangularity 0.71±0.01 0.69 0.73


Pseudopercis numida (Miranda Ribeiro 1903) Plate 16

Shape: lanceolated (86%), elliptic. Anterior region: lanceolated (86%), peaked. Posterior region: angled-round (57%), peaked-round, round. Dorsal edge: entire (43%), sinuate to entire, lobed to sinuate. Ventral edge: entire (57%), lobed to sinuate, sinuate to entire. Profile: concave-convex. Rostrum and antirostrum orientation: in agreement (57%), does not apply. Rostrum: developed. Antirostrum: underdeveloped (57%), absent. Pseudorostrum and pseudoantirostrum: absent. Sulcus acusticus: position: median; orientation: horizontal; opening: ostial; morphology: heterosulcoid; colliculum: heteromorphic; ostium: funnel-like; cauda: tubular slightly curved (71%), tubular straight.

The small number of otoliths examined did not permit the statistical analysis of the data but their morphometric characteristics are shown below:

Shape indices Mean±Sd Minimum Maximum OL/TL (%) 3.77±0.56 2.85 4.25 OH/OL (%) 48.56±2.65 45.72 53.42 OT/OL (%) 15.78±2.05 12.87 19.05 OT/OH (%) 32.64±4.89 24.08 40.00 Circularity 18.94±1.77 17.36 21.67 Rectangularity 0.67±0.01 0.64 0.69


Scartella cristata (Linnaeus 1758) Plate 17

Shape: elliptic (88%), discoidal. Anterior region: angled-round (50%), round, oblique-round. Posterior region: round (75%), angled-round. Dorsal edge: entire. Ventral edge: entire. Profile: biconvex (75%), plane-convex. Rostrum and antirostrum orientation: does not apply. Rostrum: underdeveloped. Antirostrum: absent. Pseudorostrum and Pseudoantirostrum: absent. Sulcus acusticus: position: supramedian (88%), median; orientation: horizontal; opening: ostial; morphology: heterosulcoid; colliculum: heteromorphic; ostium: funnel-like; cauda: tubular strongly curved.

The small number of otoliths examined did not allow statistical analysis of the data but their morphometric characteristics are shown below:

Shape indices Mean±Sd Minimum Maximum OL/TL (%) 3.26±0.48 2.75 3.95 OH/OL (%) 72.56±4.63 62.67 78.00 OT/OL (%) 35.12±5.94 26.67 43.75 OT/OH (%) 48.28±6.81 40.82 60.00 Circularity 13.49±0.34 13.12 13.94 Rectangularity 0.77±0.02 0.72 0.80


Otolith shape is squared; rostrum, antirostrum, pseudorostrum and pseudoantirostrum are always absent; sulcus acusticus opening is mesial with the ostium and cauda oval-round or elliptic.

Bathygobius soporator (Valenciennes 1837) Plate 18

Shape: square. Anterior region: notched (85%), flattened, notched-round, angled. Posterior region: flattened (43%), oblique, oblique to peaked, round. Dorsal edge: lobed (40%), sinuate (37%), lobed to sinuate, entire. Ventral edge: sinuate (70%), entire, lobed. Anterior edge: sinuate (55%), entire. Posterior edge: sinuate (77%), entire, lobed, lobed to sinuate. Profile: concave-convex (83%), plane-convex. Rostrum and antirostrum orientation: in agreement (87%), does not apply. Sulcus acusticus: position: median; orientation: descending (88%), horizontal; opening: mesial; morphology: heterosulcoid; colliculum: heteromorphic; ostium: round-oval; cauda: elliptic.

Statistical differences (p<0.05) within some length classes were obtained for anterior and posterior regions, dorsal, ventral, anterior and posterior edges, profile, rostrum, antirostrum and sulcus acusticus orientation. Along the development, statistical differences were found for posterior region, dorsal, ventral, anterior and posterior edges and profile.

Shape indices Mean±Sd Minimum Maximum OL/TL (%) 3.39±0.44 2.66 4.65 OH/OL (%) 88.57±8.28 73.16 108.20 OT/OL (%) 22.74±5.56 16.22 44.07 OT/OH (%) 25.57±4.78 18.62 41.94 Circularity 16.57±2.16 6.24 21.91 Rectangularity 0.78±0.05 0.72 1.05

Ctenogobius smaragdus (Valenciennes 1837) Plate 19

Shape: square. Anterior region: round. Posterior region: blunt-round. Dorsal edge: lobed to entire. Ventral edge: entire. Anterior edge: lobed. Posterior edge: entire. Profile: biconvex. Rostrum and antirostrum orientation: does not apply. Sulcus acusticus: position: median; orientation: ascending; opening: mesial; morphology: heterosulcoid; colliculum: heteromorphic; ostium: elliptic; cauda: round-oval.

Since only one otolith was analyzed it was not possible statistical analysis of the data but its morphometric characteristics are shown below:

Shape indices Mean±Sd Minimum Maximum OL/TL (%) 2.56±0 2.56 2.56 OH/OL (%) 106.96±0 106.96 106.96 OT/OL (%) 29.57±0 29.57 29.57 OT/OH (%) 27.64±0 27.64 27.64 Circularity 15.95±0 15.95 15.95 Rectangularity 0.76±0 0.76 0.76

Ctenogobius boleosoma (Jordan & Gilbert 1882) Plate 20

Shape: square (70%), discoidal. Anterior region: flattened (47%), round, blunt, angled-round. Posterior region: blunt-round (63%), round, oblique-round. Dorsal edge: entire (73%), sinuate to entire, sinuate. Ventral edge: entire (97%), sinuate to entire. Anterior edge: entire (57%), does not apply, sinuate to entire. Posterior edge: entire (70%), does not apply. Profile: plane-convex. Rostrum and antirostrum orientation: does not apply. Sulcus acusticus: position: median; orientation: ascending; opening: mesial; morphology: heterosulcoid; colliculum: heteromorphic; ostium: round-oval; cauda: elliptic (60%), round-oval.

Statistical differences (p<0.05) within some length classes were obtained for shape, anterior and posterior regions and dorsal, ventral, anterior and posterior edges. Along the growth statistical differences were found for shape, anterior and posterior regions and dorsal, anterior and posterior edges.

Shape indices Mean±Sd Minimum Maximum OL/TL (%) 3.59±0.45 2.70 4.47 OH/OL (%) 97.12±6.25 84.09 108.70 OT/OL (%) 31.19±5.31 24.06 39.62 OT/OH (%) 31.96±3.93 26.45 39.29 Circularity 13.40±2.38 1.15 15.01 Rectangularity 0.79±0.02 0.73 0.82


Chaetodipterus faber (Broussonet 1782) Plate 21

Shape: elliptic (40%), elliptic to rectangular (35%), rectangular to fusiform, elliptic to discoidal. Anterior region: peaked-round (50%), peaked, angled-round. Posterior region: round (75%), oblique, oblique-round. Dorsal edge: sinuate (40%), sinuate to entire, lobed to sinuate, crenate to entire. Ventral edge: sinuate to entire (35%), lobed to sinuate, sinuate, crenate. Profile: concave-convex (65%), flattened, plane-convex. Rostrum and antirostrum orientation: in agreement (70%), does not apply. Rostrum: developed (85%), underdeveloped. Antirostrum: underdeveloped (50%), developed, absent. Pseudorostrum and Pseudoantirostrum: absent. Sulcus acusticus: position: median; orientation: horizontal; opening: ostial; morphology: heterosulcoid; colliculum: heteromorphic; ostium: funnel-like; cauda: tubular slightly curved (85%), round-oval, tubular strongly curved.

Statistical differences (p<0.05) within some length classes were obtained for shape, anterior and posterior regions, dorsal and ventral edges, cauda morphology, rostrum and antirostrum orientation, profile and rostrum development. Along the development statistical differences were found for shape, anterior region, ventral edge and profile.

Shape indices Mean±Sd Minimum Maximum OL/TL (%) 3.84±0.67 2.35 5.09 OH/OL (%) 58.64±10.94 44.61 87.00 OT/OL (%) 19.11±4.2 13.96 26.58 OT/OH (%) 33.27±8.94 25.65 54.97 Circularity 19.75±2.33 16.54 25.28 Rectangularity 0.71±0.03 0.67 0.75


Otolith shape is normally spindle-shaped; the posterior region is oblique or flattened; the profile is concave-convex; the rostrum and antirostrum orientation are in agreement with the rostrum developed and antirostrum frequently underdeveloped; pseudorostrum and pseudoantirostrum are always absent; the ostium is funnel-like and the cauda is predominantly tubular slightly curved.

Sphyraena barracuda (Walbaum 1792) Plate 22

Shape: spindle-shaped to lanceolated. Anterior region: lanceolated. Posterior region: oblique. Dorsal edge: lobed to sinuate. Ventral edge: sinuate. Profile: concave-convex. Rostrum and antirostrum orientation: does not apply. Rostrum: developed. Antirostrum: absent. Sulcus acusticus: position: median; orientation: horizontal; opening: ostial; morphology: heterosulcoid; colliculum: heteromorphic; ostium: funnel-like; cauda: tubular slightly curved.

Since only one otolith was analyzed it was not possible statistical analysis of the data but its morphometric characteristics are shown below:

Shape indices Mean±Sd Minimum Maximum OL/TL (%) 2.50±0 2.50 2.91 OH/OL (%) 31.25±0 31.25 31.81 OT/OL (%) 12.24±0 12.24 13.59 OT/OH (%) 39.18±0 39.18 42.73 Circularity 25.88±0 21.64 25.88 Rectangularity 0.67±0 0.67 0.73

Sphyraena guachancho Cuvier 1829 Plate 23

Shape: spindle-shaped (71%), rectangular. Anterior region: peaked. Posterior region: oblique (57%), flattened, round. Dorsal edge: sinuate to entire (71%), lobed to sinuate. Ventral edge: sinuate to entire (57%), entire. Profile: concave-convex. Rostrum and antirostrum orientation: in agreement (86%), does not apply. Rostrum: developed. Antirostrum: underdeveloped (86%), absent. Sulcus acusticus: position: median; orientation: horizontal; opening: ostial; morphology: heterosulcoid; colliculum: heteromorphic; ostium: funnel-like; cauda: tubular slightly curved (86%), tubular straight.

The small number of otoliths examined did not permit the statistical analysis of the data but their morphometric characteristics are shown below:

Shape indices Mean±Sd Minimum Maximum OL/TL (%) 3.06±0.43 2.42 3.71 OH/OL (%) 35.67±5.09 30.34 43.16 OT/OL (%) 13.15±2.00 11.21 15.94 OT/OH (%) 36.84±1.84 34.45 40.38 Circularity 21.24±0.48 20.67 22.20 Rectangularity 0.73±0.01 0.72 0.74

Sphyraena tome Fowler 1903 Plate 24

Shape: spindle-shaped. Anterior region: peaked. Posterior region: flattened. Dorsal edge: sinuate to entire. Ventral edge: entire. Profile: concave-convex. Rostrum and antirostrum orientation: in agreement. Rostrum: developed. Antirostrum: underdeveloped. Sulcus acusticus: position: median; orientation: horizontal; opening: ostial; morphology: heterosulcoid; colliculum: heteromorphic; ostium: funnel-like; cauda: tubular straight (50%), tubular slightly curved (50%).

The small number of otoliths examined did not permit the statistical analysis of the data but their morphometric characteristics are shown below:

Shape indices Mean±Sd Minimum Maximum OL/TL (%) 3.15±0.02 3.14 3.17 OH/OL (%) 31.32±1.94 29.95 32.69 OT/OL (%) 12.84±0.20 12.70 12.98 OT/OH (%) 41.07±1.91 39.72 42.42 Circularity 22.09±0.30 21.87 22.30 Rectangularity 0.73±0.02 0.71 0.74


Thyrsitops lepidopoides (Cuvier 1832) Plate 25

Shape: elliptic to lanceolated (83%), elliptic, rectangular. Anterior region: lanceolated (83%), peaked. Posterior region: oblique (58%), round, flattened. Dorsal edge: lobed (41%), lobed to sinuate, sinuate, dentate to sinuate. Ventral edge: lobed (51%), lobed to sinuate, dentate to lobed, sinuate. Profile: concave-convex (85%), plane-convex. Rostrum and antirostrum orientation: in agreement (86%), does not apply. Rostrum: developed. Antirostrum: underdeveloped (66%), developed, absent. Pseudorostrum: absent (88%), underdeveloped, developed. Pseudoantirostrum: absent (90%), underdeveloped. Sulcus acusticus: position: median; orientation: horizontal; opening: ostial (54%), ostio-caudal (46%); morphology: heterosulcoid; colliculum: heteromorphic; ostium: funnel-like; cauda: tubular slightly curved (39%), tubular straight, tubular strongly curved, elliptic.

Statistical differences (p<0.05) within some length classes were obtained for shape, anterior and posterior regions, dorsal and ventral edges, profile, rostrum and antirostrum orientation, antirostrum development, pseudorostrum and pseudoantirostrum development sulcus acusticus opening and cauda morphology. Along the development, statistical differences were found for shape, anterior and posterior regions, dorsal and ventral edges, profile, antirostrum development and cauda morphology.

Shape indices Mean±Sd Minimum Maximum OL/TL (%) 2.53±0.36 1.30 4.55 OH/OL (%) 50.77±4.41 45.17 69.86 OT/OL (%) 10.67±3.59 6.68 21.90 OT/OH (%) 20.81±5.66 13.16 38.71 Circularity 22.63±3.83 15.56 36.15 Rectangularity 0.65±0.06 0.41 0.86


Otoliths are longer than taller being fusiform or spindle-shaped; the anterior region is peaked or lanceolated; pseudorostrum and pseudoantirostrum are always absent.

Benthodesmus elongatus (Clarke 1879) Plate 26

Shape: spindle-shaped. Anterior region: peaked-round (90%), peaked. Posterior region: flattened (38%), oblique, blunt, peaked-round. Dorsal edge: sinuate to entire (93%), lobed to sinuate. Ventral edge: sinuate to entire (84%), entire, lobed to sinuate. Profile: flattened. Rostrum and antirostrum orientation: does not apply. Rostrum: absent (69%), developed. Antirostrum: absent. Sulcus acusticus: position: median; orientation: horizontal; opening: mesial (38%), pseudo-ostial (31%), ostial (31%); morphology: archaesulcoid (77%), pseudo-archaesulcoid; colliculum: unimorphic (77%), heteromorphic; ostium: absent (77%), tubular, funnel-like; cauda: absent (77%), tubular straight.

Statistical differences (p<0.05) within some length classes were obtained for anterior and posterior regions, dorsal and ventral edges, rostrum development and sulcus acusticus, colliculum, ostium and cauda morphology. Along the development, statistical differences were found only for the posterior region.

Shape indices Mean±Sd Minimum Maximum OL/TL (%) 0.75±0.05 0.50 0.92 OH/OL (%) 32.71±1.47 29.53 36.75 OT/OL (%) 4.14±1.28 11.69 17.47 OT/OH (%) 43.28±4.03 35.40 52.94 Circularity 21.70±0.83 19.82 24.21 Rectangularity 0.73±0.02 0.70 0.77

Evoxymetopon taeniatus Gill 1863 Plate 27

Shape: fusiform to lanceolated. Anterior region: lanceolated. Posterior region: peaked-round. Dorsal edge: sinuate to entire (80%), lobed to sinuate. Ventral edge: lobed to sinuate (60%), sinuate to entire, dentate to sinuate. Profile: flattened. Rostrum and antirostrum orientation: in agreement. Rostrum: developed. Antirostrum: developed (80%), underdeveloped. Sulcus acusticus: position: median; orientation: horizontal; opening: ostial; morphology: heterosulcoid; colliculum: heteromorphic; ostium: funnel-like (80%), tubular; cauda: tubular straight.

The small number of otoliths examined did not allow statistical analysis of the data but their morphometric characteristics are shown below:

Shape indices Mean±Sd Minimum Maximum OL/TL (%) 0.71±0.05 0.65 0.71 OH/OL (%) 34.24±1.77 32.02 37.50 OT/OL (%) 12.91±1.2 11.18 14.68 OT/OH (%) 37.67±2.48 33.62 41.13 Circularity 26.45±2.34 23.04 30.81 Rectangularity 0.66±0.02 0.63 0.69

Lepidopus altifrons Parin & Collette 1993 Plate 28

Shape: fusiform (76%), lanceolated, fusiform to lanceolated. Anterior region: peaked (76%), lanceolated. Posterior region: round (63%), flattened, oblique, angled-round. Dorsal edge: sinuate to entire (74%), entire. Ventral edge: lobed to entire (54%), lobed to sinuate, entire, sinuate to entire. Profile: flattened. Rostrum and antirostrum orientation: in agreement (79%), does not apply. Rostrum: developed. Antirostrum: underdeveloped (56%), developed, absent. Sulcus acusticus: position: median; orientation: horizontal; opening: ostial; morphology: heterosulcoid; colliculum: heteromorphic; ostium: funnel-like; cauda: tubular straight.

Statistical differences (p<0.05) within some length classes were obtained for shape, anterior and posterior regions, dorsal and ventral edges, rostrum and antirostrum orientation and antirostrum development. Along the growth development statistical differences were found for shape, anterior and posterior regions.

Shape indices Mean±Sd Minimum Maximum OL/TL (%) 0.86±0.08 0.67 1.14 OH/OL (%) 34.68±1.94 29.01 40.16 OT/OL (%) 11.53±1.28 8.80 15.60 OT/OH (%) 33.28±3.52 26.70 43.80 Circularity 23.82±1.83 19.25 29.49 Rectangularity 0.67±0.02 0.61 0.74

Trichiurus lepturus Linnaeus 1758 Plate 29

Shape: fusiform. Anterior region: peaked. Posterior region: blunt to peaked (56%), peaked-round, peaked, angled. Dorsal edge: sinuate (89%), lobed to sinuate. Ventral edge: sinuate (69%), lobed to sinuate, lobed, entire. Profile: concave-convex. Rostrum and antirostrum orientation: in agreement (72%), does not apply. Rostrum: developed. Antirostrum: underdeveloped (61%), absent, developed. Sulcus acusticus: position: median; orientation: horizontal; opening: ostial; morphology: heterosulcoid; colliculum: heteromorphic; ostium: funnel-like (98%), elliptic; cauda: tubular straight.

Statistical differences (p<0.05) within some length classes were obtained for posterior region, dorsal and ventral edges, rostrum and antirostrum orientation, antirostrum development, and ostium morphology. Along the growth statistical differences were found only for the posterior region.

Shape indices Mean±Sd Minimum Maximum OL/TL (%) 0.78±0.26 0.40 2.42 OH/OL (%) 38.97±1.99 32.80 44.67 OT/OL (%) 19.02±1.65 14.96 23.63 OT/OH (%) 48.83±3.65 38.51 57.70 Circularity 20.34±2.04 0.06 28.63 Rectangularity 0.70±0.04 0.66 0.75


Katsuwonus pelamis (Linnaeus 1758) Plate 30

Shape: rectangular to lanceolated. Anterior region: lanceolated-round. Posterior region: double-peaked-round. Dorsal edge: sinuate to entire. Ventral edge: dentate to lobed. Profile: concave-convex. Rostrum and antirostrum orientation: in agreement. Rostrum: developed. Antirostrum: underdeveloped (50%), developed (50%). Pseudorostrum: developed. Pseudoantirostrum: underdeveloped (50%), developed (50%). Sulcus acusticus: position: median; orientation: horizontal; opening: ostio-caudal; morphology: heterosulcoid; colliculum: heteromorphic; ostium: funnel-like; cauda: tubular slightly curved.

The small number of otoliths examined did not permit the statistical analysis of the data but their morphometric characteristics are shown below:

Shape indices Mean±Sd Minimum Maximum OL/TL (%) 1.04±0.02 1.02 1.05 OH/OL (%) 45.02±1.8 43.75 46.29 OT/OL (%) 19.40±0.91 18.75 20.04 OT/OH (%) 43.07±0.31 42.86 43.29 Circularity 38.26±5.34 34.49 42.04 Rectangularity 0.63±0.03 0.61 0.65


Ariomma bondi Fowler 1930 Plate 31

Shape: elliptic to lanceolated (72%), elliptic, elliptic to discoidal. Anterior region: lanceolated (65%), peaked. Posterior region: round (75%), flattened, oblique, double-peaked. Dorsal edge: lobed to sinuate (56%), lobed, entire, sinuate to entire. Ventral edge: lobed to sinuate (58%), lobed, sinuate to entire. Profile: concave-convex. Rostrum and antirostrum orientation: in agreement (91%), in disagreement, does not apply. Rostrum: developed. Antirostrum: underdeveloped (70%), developed, absent. Pseudorostrum and Pseudoantirostrum: absent. Sulcus acusticus: position: median; orientation: ascending (57%), horizontal; opening: ostial (94%), ostio-caudal; morphology: heterosulcoid; colliculum: heteromorphic; ostium: funnel-like; cauda: tubular slightly curved (50%), tubular strongly curved, tubular straight, round-oval.

Statistical differences (p<0.05) within some length classes were obtained for shape, anterior and posterior regions, dorsal and ventral edges, rostrum and antirostrum orientation, antirostrum development, sulcus acusticus orientation and opening and cauda morphology. Along growth development statistical differences were found for shape, anterior and posterior regions, dorsal edge, sulcus acusticus orientation and cauda morphology.

Shape indices Mean±Sd Minimum Maximum OL/TL (%) 2.82±0.25 2.03 3.67 OH/OL (%) 58.90±6.18 44.11 84.21 OT/OL (%) 9.07±2.66 4.68 18.18 OT/OH (%) 15.29±3.57 8.33 24.39 Circularity 21.08±3.57 10.45 31.01 Rectangularity 0.67±0.04 0.58 0.94


Peprilus paru Linnaeus 1758 Plate 32

Shape: elliptic (60%), fusiform, discoidal to elliptic. Anterior region: peaked. Posterior region: angled (33%), round, oblique, angled-round. Dorsal edge: sinuate to entire (65%), lobed, lobed to sinuate, dentate to sinuate. Ventral edge: sinuate to entire (49%), lobed, lobed to sinuate, dentate to sinuate. Profile: concave-convex. Rostrum and antirostrum orientation: in agreement (90%), in disagreement, does not apply. Rostrum: developed. Antirostrum: underdeveloped (75%), developed, absent. Pseudorostrum and Pseudoantirostrum: absent. Sulcus acusticus: position: median; orientation: horizontal; opening: ostial; morphology: heterosulcoid; colliculum: heteromorphic; ostium: funnel-like; cauda: tubular slightly curved (62%), tubular straight.

Statistical differences (p<0.05) within some length classes were obtained for shape, posterior region, dorsal and ventral edges, rostrum and antirostrum orientation, antirostrum development and cauda morphology. Along the development statistical differences were found for shape, posterior region, dorsal and ventral edges.

Shape indices Mean±Sd Minimum Maximum OL/TL (%) 4.00±0.60 2.92 5.85 OH/OL (%) 56.35±8.71 45.41 78.40 OT/OL (%) 10.20±2.17 7.98 18.41 OT/OH (%) 18.00±1.40 14.79 23.57 Circularity 21.59±2.62 17.47 31.24 Rectangularity 0.67±0.02 0.64 0.71


Antigonia capros Lowe 1843 Plate 33

Shape: rhomboidal (88%), tall. Anterior region: double-peaked (60%), double-peaked-round, peaked, angled. Posterior region: angled-round (67%), round. Dorsal edge: sinuate to entire (51%), lobed to sinuate, dentate to sinuate, entire. Ventral edge: sinuate to entire (81%), lobed to sinuate, serrate to sinuate, entire. Profile: plane-convex. Rostrum and antirostrum orientation: in agreement (97%), does not apply. Rostrum: developed (85%), underdeveloped. Antirostrum: underdeveloped (51%), developed (47%), absent. Pseudorostrum and Pseudoantirostrum: absent. Sulcus acusticus: position: supramedian; orientation: ascending; opening: ostial (86%), ostio-caudal; morphology: heterosulcoid; colliculum: heteromorphic; ostium: bent; cauda: tubular straight (84%), tubular strongly curved, tubular slightly curved.

Statistical differences (p<0.05) within some length classes were obtained for shape, anterior and posterior regions, dorsal and ventral edges, rostrum and antirostrum orientation and development, sulcus acusticus opening and cauda morphology. Along the growth statistical differences were found for shape, anterior region, dorsal edge, antirostrum development and cauda morphology.

Shape indices Mean±Sd Minimum Maximum OL/TL (%) 5.38±0.79 3.97 7.72 OH/OL (%) 117.97±13.13 81.88 149.47 OT/OL (%) 22.84±3.94 14.80 31.95 OT/OH (%) 19.34±2.29 14.39 25.84 Circularity 18.06±1.92 14.37 23.02 Rectangularity 0.66±0.04 0.62 0.86


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Plate 1
Illustrations (above) and photos (below) of Archosargus rhomboidalis otoliths from fish with total lengths: A. 115 mm; B. 160 mm. The medial face is shown in A1, B1; the lateral face in A2, B2; and the ventral profile in A3, B3 (Illustrations and Photos: Alexandre Arackawa).

Plate 2
Illustrations (above) and photos (below) of Calamus penna otolith from a fish with 167 mm total length. The medial face is shown in A1; the lateral face in A2; and the ventral profile in A3 (Illustrations and Photos: Alexandre Arackawa).

Plate 3
Illustrations (above) and photos (below) of Pagrus pagrus otoliths from fish with total lengths: A. 69 mm; B. 153 mm; C. 273 mm. The medial face is shown in A1, B1, C1; the lateral face in A2, B2, C2; and the ventral profile in A3, B3, C3 (Illustrations: Alexandre Arackawa; Photos: Alexandre

Plate 4
Illustrations (above) and photos (below) of Cynoscion leiarchus otoliths from fish with total lengths: A. 229 mm; B. 292 mm. The medial face is shown in A1, B1; the lateral face in A2, B2; and the ventral profile in A3, B3 (Illustrations and Photos: Alexandre Arackawa).

Plate 5
Illustrations (above) and photos (below) of Polydactylus virginicus otoliths from fish with total lengths: A. 215 mm; B. 344 mm. The medial face is shown in A1, B1; the lateral face in A2, B2; and the ventral profile in A3, B3 (Illustrations and Photos: Alexandre Arackawa).

Plate 6
Illustrations (above) and photos (below) of Mullus argentinae otoliths from fish with total lengths: A. 129 mm; B. 192 mm; C. 243 mm. The medial face is shown in A1, B1, C1; the lateral face in A2, B2, C2; and the ventral profile in A3, B3, C3 (Illustrations: Laura Montserrat; Photos: Cesar Santificetur).

Plate 7
Illustrations (above) and photos (below) of Upeneus parvus otoliths from fish with total lengths: A. 84 mm; B. 129 mm; C. 175 mm. The medial face is shown in A1, B1, C1; the lateral face in A2, B2, C2; and the ventral profile in A3, B3, C3 (Illustrations: Laura Montserrat; Photos: Cesar Santificetur).

Plate 8
Illustrations (above) and photos (below) of Kyphosus incisor otolith from a fish with 254 mm total length. The medial face is shown in A1; the lateral face in A2; and the ventral profile in A3 (Illustrations: Laura Montserrat; Photos: Cesar Santificetur).

Plate 9
Illustrations (above) and photos (below) of Kyphosus sectatrix otoliths from fish with total lengths: A. 280 mm; B. 454 mm. The medial face is shown in A1, B1; the lateral face in A2, B2; and the ventral profile in A3, B3 (Illustrations: Laura Montserrat; Photos: Cesar Santificetur).

Plate 10
Illustrations (above) and photos (below) of Chaetodon striatus otolith from a fish with 149 mm total length. The medial face is shown in A1; the lateral face in A2; and the ventral profile in A3 (Illustrations: Laura Montserrat; Photos: Cesar Santificetur).

Plate 11
Illustrations (above) and photos (below) of Mugil curema otoliths from fish with total lengths: A. 29 mm; B. 259 mm; C. 422 mm. The medial face is shown in A1, B1, C1; the lateral face in A2, B2, C2; and the ventral profile in A3, B3, C3 (Illustrations: Laura Montserrat; Photos: Cesar Santificetur).

Plate 12
Illustrations (above) and photos (below) of Mugil liza otolith from a fish with 373 mm total length. The medial face is shown in A1; the lateral face in A2; and the ventral profile in A3 (Illustrations: Laura Montserrat; Photos: Cesar Santificetur).

Plate 13
Illustrations (above) and photos (below) of Nicholsina usta otolith from a fish with 175 mm total length. The medial face is shown in A1; the lateral face in A2; and the ventral profile in A3 (Illustrations: Laura Montserrat; Photos: Cesar Santificetur).

Plate 14
Illustrations (above) and photos (below) of Bembrops heterurus otoliths from fish with total lengths: A. 73 mm; B. 134 mm; C. 200 mm. The medial face is shown in A1, B1, C1; the lateral face in A2, B2, C2; and the ventral profile in A3, B3, C3 (Illustrations: Laura Montserrat; Photos: Cesar Santificetur).

Plate 15
Illustrations (above) and photos (below) of Percophis brasiliensis otoliths from fish with total lengths: A. 284 mm; B. 430 mm; C. 590 mm. The medial face is shown in A1, B1, C1; the lateral face in A2, B2, C2; and the ventral profile in A3, B3, C3 (Illustrations: Laura Montserrat; Photos: Cesar Santificetur).

Plate 16
Illustrations (above) and photos (below) of Pseudopercis numida otoliths from fish with total lengths: A. 128 mm; B. 467 mm. The medial face is shown in A1, B1; the lateral face in A2, B2; and the ventral profile in A3, B3 (Illustrations and Photos: Alexandre Arackawa).

Plate 17
Illustrations (above) and photos (below) of Scartella cristata otolith from a fish with 22 mm total length. The medial face is shown in A1; the lateral face in A2; and the ventral profile in A3 (Illustrations: Silvia de Almeida Gonsales; Photos: Cesar Santificetur).

Plate 18
Illustrations (above) and photos (below) of Bathygobius soporator otoliths from fish with total lengths: A. 13 mm; B. 75 mm; C. 131 mm. The medial face is shown in A1, B1, C1; the lateral face in A2, B2, C2; and the ventral profile in A3, B3, C3 (Illustrations: Silvia de Almeida Gonsales; Photos: Cesar Santificetur).

Plate 19
Illustrations (above) and photos (below) of Ctenogobius smaragdus otolith from a fish with 45 mm total length. The medial face is shown in A1; the lateral face in A2; and the ventral profile in A3 (Illustrations: Silvia de Almeida Gonsales; Photos: Cesar Santificetur).

Plate 20
Illustrations (above) and photos (below) of Ctenogobius boleosoma otoliths from fish with total lengths: A. 17 mm; B. 55 mm. The medial face is shown in A1, B1; the lateral face in A2, B2; and the ventral profile in A3, B3 (Illustrations: Silvia de Almeida Gonsales; Photos: Cesar Santificetur).

Plate 21
Illustrations (above) and photos (below) of Chaetodipterus faber otoliths from fish with total lengths: A. 20 mm; B. 114 mm; C. 283 mm. The medial face is shown in A1, B1, C1; the lateral face in A2, B2, C2; and the ventral profile in A3, B3, C3 (Illustrations: Laura Montserrat; Photos: Cesar Santificetur).

Plate 22
Illustrations (above) and photos (below) of Sphyraena barracuda otoliths from a fish with 563 mm total lengths. The medial face is shown in A1; the lateral face in A2; and the ventral profile in A3 (Illustrations and Photos: Alexandre Arackawa).

Plate 23
Illustrations (above) and photos (below) of Sphyraena guachancho otoliths from fish with total lengths: A. 140 mm; B. 309 mm; C. 455 mm. The medial face is shown in A1, B1, C1; the lateral face in A2, B2, C2; and the ventral profile in A3, B3, C3 (Illustrations and Photos: Alexandre Arackawa).

Plate 24
Illustrations (above) and photos (below) of Sphyraena tome otolith from a fish with 412 mm total length. The medial face is shown in A1; the lateral face in A2; and the ventral profile in A3 (Illustrations and Photos: Alexandre Arackawa).

Plate 25
Illustrations (above) and photos (below) of Thyrsitops lepidopoides otoliths from fish with total length: A. 29 mm; B. 197 mm; C. 308 mm. The medial face is shown in A1, B1, C1; the lateral face in A2, B2, C2; and the ventral profile in A3, B3, C3 (Illustrations: Laura Montserrat; Photos: Cesar Santificetur).

Plate 26
Illustrations (above) and photos (below) of Benthodesmus elongates otoliths from fish with total lengths: A. 259 mm; B. 370 mm; C. 494 mm. The medial face is shown in A1, B1, C1; the lateral face in A2, B2, C2; and the ventral profile in A3, B3, C3 (Illustrations: Laura Montserrat; Photos: Cesar Santificetur).

Plate 27
Illustrations (above) and photos (below) of Evoxymetopon taeniatus otoliths from fish with total lengths: A. 512 mm; B. 1640 mm. The medial face is shown in A1, B1; the lateral face in A2, B2; and the ventral profile in A3, B3 (Illustrations: Laura Montserrat; Photos: Cesar Santificetur).

Plate 28
Illustrations (above) and photos (below) of Lepidopus altifrons otoliths from fish with total length: A. 256 mm; B. 530 mm; C. 795 mm. The medial face is shown in A1, B1, C1; the lateral face in A2, B2, C2; and the ventral profile in A3, B3, C3 (Illustrations: Laura Montserrat; Photos: Cesar Santificetur).

Plate 29
Illustrations (above) and photos (below) of Trichiurus lepturus otoliths from fish with total lengths: A. 745 mm; B. 903 mm; C. 1825 mm. The medial face is shown in A1, B1, C1; the lateral face in A2, B2, C2; and the ventral profile in A3, B3, C3 (Illustrations: Laura Montserrat; Photos: Cesar Santificetur).

Plate 30
Illustrations (above) and photos (below) of Katsuwonus pelamis otoliths from fish with total lengths: A. 375 mm; B. 473 mm. The medial face is shown in A1, B1; the lateral face in A2, B2; and the ventral profile in A3, B3 (Illustrations: Laura Montserrat; Photos: Cesar Santificetur).

Plate 31
Illustrations (above) and photos (below) of Ariomma bondi otoliths from fish with total lengths: A. 17 mm; B. 103 mm; C. 191 mm. The medial face is shown in A1, B1, C1; the lateral face in A2, B2, C2; and the ventral profile in A3, B3, C3 (Illustrations: Laura Montserrat; Photos: Cesar Santificetur).

Plate 32
Illustrations (above) and photos (below) of Peprilus paru otoliths from fish with total lengths: A. 37 mm; B. 168 mm; C. 301 mm. The medial face is shown in A1, B1, C1; the lateral face in A2, B2, C2; and the ventral profile in A3, B3, C3 (Illustrations: Laura Montserrat; Photos: Cesar Santificetur).

Plate 33
Illustrations (above) and photos (below) of Antigonia capros otoliths from fish with total lengths: A. 35 mm; B. 112 mm; C. 191 mm. The medial face is shown in A1, B1, C1; the lateral face in A2, B2, C2; and the ventral profile in A3, B3, C3 (Illustrations and Photos: Alexandre Arackawa).

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    Apr-Jun 2017


  • Received
    18 July 2016
  • Accepted
    22 Nov 2016
Universidade de São Paulo, Instituto Oceanográfico Praça do Oceanográfico, 191 , 05508-120 Cidade Universitária, São Paulo - SP - Brasil, Tel.: (55 11) 3091-6501, Fax: (55 11) 3032-3092 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil