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Exerc Sci > Volume 16(1); 2007 > Article
Exercise Science 2007;16(1): 39-46. doi: https://doi.org/10.15857/ksep.2007.16.1.39
7-10RM 방식에 의한 대학 레슬링 선수 1-RM 간접 추정식의 정확성
윤재량1, 임승길2
Accuracy of 1-RM prediction equations from 7-10RM in college wrestlers
Yoon, J.R., Lim, S.K. Accuracy of 1-RM prediction equations from 7-10RM in college wrestlers. Exercise Science, 16(1): 39-46, 2007. This study examined the accuracy of 1-repetition maximum (1-RM) prediction equations from 7-10RM on bench press, lat pull down, squat for 34 college wrestlers(21.2±0.98 years). All subjects were completed 1-RM and 7-10RM test by bench press, lat pull down, squat. 1-RM and 7-10RM test protocols were applied modified NSCA 1-RM measuring protocol. One-Way ANOVA was applied to identify whether the predicted values were significantly different from the actual 1-RM measurement. And correlation was applied to access the accuracy of using the predicted 1-RM by generating coefficients between predicted and actual 1-RM measurements. Significance was determined at the 0.05 level of significance. There was no significant difference between the actual 1-RM and the 6 predicted 1-RM scores of wrestlers. Correlations between the actual 1-RM and the 6 predicted 1-RM scores demonstrated a positive relationships for all exercise(bench press: r=.910~.924; lat pull down: r=.844~.855; squat: r=.906~.930). Brazyki, Epley, Lander, O'Conner et al., Lee and Lim equations are accurately and useful methods when 7-10RM is apply.
Key words: 1-RM, prediction equations, 7-10RM, wrestling
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