
The traffic condition in Off-ramp of urban freeway is quite influenced by the traffic situation of urban street. Increased traffic volume on the urban streets affects the volume of exiting traffic, and the queue on the off-ramp in turn affects the main stream of freeways. Therefore it is needed to develop control strategy in order to maximize the capacity of urban freeway off-ramps, thereby maintain the main stream volume. This model which minimize the total delay times on the urban freeway off-ramp by adjusting the traffic signal of the urban street which the ramp are located in between, with conditions of traffic volume, length of the link, signal interval, queue length. As we test this model with different traffic volume, it is evaluated that we can maximize the capacity of the traffic volume on the off-ramp by taking elastic green time based on the traffic volume of the advancing intersection. The simulated test on this control model clearly shows increased traffic volume on both off-ramp and urban street compared to non-controlled or previous control model, specially our control model minimizes the average delay times and therefore helps increasing the efficiency of off-ramp. In conclusion, it is studied that the urban freeway main stream traffic capacity could be increased by minimizing the influence of the traffic on the out-ramps through off-ramp control model that we propose.


내부링크, 선형계획법, 외부링크, 진출램프제어, 총지체시간


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