
Classical Chinese is observed to feature word-class flexibility, in the sense that there are lexicon that can be used to serve the functions of two or more traditional word classes, without the functional change being marked by any derivational means. This is a peculiarity of ancient Chinese grammar, and also is regarded as the most important reason for the difficulty of reading ancient Chinese texts. So after the first Chinese grammar book MaShiWenTong which was published, successive Chinese grammar books have tried to explain word-class flexibility and this is still in progress. This paper examines the establishment process of the flexibility of the part of speech theory from the perspective of research history and reveal the differences in setting scope, type of items, and criteria for the use of parts of speech in each grammar book. Based on this, it is expected that it will be possible to revise and supplement the theory of parts of speech and to solidify the system of parts of speech in ancient Chinese.


품사활용(Flexibility in the Parts of Speech System, Flexibility in word class), 마씨문통(MaShiWenTong), 문법초창(Guo WenFaCaoChuang), 고대 중국어(Classical Chinese), 고대 중국어 문법(Classical Chinese grammar), 중국어 품사(Chinese parts of speech).


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