
Nietzsche was introduced to China as a writer in the early 20th century, and he had a greater influence in the literary world than in the philosophical world. Lu Xun was a pioneer of modern Chinese literature and a crucial figure in the process of Nietzsche's sinicization. He is known as “China's Nietzsche”. In the 1920s, Lu Xun had become the center of the literary world. The canonization of Lu Xun in the literary world and the Sinicization of Nietzsche were a complementary process. At this time, Shen Congwen, another classic writer in the history of modern Chinese literature, appeared in the literary world, but he was only a marginal figure. With the gradual canonization of Shen Congwen, he opened up a new realm of “Lu Xun's Nietzsche” in the second half of the 1920s and deepened Nietzsche's influence in China. It is generally believed that,after 1925, Nietzsche's upsurge in China has ebbed, but from the perspective of Shen Congwen's acceptance of Nietzsche's art and aesthetics, Nietzsche not only did not “ebb” in literary and artistic aesthetics, but was continued and deepened in modern Chinese literature.


弗里德里希・威廉・尼采, 鲁迅, 沈从文, 接受, 经典化, 中国化, 中心和边缘


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