
This study investigates the phonetic adaptation of syllable final [p], [t], [k], [m], [l] from Korean to Chinese based on stochastic Optimality Theory. Since [p], [t], [k], [m], [l] are prohibited at the coda position in Chinese, they were variably repaired to satisfy native phonotactics. After describing the variable adaptation patterns of K-pop lyrics and basic Korean expressions shared on Baidu Zhidao, specific weights of regarding constraints were calculated based on machine learning using Maximum Entropy Modeling. Theoretical implications on the non-typical quality of epenthetic vowels, the preferences for consonant deletion, and the irrelevance between preceeding vowels and adaptation typology were discussed. To conclude, phonotactics on Chinese syllable final position conveys both non-categorical and categorical characteristics at the same time.


음역(phonetic borrowing), 한중 언어접촉(Korean-Sino language contact), 한류(Korean Wave), 음절 말 자음(syllable final consonant), 적응(adaptation), 차용어 음운론(loanword phonology), 확률적 최적성이론(stochastic Optimality Theory), 최대 엔트로피 모형(Maximum Entropy Model), 기계학습(machine learning).


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