
This paper examined the frequency and vocabulary repetition frequency of vocabulary in three kinds of Third grade textbooks on the market. Class Third grade textbooks are students whose target audience is Third grade. The vocabulary of the textbook should also take the Third grade, the third grade vocabulary. However, as a result of the analysis, the vocabulary of grade 4 or higher appeared in all three textbooks. 73% for A textbooks, 71% for B textbooks and 75% for C textbooks. There were a lot of vocabulary other than the grade. 54% for A textbooks, 51% for B textbooks, 53% for C textbooks and 49% for D textbooks. Compared to the 600 words of the 3rd grade vocabulary presented in “International Chinese Language Teaching Vocabulary” (2014), the number of proper vocabulary of the 3rd grade of the three kinds of teaching materials was quite high. 66% for A textbooks, 61% for B textbooks, and 75% for C textbooks. I examined the number of vocabulary repetition of three kinds of teaching materials on the market. Carpay (1975) was applied to investigate the proportion of vocabulary that appeared more than four times. The average grade A to grade 1~6 was 27%, the textbook B was 26%, and the textbook C was 26%. At least 26% and 27%, respectively. It is not easy to use grade 3 vocabulary (including Grades 1 and 2) when organizing Third grade textbooks. You may also use several classes of vocabulary depending on the purpose of the textbook. However, if a Third grade textbook is used, it is reasonable to use a vocabulary lower than the third grade for the purpose.


Third, Lexical rating, number of repetitions of vocabulary, statistics, corpus, textbook


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