
This paper aims to categorize and analyze the embedded constructions in old chinese. first, this paper divides the embedded constructions into three: nominal clauses, attributive clauses and adverbial clauses. nominal clauses can appear in subject, object and Predicate position. Subject Clauses usually express truth, certainty, or difficulty, and they namely evaluates something. and in object Clause, they often combine with perceive-cognize-utter verbs. Predicative Clauses also express judgment. in old chinese, nominal clauses habitually use complementizer ‘zhi(之)’. this phenomenon is similar to english and korean. attributive clauses include relative clause and an appositive relative clause. relative clauses is marked with ‘suo(所)’, ‘zhe(者)’, ‘zhi(之)’, and they represent object and subject. an appositive relative clauses are not yet existed in old chinese. adverbial clauses are still highly ambiguous with subordinate constructions. the obscurity of the two clauses is related to degree of grammaticalzation. this paper defines adverbial clause as it shares one subject and appears in simple sentence. The markers of adverbial clauses use yi(而) and yi(以).


내포문(embedded constructions), 명사절(nominal clauses), 관형절(attributive clauses), 부사절(adverbial clauses)


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