
Song dynasty is the period that various cultures had developed as the cultures from previous generations were passed on while enjoyed the social and economic abundance. Completion of imperial examination system, growth of citizen class, and diffusion of culture manifested Song dynasty’s popular, secular and utilitarian character, and the cultural feature that contained folk belief centered on shrine under the atmosphere of integration of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism is prominent. Main beliefs that appear in ≪Yijianzhi≫ are Cheng Huang, Tu di, Wu Tong, Zi Tong, there folk beliefs showed certain characteristics. Cheng Huang and Tu di had distinct tendency of satellization following the development of economy and cities. Wu Tong reflected the psychology on faith of Chinese seeking utilitarian goal and emphasized secular social atmosphere due to rapid growth of economy. Zi Tong, typical product that was created by the experience of transformation influenced under the Song dynasty imperial examination, especially reflected on the class of intelligence.


夷堅志, 宋代, 民間信仰, 祠廟, 사회문화특색


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