
This essay compares the serial story “Overseas Chinese” published on Korean Joongang Daily and the book Stories about My Sixty Years in Korea published in Taiwan, both written by Qin Yuguang, the second generation of overseas Chinese in Korea, in order to discuss how overseas Chinese in Korea perceived local country, Korea, and their home country, Republic of China (in Qin’s case, that is Taiwan), and how they pursued their way of life between the two sites. In other words, it explores the reasons and backgrounds that contributed to the differences between the Korean version “Overseas Chinese” and the Chinese version Stories about My Sixty Years in Korea. In addition, it discusses the different images of overseas Chinese in Korea in the minds of Qin’s Korean audience and Taiwan audience by analyzing these differences rising during the process of translation. This examination highlights the multidimensional geopolitical niches in which the spatial difference between home country and local country was formed for the overseas Chinese in Korea who expressed their aspirations to overseas life through such kind of delicate as well as sophisticated political narrative.


화교, 번역, 정치적 글쓰기, 한국, 타이완


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