
Educational comics is a genre of comics which has educational functions of conveying knowledge and information in interesting and effective ways. By adopting the perspective of critical discourse analysis (CDA), this study aims to develop types of selective appropriation as revealed in Chinese translation of educational comic books in Korean society, and to analyze its specific cases. Selective appropriation refers to a “phenomenon of transforming original or source texts (ST) by means of ommission, addition, or replacement to strengten, weaken, or beautify a particular part of narratives contained in the texts in the process of translation.” According to the results of analyzing Korean educational comic books translated into Chinese, strategies of selective appropriation were largely implemented with two purposes: 1) to maintain and succeed to collective memories of text recipient groups and 2) to provide alternative information that is more necessary from the viewpoint of text recipients. The first type of selective appropriation was materialized in a strategy of “making in-group positive and out-group negative,” while the second type included sub-strategies of “replacing source texts with medium in the in-group similar to ST contexts” and “revising them with Chinese-based data.”


학습만화, CDA, 선택적 전유, 집단기억, 한중번역


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