
This study aims to explore current situation of interpreting students' self-directed learning after class based on expertise & collaborative learning theory. The observation of students' study diary and group study was proceeded during the first semester of 2014. And that result was transcribed and analyzed in terms of type, group size, time, topic, text and method. To acquire interpretation skill and reach expert-level interpretation skills, students need constant and deliberate practices. This concept is known as "deliberate practice", and in interpretation study, it refers to self-directed learning (individual and group study) after class. Although self-directed leaning is crucial for improving students' interpretation skill, unless it is well organized, can not lead to expected results/ effects. To elaborate, i) students experienced difficulties in tuning up individual study and group study, ii) they didn't realize exactly the goal of various learning activities and iii) they didn't have enough competence to set the goal, evaluate, and manage group study. To this end, the author proposes an integrated learning model regrouping individual learning and collaborative learning. And the author claims the development of Self-Directed Leaning Evaluation Scale to maximize the effectiveness of students' self-directed leaning. A close communication between the teacher and the students is needed for a virtuous circle among classroom teaching and students' self-planned and self-conducted learning.


Self-Directed Learning, Expertise Theory, Collaborative Learning Theory, Integrated Learning Model, Self-Directed Learning Evaluation Scale


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