
Over the last few decades changes have occurred in the definitions of translation, and the notions of communication and function have contributed significantly to enrichment in translation studies as a whole. However, when real situations in translation classes in Korea are taken into account, students’ insufficient competence in both English and Korean languages seems to be one of the main causes of errors in translations, a topic which has not received much attention in recent times. This paper discusses the importance of the rules of language in both English and Korean and presents different kinds of language errors found in translations from English into Korean. This originate from a longitudinal study of errors made by students from four translation classes following the same program at Macquarie University in Sydney and at Korea University in Seoul. The results of the study not only identify typical errors of Korean translation students at postgraduate level, but they also clearly demonstrate the need to include in the curriculum elements designed to improve the linguistic abilities of students in both their first and second language.


translation from English into Korean. Translation competence. Language competence. Grammatical competence. Translation teaching.


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