
The purpose of this paper is to examine readability of children’s literature translations in terms of sentences and clauses. To this end, English-Korean translations are compared with non-translations. The age bracket of children for this study is about 11-14. In a recent study which compared translations for children and adult readers, children's translations had significantly more sentences segmented and simplified sentence structure of the source texts(Sung 2010). This paper seeks to gauge such differences against non-translated books for children. If children's translations have shorter sentences and simpler structure, they then need to be compared with non-translations as a part of efforts to find out how they are accepted by children. In particular, this study focuses on the length of clauses and sentences between translations and non-translations. The results showed that the translations had longer sentences and determinative clauses. Overall, the results indicates that the translations, with their longer sentences and clauses, are more similar to the Korean language textbooks of junior high school than those of elementary school. Strategies to enhance readability in terms of syntax are also discussed.


readability, children's literature translations, sentences, clauses, non-translations


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