
This paper explores the role of the translator as an ethical agent of social change focusing on paratexts as the site for the translator's intervention. Based on Maria Tymoczko's proposal that translation is a metastatment, i.e. a text about a text, the paper maintains that the use of Orwell's literary persona was a specific translation strategy aimed for political intervention in the time of intense dictatorship from mid 1970s through 80s. In order to demonstrate the way Orwell's literary persona was appropriated for political purpose, the paper discusses the general picture of intellectuals in the time of political repression, which can be characterized as the cycle of repression-dissidence-further repression-further dissidence. It shows that, in the given circumstances, translators as intellectuals also had the same aspirations and frustrations, and Orwell as an engaged writer was a model intellectual. The paper claims that hard covered bindings secured the translator's anonymity whereas recreation of Orwell's literary reputation or his literary persona through Orwell materials inside functioned as an effective means of social engagement for the muted intellectuals at the time.


Animal Farm, translator, Orwell's literary persona, paratexts, political appropriation, speech acts


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