
This study has three main purposes; firstly, what this paper discusses is that ultimately for what different translated texts or translations are faithful. For this, from the competition for publication and the controversy over translation related to aforementioned the Great Gatsby, the different translations of the original text produced by different translators have been classified as ‘a faithful rendering of the original text’ or ‘a readable translation for readers. The second purpose of this study is to determine the general readers' views concerning produced translation texts and what they think about ‘faithfulness to the general readers’. To do this, this paper pays attention to the readers' response after they have read the different translated texts of the same original texts and the respondents' reply in the survey for the questionnaires related with notions of ‘fidelity/faithfulness’ and ‘readability’. The third purpose of this study is to reconsider recently emerged the general readers on the authority of the results of the study for first and second purposes. In academic circles of translation, these two notions, fidelity and readability, have been used confusedly and arbitrarily. Illuminating targets of ‘fidelity to the general readers’ in this study has significance for translators who are in a dilemma of ‘fidelity.’


문학번역, 충실성, 위대한 개츠비, 가독성


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