
Purpose - The purpose of this study is to analyze the user requirements and developer requirements in virtual reality(VR), and suggest ways to increase the satisfaction of users who experience virtual reality. Specifically, focused on experience store of VR as a distribution retailer, user requirements were analyzed according to the results of previous research that the characteristics of Affordance, Presence, and Head Mounted Display (HMD) affect user satisfaction. Research, design, data, and methodology - Based on previous studies, in this study, we analyzed the importance of immerse, interaction, perception, and presence for the satisfaction of the user through the questionnaire, and the user experiences virtual reality (VR) The importance of HMD, Presence, Affordance, and experience satisfaction were analyzed. Based on this, we analyzed the user requirements and the developer requirements based on the questionnaires and interviews of the experts, starting from the user 's desire or preference using QFD technique. Results - As a result of the analysis, the development factors that occupied a big part in the virtual reality field appeared to be visual. In detail, this showed that there was a lack of sense of presence for users. This should be improved. This paper shows that the requirements for visual, auditory, and tactile development are necessary. For the satisfaction of the users of virtual reality (VR) users, it is necessary to develop them according to their priority in consideration of importance and difficulty in the future. Conclusions - In this study, it was suggested that development according to priority should be considered, considering the difficulty level. Based on the results of this study, the following suggestions are made. First, we tried to search the list of user requirements as much as possible, but it is likely to change due to the development of VR technology. Therefore, it is necessary for developers to continually supplement user requirements with recent research literature. Second, development priorities according to difficulty level should be considered. This aspect should be considered in the actual VR development process, so if the numerical value of the difficulty is calculated, it should be presented in the research.


Virtual Reality, Affordance, Presence, Quality Function Deployment, Experience Store.


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