
This article, from a conversation analytic perspective, reports findings about the use of incey/icey (‘now’), a Korean time adverb, used as a discourse marker in storytelling sequences, focusing on two types of contexts; a second story (Sacks 1992) and a defensive telling. The use of incey is examined in the dimensions of sequence and TCU organization, with reference to its indexical properties with which the storyteller orients the story-recipient to the upshot of the story by way of prefacing descriptive details as preliminary material. A related crucial feature of incey-prefaced material is noted in terms of the ‘ordinariness’ of the event that it describes, with which the storyteller enhances tellability by empirically grounding his/her subjective experience. The analysis of conversational stories is related to the examination of an elicited narrative, where the discourse-organizational role of incey is further highlighted in terms of formulating background settings for introducing the next episode. It is suggested that ordinary events that incey tends to preface are interactively accorded ‘extraordinariness’, i.e., by virtue of being located in the indexical field organized by incey, in which the story-recipient is guided to orient to the projected upshot of the story whose import is impregnated in the ordinariness situated ‘here and now’ in the discourse world.


conversation analysis, storytelling, sequence, turn-constructional unit (TCU), preliminary, index, ordinary, tellability


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