
Background: In the rural environment, medicine treatment has analyzed the health behavior of some rural areas, but it is necessary to study and generalize trends of interest in the whole country. Therefore, The objective of this study is to analyze interest trends of rural health care services of rural residents in rural areas by Big Data. Methods: Big medical data collection related to rural environment medicine treatment used portal site data of social networks. The Big Data was analyzed utilizing a Textom and Ucinet6 analysis tools. Results: Among the major keywords of Big Data are ‘hospital’, ‘university’, ‘management’, ‘seat’, ‘improvement’, ‘residents’, ‘information’, ‘exercise’, ‘development’, ‘problem’, ‘Pain’, ‘Possibility’, ‘Post’, ‘Work’, ‘Relationship’ etc occupy a high rank in all analyzes such as frequency ranking, total network analysis, 4 centrality and CONCOR analysis. In rural environment medicine, the individual diseases of interest were skin, scars, atopy, acne, eyes, hyperlipidemia, stress and so on. It is also possible to find out whether the program, the longevity person, the cultivation, the village, the farm, the activity, the program, the education, the experience, etc. Conclusions: In the rural areas, they are interested in the folk medicine that can be used in the rural areas for the treatment of the diseases related to the rural areas. The lack of treatment for children and women indicated that professional information was needed, and they also expressed interest in food, life, and spatial location for long-lived villages. Specially, "atopy" and "earnestness" were included in the main words. The word ‘health center’, which is the subject of various health promotion projects, was not included in the 170 main words.


농촌 환경 의료, 빅데이터, 아토피, 고지혈증


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