Microorganismos eficaces: mito o realidad?


  • Aníbal F. Cóndor_Golec Agronomist Engineer, MSc Organic Plant Production, Researcher. Address: Calle Francisco de Cuellar 451 casa 18, Monterrico, Lima 33, Lima-Perú
  • Pablo González Pérez Agronomist Engineer, MSc Organic Farming. Address: Calle Arado 3, 4B 47014 Valladolid. Spain.
  • Chinmay Lokare BSc Botany, MSc Greenhouse Horticulture. Address: 11-12 Malati Madhay B, 819 Bhandarkar Road, Pune 411004 Maharashtra. India




The increase in population has lead to intensification of agricultural systems. Due to the use of pesticides the productivity of agricultural systems has increased but environmental deterioration and unsustainable systems are the consequences of these ways of management. The environmentally friendly Effective Microorganisms (EM) technology claims an enormous amount of benefits (claimed by the companies). The use of EM as an addictive to manure or as a spray directly in the fi elds may increase the microfauna diversity of the soil and many benefits are derived from that increase. It seems that suffi cient information is available about this new technology. Th e aim of this project is to make an analysis of the literature about EM and answer the following questions: 1) how much is known about EM?, 2) how much research is done on EM?, 3) what are the principals of EM?, what are the socio-economic implications of EM?. We want to answer these questions in order to publish the facts about EM and its socio-economic implications.


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Cómo citar

Cóndor_Golec, Aníbal F., Pablo González Pérez, and Chinmay Lokare. 2007. “Microorganismos Eficaces: Mito O Realidad?”. Revista Peruana De Biología 14 (2): 315-19. https://doi.org/10.15381/rpb.v14i2.1837.