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BY-NC-ND 3.0 license Open Access Published by De Gruyter Open Access November 11, 2016

A new approach to nonlinear singular integral operators depending on three parameters

  • Gumrah Uysal EMAIL logo
From the journal Open Mathematics


In this paper, we present some theorems on weighted approximation by two dimensional nonlinear singular integral operators in the following form:


where Λ is a set of non-negative numbers with accumulation point λ0.

MSC 2010: 41A35; 41A25; 47G10

1 Introduction

Approximation by singular integral operators is one of the oldest topics of approximation theory. Here, the concept of singular integral operator refers to the integral operator whose kernel shows the behaviour of Dirac's δ function (for the properties of δ—function, see 1). Also, singular integral operators arise from the Fourier analysis of the functions. It is well known that Fourier analysis is one of the most useful tools of many branches of science. Therefore, indicated integral operators have various applications in many academic disciplines such as physics, engineering and medicine. In fact, magnetic resonance imaging, face recognition, differential equation solving and computer aided geometric design are some of the application areas in which the indicated operators are used. For mentioned applications, we refer the reader to [2, 3].

The convergence of various type linear integral operators have been examined at characteristic points such as continuity point, μ-generalized Lebesgue point, and so on, by many researchers throughout years: one parameter family of singular integral operators [4, 5], a sequence of singular integral operators with general Poisson type kernels 6, a family of singular integral operators depending on two parameters [79], a sequence of Gegenbauer singular integrals 10 and a sequence of msingular integral operators 11. One may consider the pointwise approximation of singular integral operators in weighted Lebesgue spaces as well as usual Lebesgue spaces. Therefore, for some advanced studies concerning weighted pointwise approximation by singular integral operators, we refer the reader to [1113].

Musielak 14 studied the convergence of convolution type nonlinear integral operators in the following form:


where G is a locally compact Abelian group equipped with Haar measure and Λ≠∅ is an index set with any topology, and he extended the concept of the singularity condition via replacing the linearity property of the integral operators by an assumption of Lipschitz condition for Kα with respect to second variable. Therefore, traditional solution technics became applicable to nonlinear problems by the aid of indicated Lipschitz condition. In 15, Musielak advanced his previous analysis 14 by obtaining significant results for generalized Orlicz spaces. After this important study, Swiderski and Wachnicki 16 investigated the pointwise convergence of the operators of type (1) at p Lebesgue points of functions fLp(π,π)(1<_p<). For further results concerning the convergence of several types of nonlinear singular integral operators in different function spaces, the studies [17, 18] are strongly recommended.

In 19, Taberski studied the pointwise approximation of functions fL1(R) by convolution type two dimensional integral operators in the following form:


where R denotes a given rectangle and Kλ(t,s) denotes a kernel satisfying suitable conditions with λ∈Λ, where Λ is a given set of non-negative numbers with accumulation point λ0. The earlier results concerning the operators of type (2) were obtained by Gahariya 20, i.e., the indicated operators were handled as a sequence of double integral operators in this work. The studies [2123], which are based on Taberski's study 19, are devoted to the study of pointwise convergence of the operators of type (2) on some planar sets consisting of characteristic points (x0,y0) of various types. Later, Musielak 24 investigated the conditions under which the two dimensional counterparts of the operators of type (2) are (σ,Iφ)–conservative, where σ is a modular defined on the space of functions which are Lebesgue measurable on arbitrary closed and bounded subset of R2, and I, is a Musielak-Orlicz modular. Recently, Karsli 25 obtained the convergence of convolution type linear singular integral operators depending on three parameters at μ-generalized Lebesgue points of the integrable functions. For some studies concerning double singular integral operators in several settings, we refer the reader to [2630]. On the other hand, for some other important works related to approximation by linear and nonlinear operators in several function spaces, we refer the reader to [3137].

Let fLp(R2), is the space of all measurable functions f:R2R for which fφp is integrable on R2. Here, φ:R2R+ is aweight function satisfying suitable conditions. The norm formula for the space fL1(R) (see, e.g., [11, 13]) is given by


The main aim of this paper is to investigate both the weighted pointwise convergence and the rate of weighted pointwise convergence of nonlinear double singular integral operators of the form as such:


where Λ is a set of non-negative numbers with accumulation point λ0.

The paper is organized as follows: In Section 2, we give some preliminary concepts. In Section 3, main result is presented. In Section 4, the rate of pointwise convergence of the operators of type (3) is established.

2 Preliminaries

In this section, basic concepts used in this paper are introduced.


Let 1 ≤ p < ∞, and δ0,δ1R+it be fixed numbers. A point(x0,y0)R2at which the following relations




it hold uniformly with respect to almost every} tRis called a μ – p – generalized Lebesgue point of locally p– integrable function (i.e., a function whose p –th power is locally integrable) g: R2R Here, RR is increasing and absolutely continuous on 0 < h ≤ δ0 and μ1(0) = 0 and also, μ2:RR is increasing and absolutely continuous on 0 < k ≤ δ1 and μ2(0) = 0.


Basically Definition 2.1 is obtained by combining the characterization of the function μ(t) presented by Gadjiev 9 with the definition of d–point given by Siudut 21. Also, some diferent modifications are done according to our problem's needs, such as predispozing the definition to Lpφ space. On the other hand, for some other μ-generalized Lebesgue point definitions, we reer the reader to [8, 25] and 28.


Let λ0 be an accumulation point of the non-negative set of numbers Λ or λ0 = ∞, andφ:R2R+be a locally bounded weightfunction such that the following inequality


holds for every (t,s)R2

A family (Kλ)λ∈Λ consisting of the functions R2×RR is called class A, if the following conditions hold:

(a) Kλ(t,s,0)=0for every (t,s)R2 and for each λ∈Λ, and Kλ(.,.,u)L1(R2) for every uR and for each λ∈Λ.

(b) There exists a family (Lλ)λ∈Λ consisting of the (globally) integrable functions L λ: R2R such that the Lipschitz inequality given by


holds for every (t,s)R2,u,vR, and for each fixed λ∈Λ.

(c) lim(x,y,λ)(x0;y0;λ0)R2Kλ(tx,sy,u(x0;y0),(t,s))dsdtu=0for everyuR and for any (x0,y0)R2.

(d) For every ξ>0,limλλ0supξt2+s2[φ(t,s)Lλ(t,s)]dsdt=0.

(e)For every ξ>0,limλλ0ξt2+s2[φ(t,s)Lλ(t,s)]dsdt=0.

(f) φLλL1(R2)M<for everyλΛ.

(g) L λ(t,s) is non-increasing on [0,∞) and non-decreasing on (−∞,0] for each fixed λ∈Λ as a function of t. Similarly, L λ(t,s) is non-increasing on [0,∞) and non-decreasing on (−∞,0] for each fixed λ∈Λ as a function of s.

Throughout this paper the kernel function Kλ belongs to class A.


The studies [11, 13, 16, 21] and 18, among others, are used as main reerence works in the construction stage of class A. Therefore, we refer the reader to see the indicated works. On the other hand, we recommend the reader to compare the usage of the inequality (6) used in 11 with the current study Also, for the Lipschitz inequality included in the definition class $\mathcal{A}$, we reer the reader to see the works [14, 18].


Existence of the operators of type (3) is guaranteed by the conditions of class A, that isTλ(f;x,y)Lpφ(R2)wheneverfLpφ(R2).


A first example is the linear kernel. Let Λ be a set of non-negative numbers such that Λ = (0,;∞) with accumulation point λ0 = 0. Now, the definition of the functionR2×RRis as follows:


one may easily observe that given function Kλ belongs to class A. For detailed analysis of the function Lλ(t,s), we recommend the reader to see 21.


Define the kernel function such that


where λ∈ N and ∈0 = \∞. This kernel is the two dimensional analogue of the kernel given in 16.

It is easy to see that the conditions of class A are satisfied. Observe that one may take the desired linear kernel as


The appropriate weight functions, which are defined on R2, may be given by φ1(t,s)=et+s and φ2(t,s)=(1+|t|)(1+|s|).

3 Convergence at characteristic points


If(x0,y0)R2is a common μ-generalized Lebesgue point of the functionsfLpφ(R2)(1p<) and φ then

on any set Z consisting of the points (x,y,λ) on which the functions



where 0 < δ < min {δ0, δ1, are bounded as (x,y,λ) tends to (x0,y00).


Let 0<|x0x|<δ2. Further, let 0<y0y<δ2,, and (x0,y0) be a common μ-generalized Lebesgue point of the functions fLp(2)(1p<)andφ. The proof of theorem will be given for the case 1 < p < ∞. The proof for the case p = 1 is similar. Now, set I(x,y,λ)=|Tλ(f;x,y)f(x0,y0)|. Using condition (c) , we obtain


Using condition (b), it is easy to see that the following inequality holds:


Since whenever m,n being positive numbers the inequality (m+n)p2p(mp+np) holds (see, e.g., 38) we have


Now, applying Hölder's inequality (see, e.g., 38) to the first integral of the resulting inequality, we have




Moreover, the following inequality holds:


where (tx0)2+(sy0)2<δ2}.

Now, applying the inequality given by (m+n)p<_2p(mp+np) once more to the right hand side of the resulting inequality, we obtain


Recalling the initial assumptions 0<|y0y|<δ2, we may define the following set as follows:


Comparing geometric representations of the setsBδ gives the inclusion relation such thatR2BδR2Aδ, where


In the light of these relations, we may write


Rearranging and rewriting the last inequality, we obtain


Boundedness of the term (x,y,λ) which follows from condition (f).On the other hand, I4(x,y,λ)0 by condition(c).Lastly, I2(x,y,λ)0 by conditions (d) and (e) , respectively.

Now, we may write the following inequality for the integral I3(x,y,λ)


where Qδ=(x0δ,x0+δ)×(y0δ,y0+δ).Observe that I31(x,y,λ) may be written in the following form:


It is easy to see that the following inequality holds:


Now, we pass to the integral iλ(x,y,t).

This integral may be written in the following form:


Now, we consider the integraliλ1(x,y,t) From relation (5), for every ϵ>0 there exists a corresponding numberδ>0 such that the expression


holds for every 0<k<_δ<min{δ0,δ1}.

Define the function F(t,s) by


From (10), we have


From (9) and (10), for every ssatisfying0<y0s<_δ<min{δ0,δ1} we have


(12)for any fixed tR By virtue of (10) and (11), we have


where (LS) denotes Lebesgue-Stieltjes integral.

Using integration by parts and applying (12), we have the following inequality:


It is easy to see that (for the similar situation, see [7, 9]) the following inequality holds:


Applying integration by parts to the right hand side of the last inequality, we have the following expression:


Remaining variational operations are evaluated using condition (g). Hence, we obtain


Using preceding method, we can estimate the integral iλ2(x,y,t)as follows:


(14)Combining (13) and (14), we obtain


Similar calculations for the integral jλ(x,y,s)yield


Thus, we have


Since epsilon is arbitrary and Lλ is integrable with respect to eachvariable, the desired result follows from hypotheses (8)and (7), i.e.,(x,y,λ)(x0,y0,λ0)

Note that the same conclusion is obtained for the case 0<yy0<δ2 Thus the proof is completed.

4 Rate of pointwise convergence


it Suppose that the hypotheses of Theorem 3.1 are satisfied.


and the following conditions are satisfied}

(i) (x,y,λ,δ)0as(x,y,λ)tends to(x0,y0,λ0)for someδ>0.

(ii) For everyξ>0we havesupξt2+s2varphi(t,s)Lλ(t,s)]=o((x,y,λ,δ))as(x,y,λ)tendsto(x0,y0,λ0)

(iii) For everyuRwe haveR2Kλ(tx,sy,uφ(x0,y0)φ(t,s))dsdtu=o((x,y,λ,δ))tends to(x0,y0,λ0)

(iv) For everyξ>0we haveξt2+s2φ(t,s)Lλ(t,s)dsdt=o((x,y,λ,δ))as(x,y,λ)tends to(x0,y0,λ0).

Then, at each common} \mu-generalized Lebesgue point of the functionsfLpφ(R2)(1<_p<)we have

as (x,\ y,\ \lambda)tends to(x0,y0,λ0)

By the hypotheses of Theorem 3.1, we may write


From (i)-(iv), and using classA conditions, the assertion follows. Thus, the proof is completed.

5 Conclusion

In this paper, the pointwise convergence of the convolution type nonlinear double singular integral operators depending on three parameters is investigated. In this work, we proved the theorems by using a specific weighted pointwise convergence method. Therefore, the main result is presented as Theorem 3.1. Also, by using main result, the rate of pointwise convergence of the indicated type operators is computed.


The author thanks to the unknown referees for their valuable comments and suggestions.


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Received: 2016-7-30
Accepted: 2016-10-11
Published Online: 2016-11-11
Published in Print: 2016-1-1

© 2016 Uysal, published by De Gruyter Open

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