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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter December 25, 2018

Discovery of the bank vole (Myodes glareolus) on Ushant Island (Brittany, France)

  • Olivier Lorvelec EMAIL logo , Pascal Rolland , Patricia Le Quilliec , François Quénot and Alain Butet
From the journal Mammalia


Ecological monitoring of small mammal occurrence on Ushant Island (Brittany, France) revealed the presence of the bank vole (Myodes glareolus) in September 2017. This was the first report of the bank vole on the island. Evaluation of previous small mammal monitoring and analysis of several batches of barn owl pellets allowed us to conclude that the arrival on the island is recent, sometime between 1995 and 2017. Further study is necessary to determine whether the current population, still incompletely distributed into suitable habitats of the island, will be self-sustaining on a long-term basis.


Run by the French National Institute for Agronomic Research (INRA), the ecological monitoring of small mammals living on Brittany Islands (2014–2018) was validated in 2014 by the scientific council of the Brittany insular nature reserves. Realization of this multi-partner project was possible thanks to the collaboration and logistic support from the managers of the sampled natural areas. We thank all the participants of the project related to Ushant Island, its peripheral rocky islets and Keller Island that took place in September 2017 (institutions: participants): CEMO (ONG): François Quénot; UMR 6553 ECOBIO (CNRS, Univ. Rennes 1): Alain Butet; UMR 5199 PACEA (CNRS, Univ. Bordeaux 1): Arnaud Lenoble; GMB (ONG): Josselin Boireau and Pascal Rolland; UMR 1300 BioEpAR (INRA, ONIRIS): Albert Agoulon, Olivier Plantard and Yann Quenet; UMR 0985 ESE (INRA, Agrocampus Ouest): Damien Fourcy, Patricia Le Quilliec, and Olivier Lorvelec; LPO, RNN Sept-Îles: Armel Deniau and Julie Grousseau; UMR 7204 CESCO (MNHN, CNRS, Univ. Paris 6): Jean-Louis Chapuis; UMR 7205 ISYEB (MNHN, Univ. Paris 6, EPHE): Vivien Louppe; UMS 2006 PATRINAT (MNHN, AFB, CNRS): Benoît Pisanu; ONCFS: BMI Bretagne – Pays de la Loire: Arnaud Le Cras; ONCFS: Finistère: Jacques Bajul and Yann Goasguen; AFB: PNMI: Antoine Besnier, David Bourles, Jean-Philippe Coeffet, Stéphane Dixneuf, and Yannis Turpin; PNRA: Cédric Caïn, Olivier Jonquet, Agathe Larzillière and Robert Le Goff; Volunteers: Cédric Barbeyron, Bruno Ferré, Loïc Monmasson, and François Siorat. – Translation of French acronyms: CEMO: Study Center for the Environment of Ushant Island. ONG: non-governmental organization. UMR: joint research unit. ECOBIO: Ecosystems, Biodiversity, Evolution. CNRS: National Center for Scientific Research. PACEA: From Prehistory to the Present: Culture, Environment and Anthropology. GMB: Breton Mammalogical Group. BioEPAR: Biology, Epidemiology and Risk Analysis in animal health. INRA: National Institute for Agronomic Research. ONIRIS: Nantes-Atlantic National College of Veterinary Medicine, Food Science and Engineering. ESE: Ecology and Ecosystems Health. Agrocampus Ouest: Institute for life, food and horticultural sciences and landscaping. LPO: Bird Protection League (French BirdLife partner). RNN Sept-Îles: National Nature Reserve of the Sept-Îles. CESCO: Centre for Ecology and Conservation Sciences. MNHN: National Museum of Natural History. ISYEB: Institute of Systematics, Evolution, Biodiversity. EPHE: École Pratique des Hautes Études. PATRINAT: Natural Heritage. AFB: French Agency for Biodiversity. ONCFS: National Hunting and Wildlife Agency. BMI: Mobile Intervention Brigade. Bretagne-Pays de la Loire: two administrative regions. Finistère: a county. PNMI: Iroise Marine Natural Park. PNRA: Armorica Regional Natural Park. The Prefecture of Finistère and the French Coastal Protection Agency (CELRL) have authorized us to work (i.e. landing, trapping and sampling small mammal specimens, according to the skills of each institution). Owners of Keller Island have allowed us to work on their island. We informed the village council of Ushant and the Naturalist Association of Ushant (ANO) about the evolution of the project. Managers of Iroise Sea insular natural environments (i.e. PNRA, PNMI, ONCFS Finistère and CEMO) have run the study with INRA. PNRA, PNMI and CEMO largely funded the study, and we carried out trapping with INRA material. PNMI and ONCFS Finistère made available their maritime logistics, including two boats with crews, which allowed us to land on rocky islets and Keller Island. We also thank Fred Bioret (University of Western Brittany, UBO) for the information relating to the 1992–1995 ecological monitoring, Louis Dutouquet (Litto study office, coastal environment and island heritage) for data about various islands (see text), Nicolas Mothay (CELRL) for the provision of documents, as well as Olivier Penard (Council of Loire-Atlantique) and Didier Montfort (French Society for Study and Protection of Mammals, SFEPM, Loire-Atlantique) for information on Dumet Island. We thank Damien Fourcy (INRA ESE) for creating Figure 1 (map). Finally, we thank Scott McCairns (INRA ESE) and Hannah Fraser (University of Melbourne) for correcting the English language.


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Received: 2018-05-25
Accepted: 2018-10-02
Published Online: 2018-12-25
Published in Print: 2019-08-27

©2019 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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