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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter Mouton June 19, 2017

Incremental parsing in a continuous dynamical system: sentence processing in Gradient Symbolic Computation

  • Pyeong Whan Cho EMAIL logo , Matthew Goldrick and Paul Smolensky
From the journal Linguistics Vanguard


Any incremental parser must solve two computational problems: (1) maintaining all interpretations consistent with the words that have been processed so far and (2) excluding all globally-incoherent interpretations. While these problems are well understood, it is not clear how the dynamic, continuous mechanisms that underlie human language processing solve them. We introduce a Gradient Symbolic Computation (GSC) parser, a continuous-state, continuous-time stochastic dynamical-system model of symbolic processing, which builds up a discrete symbolic structure gradually by dynamically strengthening a discreteness constraint. Online, interactive tutorials with open-source software are presented in a companion website. Our results reveal that the GSC parser can solve the two computational problems by moving to a non-discrete blend state that evolves exclusively to discrete states representing contextually-appropriate globally-coherent interpretations. In a simulation study using a simple formal grammar, we show that successful parsing requires appropriate control of the discreteness constraint strength (a quantization policy). With inappropriate quantization policies, the GSC parser makes mistakes that mirror those made in natural language comprehension (garden-path or local-coherence errors). These findings suggest that the GSC model offers a neurally plausible solution to these two core problems.


We thank Géraldine Legendre, Akira Omaki, Kyle Rawlins, Ben Van Durme, and Colin Wilson for their contributions to this work, and gratefully acknowledge the support of NSF INSPIRE grant BCS-1344269. We thank Paul Tupper for suggesting the form of the HQ function used in this work.


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Received: 2016-12-5
Accepted: 2017-5-16
Published Online: 2017-6-19

© 2017 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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