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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter April 11, 2018

English versus Spanish Procedural Law Terminology and Phraseology: Troublesome Features for Translators

  • Esther Vázquez y del Árbol EMAIL logo
From the journal Lebende Sprachen


Legal translation is increasingly demanded in the professional market.When a translator tackles the translation of a source text from the same law system as to the target text the difficulties encountered may not prove very onerous. Nevertheless, when the translation brief comprises heterogeneous legal systems it places the translator into a difficult translation task. That is precisely the case of Common Law versus Civil Law and the legislation arising therefrom: Procedural Law. In this paper we will explain the features of procedural legal discourse and the tools for providing an adequate translation (English-Spanish/Spanish-English) for the terminology and phraseology identified in our bilingual corpus.

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Published Online: 2018-4-11
Published in Print: 2018-4-3

© 2018 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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