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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter June 14, 2018

Hypertriglyceridemia thalassemia syndrome

  • Mili Jain EMAIL logo , Wahid Ali , Brijendra Bahadur Singh , Nishant Verma and Ashutosh Kumar



Hypertriglyceridemia thalassemia syndrome is a rare entity with an unknown pathogenetic link.

Case presentation

We report a case of an 8-month-old female with thalassemia major and increased triglyceride (TG) levels. The clinical features were as in classical thalassemia except for a white discoloration of the plasma. After exclusion of familial triglyceridemia and secondary causes (hypothyroidism, nephrotic syndrome, drugs etc.), a diagnosis of hypertriglyceridemia thalassemia syndrome was made.


The high levels of TG in these patients are associated with oxidative stress and higher risk of acute pancreatitis and coronary diseases. An early recognition is thus essential. In our patient, the levels reduced after a transfusion therapy similar to previous reports.

  1. Author contributions: All the authors have accepted responsibility for the entire content of this submitted manuscript and approved submission.

  2. Research funding: None declared.

  3. Employment or leadership: None declared.

  4. Honorarium: None declared.

  5. Competing interests: The funding organization(s) played no role in the study design; in the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data; in the writing of the report; or in the decision to submit the report for publication.


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Received: 2018-02-11
Accepted: 2018-05-14
Published Online: 2018-06-14
Published in Print: 2018-07-26

©2018 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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