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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter September 3, 2015

Efficacy and safety of a single monthly dose of cholecalciferol in healthy school children

  • Mohammad Shafi Kuchay EMAIL logo , Ganesh Sudhakar Jevalikar , Ambrish Mithal , Sunil Kumar Mishra and Navin Dang


Background: This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of a single monthly dose of cholecalciferol in healthy school children.

Methods: A total of 118 children of class VI of a residential school were selected to receive vitamin D supplementation in the form of oral cholecalciferol 60,000 IU monthly. Serum calcium and 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25OHD) levels were estimated at 0 and 12 months. The proportion of subjects achieving vitamin D sufficiency was assessed.

Results: The mean 25OHD levels increased significantly from 12.04±5.27 ng/mL at baseline to 32.6±7.05 ng/mL after 12 months of supplementation (p<0.001). None developed hypercalcemia.

Conclusions: Vitamin D supplementation in the doses of 60,000 IU monthly is a reasonable, safe and cost-effective regimen for children to attain and maintain vitamin D sufficiency.

Corresponding author: Mohammad Shafi Kuchay, Consultant, Division of Endocrinology and Diabetes, Medanta-The Medicity, Gurgaon 122001, Haryana, India, Phone: +91 9717390365, E-mail:


I acknowledge the help of Ms. Neelam Sharma and the management, staff and students of Vidygyan School, Bulandshahr, Uttar Pradesh, India who helped in conducting the study. I also thank Mr. Manish K Singh who helped in carrying out the statistical analysis.

Contributions: MSK, GSJ and AM: design of the study, collection and analysis of data, and writing of the manuscript; SKM: collection and analysis of data; DN: laboratory work

Funding: None

Competing interests: None


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Received: 2015-5-6
Accepted: 2015-7-27
Published Online: 2015-9-3
Published in Print: 2016-4-1

©2016 by De Gruyter

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