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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter May 17, 2016

Reevaluating Etruscan Influences on the Engravings of Praenestine Pear-shaped Mirrors and Cistae

  • L. Bouke van der Meer EMAIL logo
From the journal Etruscan Studies


Praenestine bronze cistae and pear-shaped bronze handle mirrors with engraved figural scenes, some with Latin inscriptions (ca. 350–300 B.C.E.), should not be labeled as Etruscan, Italic or or middle Republican Roman. The influences of the engravings of Etruscan circular tang and handle mirrors, although they were exported from Southern Etruria to Praeneste (nowadays Palestrina), are slight and incidental. The same holds true for influences of Praenestine mirrors on Etruscan mirrors. Even though intercultural artistic relations existed between certain Etruscan cities and Praeneste, the influence was not potent enough to label works of Praenestine craftsmanship as Etruscan. They have their own, distinct local character.


A version of this article was presented during the workshop “Etruscan Art to Roman Art? A Reappraisal” at the University of Oxford (1 and 2 October 2014), organized by Peter Stewart and Charlotte Potts. I would like to thank Alexandra Carpino for her unforgettable editorial assistance.


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Published Online: 2016-5-17
Published in Print: 2016-5-1

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