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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter May 25, 2016

Biomass and productivity of seagrasses in Africa

  • Michael N. Githaiga

    Michael N. Githaiga is a final year PhD student at Edinburgh Napier University. His PhD thesis is titled “Role of seagrass as carbon sinks, Gazi Bay, Kenya”. He graduated with a Bachelor of Education Science degree from Kenyatta University and later on a Master of Science degree (Plant Ecology) from the same University. His MSc research was titled “Structure and biomass accumulation of natural mangroves Forest of Gazi Bay, Kenya”. He has a great interest in marine ecology with a strong focus on carbon accounting in marine ecosystems.

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    , Linda Gilpin

    Linda Gilpin is a lecturer in Aquatic Biology at Edinburgh Napier University. She was awarded a PhD in Biogeochemistry by Queen’s University Belfast, focusing on nitrogen metabolism and went on to study primary productivity and nutrient dynamics in a range of oceanic and coastal systems including the response of the microbial community to changes associated with eutrophication. More recent collaborations have involved the assessment of change in plankton communities.

    , James G. Kairo

    James G. Kairo earned his PhD in Marine Sciences from the Free University of Brussels (VUB) in Belgium. He currently works as Principal Scientist with the Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute, and is a member of both the International Blue Carbon Scientific Working Group and the newly launched Science for Blue Carbon (SBC) working group. Kairo has vast experiences in the conservation, rehabilitation and sustainable utilization of mangrove resources; which has earned him local and international awards. In 2010, Dr Kairo was awarded the Kenya’s Presidential Award of the Moran of the Order of the Burning Spear (MBS) for his exemplary work on marine resources management. He was the lead author in the development of the 2013 supplement of the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories.

    and Mark Huxham

    Mark Huxham is Professor of Teaching and Research in Environmental Biology at Edinburgh Napier University. Mark’s main research interests are in the ecology and management of coastal ecosystems particularly mangroves and seagrasses. He is Director of the Association for Coastal Ecosystem Services, a charity that helps to administer the world’s first community-based mangrove conservation project funded by the sale of carbon credits.

From the journal Botanica Marina


There is growing interest in carbon stocks and flows in seagrass ecosystems, but recent global reviews suggest a paucity of studies from Africa. This paper reviews work on seagrass productivity, biomass and sediment carbon in Africa. Most work was conducted in East Africa with a major geographical gap in West Africa. The mean above-ground, below-ground and total biomasses from all studies were 174.4, 474.6 and 514 g DW m-2, respectively with a global range of 461–738 g DW m-2. Mean annual production rate was 913 g DW m-2 year-1 (global range 816–1012 g DW m-2 year-1). No studies were found giving sediment organic carbon, demonstrating a major gap in seagrass blue carbon work. Given the small numbers of relevant papers and the large geographical areas left undescribed in Africa, any conclusions remain tentative and much remains to be done on seagrass studies in Africa.

About the authors

Michael N. Githaiga

Michael N. Githaiga is a final year PhD student at Edinburgh Napier University. His PhD thesis is titled “Role of seagrass as carbon sinks, Gazi Bay, Kenya”. He graduated with a Bachelor of Education Science degree from Kenyatta University and later on a Master of Science degree (Plant Ecology) from the same University. His MSc research was titled “Structure and biomass accumulation of natural mangroves Forest of Gazi Bay, Kenya”. He has a great interest in marine ecology with a strong focus on carbon accounting in marine ecosystems.

Linda Gilpin

Linda Gilpin is a lecturer in Aquatic Biology at Edinburgh Napier University. She was awarded a PhD in Biogeochemistry by Queen’s University Belfast, focusing on nitrogen metabolism and went on to study primary productivity and nutrient dynamics in a range of oceanic and coastal systems including the response of the microbial community to changes associated with eutrophication. More recent collaborations have involved the assessment of change in plankton communities.

James G. Kairo

James G. Kairo earned his PhD in Marine Sciences from the Free University of Brussels (VUB) in Belgium. He currently works as Principal Scientist with the Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute, and is a member of both the International Blue Carbon Scientific Working Group and the newly launched Science for Blue Carbon (SBC) working group. Kairo has vast experiences in the conservation, rehabilitation and sustainable utilization of mangrove resources; which has earned him local and international awards. In 2010, Dr Kairo was awarded the Kenya’s Presidential Award of the Moran of the Order of the Burning Spear (MBS) for his exemplary work on marine resources management. He was the lead author in the development of the 2013 supplement of the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories.

Mark Huxham

Mark Huxham is Professor of Teaching and Research in Environmental Biology at Edinburgh Napier University. Mark’s main research interests are in the ecology and management of coastal ecosystems particularly mangroves and seagrasses. He is Director of the Association for Coastal Ecosystem Services, a charity that helps to administer the world’s first community-based mangrove conservation project funded by the sale of carbon credits.


This article is based on research undertaken for Coastal Ecosystem Services in East Africa (CESEA) NE/L001535/1 research project and was funded with support from the Ecosystem Services for Poverty Alleviation (ESPA) programme. The ESPA programme is funded by the Department for International Development (DFID), the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC). Additional support was made through Edinburgh Napier University and Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI) to which we are grateful. Finally, we thank the three anonymous reviewers for their constructive comments which improved the quality of the manuscript.


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Received: 2015-9-5
Accepted: 2016-4-26
Published Online: 2016-5-25
Published in Print: 2016-6-1

©2016 by De Gruyter

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