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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter May 25, 2013

A reassessment of the foliose Bangiales (Rhodophyta) in the Balearic Islands including the proposed synonymy of Pyropia olivii with Pyropia koreana

  • Alba Vergés EMAIL logo , Natàlia Comalada , Noemí Sánchez and Juliet Brodie
From the journal Botanica Marina


A taxonomic reevaluation of the foliose Bangiales placed in the genus Porphyra from the Balearic Islands, based on the historical and recent collections, has resulted in a new floristic composition of this group. The molecular, morphological, and karyological analysis reveals that for these islands, there are no Porphyra species, and only two members of the genus Pyropia are present: Pyropia elongata and Pyropia koreana. The sequence data of the rbcL plastid gene indicate that Pyropia olivii and Pyropia koreana are conspecific. We, therefore, propose the synonymy of Pyropia olivii with Pyropia koreana, which is the taxon with nomenclatural priority. The study with the fresh and old material has revealed that neither Porphyra umbilicalis nor Pyropia leucosticta are present in this area and that most of the old herbarium material that has gone under this name belongs to Pyropia elongata.

Corresponding author: Alba Vergés, Universitat de Girona, Faculty of Sciences, 17071 Girona, Spain

This work has been developed within the framework of the project Ref. CGL2008-00932/BOS (Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, FEDER) funded by the Spanish government and by a Jose Castillejo postdoctoral fellowship from the Spanish government, a postdoctoral mobility grant from the University of Girona, and a postdoctoral scholarship for research abroad from the Catalan government. We acknowledge the Natural History Museum Molecular Laboratory and all the people who have contributed in many ways to this work. We also thank the Porphyra global network and especially J. Sutherland, A.M. Mortensen, M.J. Holmes, R. Walker, and M. Lynch for their help and advice. We also thank the Instituto Español de Oceanografía de Palma de Mallorca for their support and for hosting a large component of the field work for the study, with special mention for the director of the center, Dr. Enric Massutí, and our colleagues there, and also to Dr. Biel Moyà from the University of Balearic Islands, for managing this hosting in Mallorca, as well.


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Received: 2013-1-9
Accepted: 2013-4-24
Published Online: 2013-05-25
Published in Print: 2013-06-01

©2013 by Walter de Gruyter Berlin Boston

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