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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter October 16, 2014

Unobtrusive and comprehensive health screening using an intelligent toilet system

  • Thomas Schlebusch EMAIL logo , Wolfgang Fichtner , Michael Mertig and Steffen Leonhardt


Home monitoring is a promising technology to deal with the increasing amount of chronically ill patients while ensuring quality of medical care. Most systems available today depend on a high degree of interaction between the user and the device. Especially for people relying on advanced levels of care, this scheme is impracticable. In this paper, we are presenting an “intelligent toilet” performing an extensive health check while being as simple to use as a conventional toilet. The main focus of the system is to support the treatment of diabetes and chronic heart failure, but additional applications are possible.

Corresponding author: Thomas Schlebusch, Philips Chair for Medical Information Technology, Helmholtz Institute of Biomedical Engineering, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany, E-mail:


This work has been funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economics (BMWi), project number KF2561903FO9. The authors would like to thank their industry partners, Innotas Elektronik GmbH, Zittau, Germany, for the development of the RF modules, ClinPath GmbH, Berlin, Germany, for the development of the medical database, BitsZ, Zwickau, Germany, for the development of the repeater and communication protocol, and Schmerzzentrum Berlin GmbH, Berlin, Germany, for the space and support to install the prototype. Further, the authors would like to thank the students involved in the project by thesis projects or research assistantships: Francisco Rodriguez, Bartolomaeus Kukla, Lennart Meyer, Rudolf Petkau, Hendrik Stork, and Tobias Hebler.


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Received: 2014-1-10
Accepted: 2014-9-16
Published Online: 2014-10-16
Published in Print: 2015-2-1

©2015 by De Gruyter

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