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BY-NC-ND 4.0 license Open Access Published by De Gruyter April 21, 2017

Local Elliptic Regularity for the Dirichlet Fractional Laplacian

  • Umberto Biccari , Mahamadi Warma and Enrique Zuazua EMAIL logo


We prove the Wloc2s,p local elliptic regularity of weak solutions to the Dirichlet problem associated with the fractional Laplacian on an arbitrary bounded open set of N. The key tool consists in analyzing carefully the elliptic equation satisfied by the solution locally, after cut-off, to later employ sharp regularity results in the whole space. We do it by two different methods. First working directly in the variational formulation of the elliptic problem and then employing the heat kernel representation of solutions.

MSC 2010: 35B65; 35R11; 35S05

1 Introduction

The aim of the present paper is to study the local elliptic regularity of weak solutions to the following Dirichlet problem:

(1.1) { ( - Δ ) s u = f in Ω , u = 0 on N Ω ,

where ΩN is an arbitrary bounded open set and s(0,1).

Here, f is a given distribution and (-Δ)s denotes the fractional Laplace operator, which is defined as the following singular integral:

(1.2) ( - Δ ) s u ( x ) := C N , s P . V . N u ( x ) - u ( y ) | x - y | N + 2 s 𝑑 y , x N .

In (1.2), CN,s is a normalization constant, given by

C N , s := s 2 2 s Γ ( 2 s + N 2 ) π N 2 Γ ( 1 - s ) ,

Γ being the usual Gamma function. Moreover, we have to mention that, for having a completely rigorous definition of the fractional Laplace operator, it is necessary to introduce also the class of functions u for which computing (-Δ)su makes sense. We postpone this discussion to the next section.

Models involving the fractional Laplacian or other types of non-local operators have been recently used in the description of several complex phenomena for which the classical local approach turns up to be inappropriate or limited. Among others, we mention applications in elasticity [8], turbulence [2], anomalous transport and diffusion [5, 21], porous media flow [32], image processing [14], wave propagation in heterogeneous high contrast media [33]. Also, it is well known that the fractional Laplacian is the generator of s-stable processes, and it is often used in stochastic models with applications, for instance, in mathematical finance [20, 23].

One of the main differences between these non-local models and classical partial differential equations is that the fulfilment of a non-local equation at a point involves the values of the function far away from that point.

Our concern in this article is the study of the local elliptic regularity for weak solutions of the Dirichlet problem (1.1). For this purpose, we firstly remind that, according to [19], we have the following definition of weak solutions.

Definition 1.1

Let fW-s,2(Ω¯). A function uW0s,2(Ω¯) is said to bea finite energy solution of the Dirichlet problem (1.1) if for every vW0s,2(Ω¯), the equality

C N , s 2 N N ( u ( x ) - u ( y ) ) ( v ( x ) - v ( y ) ) | x - y | N + 2 s 𝑑 x 𝑑 y = f , v W - s , 2 ( Ω ¯ ) , W 0 s , 2 ( Ω ¯ )


We notice that, when 1<p<2, it is not natural to consider finite energy solutions for (1.1), and we shall rather introduce an alternative notion of solution. This will be given by duality with respect to the following class of test functions:

𝒯 ( Ω ) = { ϕ : ( - Δ ) s ϕ = ψ in Ω , ϕ = 0 in N Ω , ψ C 0 ( Ω ) } .

Definition 1.2

Let 1<p<2. We say that uL1(Ω) is a weak solution to (1.1) if, for fL1(Ω) we have that

Ω u ψ 𝑑 x = Ω f ϕ 𝑑 x

for any ϕ𝒯(Ω) with ψC0(Ω).

The following Wloc2s,2(Ω)-regularity property is our first main result.

Theorem 1.3

Theorem 1.3 (L2-Local Regularity)

Let fW-s,2(Ω¯) and let uW0s,2(Ω¯) be the unique weak solution to the Dirichlet problem (1.1). If fL2(Ω), then uWloc2s,2(Ω).

This result can be extended to the Lp setting as follows.

Theorem 1.4

Theorem 1.4 (Lp-Local Regularity)

Let fW-s,2(Ω¯) and let uW0s,2(Ω¯) be the unique weak solution to the Dirichlet problem (1.1). If fLp(Ω) with 1<p<, then uWloc2s,p(Ω).

We have to notice that these two theorems are already known when Ω is the whole space N. In fact, they follow by combining several results on Fourier transform and singular integrals contained in [29, Chapter V]. This combination has been done in the reference [3]. On the other hand, when Ω is a bounded open set, to the best of our knowledge, such results are not yet available in the literature.

In Theorems 1.3 and 1.4, W0s,2(Ω¯) denotes the fractional order Sobolev space which consists of all functions uWs,2(N) which are zero on NΩ, while W-s,2(Ω¯) is its dual. We will give a more exhaustive description of these spaces in Appendix A at the end of this paper. Moreover, we comment that our results tell that, as it is for the classical Laplace operator (which corresponds to the case s=1), when the right-hand side is in Lp(Ω) the corresponding solution of (1.1) gains locally the maximum possible regularity, that is, it gains locally up to 2s derivatives in Lp(Ω).

Our results complement some previous ones on local and global Sobolev regularity.

  1. In [16, Section 7], Grubb proves that, under the restriction s>Np, the assumption fWt,p(Ω) for some t0 implies that the corresponding solution u of (1.1) belongs to Wloct+2s,p(Ω).

  2. In [19, Theorem 17],Leonori, Peral, Primo and Soria show that, if fLm(Ω) for some m2NN+2s, then the weak solution u of (1.1) belongs to W0sθ,p(Ω) for some 0<θ<1 and p such that

    1 p = 1 m + θ ( 1 2 - 1 m ) - 2 s ( 1 - θ ) N .

    This is proved by means of an interpolation argument between Ws,2(Ω) and LmN/(N-2ms)(Ω). Note however that this global regularity result does not achieve the maximal gain of regularity since 0<sθ<s. On the other hand, a well-known example shows that the optimal global regularity fails (for more details, see [25, Remark 7.2]).

  3. In [6], it is proved that if we take fL2(Ω), then the corresponding weak solution of (1.1) satisfies uWloc2s-ε,2(Ω) for all ε>0.

We conclude that our results complement those mentioned above, showing that optimal regularity holds locally away from the boundary, for all s(0,1).

Finally, we remind that, for the classical Laplace operator, maximum regularity holds globally provided that the open set is smooth enough. This result fails for the fractional Laplace operator. We refer to Section 5 for a full discussion on this topic and the possible remedies that should involve weighted estimates to take into account the boundary singularities.

The strategy that we will employ to prove our local regularity theorems does not involve interpolation techniques, as in the proof of [19, Theorem 17]. Instead, it will be based on a cut-off argument that will allow us to reduce the problem to the whole space case, for which, as we have mentioned above, the result is already known (see for example Theorem 2.7 below).

In order to develop this technique, the following proposition, which provides a formula for the fractional Laplacian of the product of two functions, will be fundamental (see, e.g., [24] and the references therein).

Proposition 1.5

Let u and v be such that (-Δ)su and (-Δ)sv exist and

(1.3) N | ( u ( x ) - u ( y ) ) ( v ( x ) - v ( y ) ) | | x - y | N + 2 s 𝑑 y < .

Then (-Δ)s(uv) exists and is given by

(1.4) ( - Δ ) s ( u v ) = u ( - Δ ) s v + v ( - Δ ) s u - I s ( u , v ) ,


(1.5) I s ( u , v ) ( x ) := C N , s N ( u ( x ) - u ( y ) ) ( v ( x ) - v ( y ) ) | x - y | N + 2 s 𝑑 y , x N .

Remark 1.6

We mention that for example if u,vWs,2(RN) with (-Δ)su,(-Δ)svL2(RN), then one has (1.3) and thus formula (1.4) holds for such functions.

Formula (1.4), applied to the product of u with a cut-off function η, will be the principal tool for transforming our original problem (1.1) to one in the whole N. Then, for the proof of our main results, we will need to carefully analyze the regularity of the remainder term Is. This analysis will be developed following two different approaches. In the first one, we will consider the fractional Laplacian (-Δ)s as defined in (1.2). In the second one, we will instead use the equivalent characterization of the fractional Laplace operator through the heat semigroup (etΔ)t0, given by

(1.6) ( - Δ ) s u := 1 Γ ( - s ) 0 + ( e t Δ u - u ) d t t 1 + s

(see for instance [30, Section 2.1] and the references therein).We recall that here, Γ(1-s):=-sΓ(-s).

Finally, we mention that this careful analysis of the regularity of the remainder term had been partially developed already in [4, Lemma B1], as a technical tool for obtaining the results therein presented. This has been one of the main motivations that led to the development of the present work.

The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we present some preliminary tools that we shall use in the proof of our main results. In Section 3, we give the proof of Theorems 1.3 and 1.4 using the integral representation of the fractional Laplacian. In Section 4, we use the second approach which is based on the representation (1.6). Finally, in Section 5, we present some open problems and perspectives that are closely related to our work.

2 Preliminaries

In this section, we introduce some preliminary result that will be useful for the proof of our main Theorems 1.3 and 1.4.

We start by giving a more rigorous definition of the fractional Laplace operator, as we have anticipated in Section 1. Let

s 1 ( N ) := { u : N measurable , N | u ( x ) | ( 1 + | x | ) N + 2 s 𝑑 x < } .

For us1(N) and ε>0 we set

( - Δ ) ε s u ( x ) := C N , s { y N : | x - y | > ε } u ( x ) - u ( y ) | x - y | N + 2 s 𝑑 y , x N .

The fractional Laplace operator(-Δ)s is then defined by the following singular integral:

(2.1) ( - Δ ) s u ( x ) = C N , s P . V . N u ( x ) - u ( y ) | x - y | N + 2 s 𝑑 y = lim ε 0 ( - Δ ) ε s u ( x ) , x N ,

provided that the limit exists.

We notice that if 0<s<12 and u is smooth, for example bounded and Lipschitz continuous on N, then the integral in (2.1) is in fact not really singular near x (see, e.g., [7, Remark 3.1]). Moreover, s1(N) is the right space for which v:=(-Δ)εsu exists for every ε>0, v being also continuous at the continuity points of u.

The following result of existence and uniqueness of weak solutions to the Dirichlet problem (1.1) is by now well known (see, e.g., [19, Theorem 12]).

Proposition 2.1

Let ΩRN be an arbitrary bounded open set and 0<s<1. Then for every fW-s,2(Ω¯), the Dirichlet problem (1.1) has a unique finite energy solution uW0s,2(Ω¯). In addition, there exists a constant C>0 such that

(2.2) u W 0 s , 2 ( Ω ¯ ) C f W - s , 2 ( Ω ¯ ) .


For the sake of completeness we include the proof. We recall that a complete description of the functional setting in which we are working is presented in Appendix A.Moreover, we recall that, according to Definition 1.1, a function uW0s,2(Ω¯) is said to be a weak solution of the Dirichlet problem (1.1) if for every vW0s,2(Ω¯), the equality

(2.3) C N , s 2 N N ( u ( x ) - u ( y ) ) ( v ( x ) - v ( y ) ) | x - y | N + 2 s 𝑑 x 𝑑 y = f , v W - s , 2 ( Ω ¯ ) , W 0 s , 2 ( Ω ¯ )

holds. Hence, given u,vW0s,2(Ω¯) let us consider the bilinear form

(2.4) ( u , v ) = C N , s 2 N N ( u ( x ) - u ( y ) ) ( v ( x ) - v ( y ) ) | x - y | N + 2 s 𝑑 x 𝑑 y ,

which is symmetric, continuous and coercive.

Thus by the classical Lax–Milgram theorem, for every

f ( W 0 s , 2 ( Ω ¯ ) ) = : W - s , 2 ( Ω ¯ ) ,

there exists a unique uW0s,2(Ω¯) such that the equality (2.3) holds for every vW0s,2(Ω¯). We have shown that (1.1) has a unique weak solution uW0s,2(Ω¯). Taking v=u as a test function in (2.3) and using (A.5), we get that

C u W 0 s , 2 ( Ω ¯ ) 2 = f , u W - s , 2 ( Ω ¯ ) , W 0 s , 2 ( Ω ¯ ) f W - s , 2 ( Ω ¯ ) u W 0 s , 2 ( Ω ¯ ) .

We have shown (2.2) and the proof is finished.∎

Remark 2.2

Notice that also for 1<p<2 existence and uniqueness of a weak solution to problem (1.1)are guaranteed by [19, Theorem 28].

Remark 2.3

Notice that [19, Theorem 12] holds for a more general non-local operator where the kernel |x-y|-N-2s is replaced by a general symmetric kernel K(x,y) satisfying λK(x,y)|x-y|N+2sλ-1 for all (x,y)N×N, xy, and for some constant 0<λ1.

Remark 2.4

Let fW-s,2(Ω¯) and let uW0s,2(Ω¯) be the weak solution of the Dirichlet problem (1.1). We notice that it follows from the Sobolev embeddings (A.2) and (A.1) that if N<2s, then uC0,s-N/2(Ω¯) and if N=2s, then uLq(Ω) for every 1q<.

The following lemma, giving a precise Lq-regularity of weak solutions and complementing the results in [19, Theorem 16] will be useful in the sequel.

Lemma 2.5

Assume that N>2s and let fLp(Ω) for some p2NN+2s. Then (1.1) has a unique weak solution u. In addition the following assertions hold.

  1. If p > N 2 s , then u L ( Ω ) and there exists a constant C > 0 such that

    u L ( Ω ) C f L p ( Ω ) .

  2. If 2 N N + 2 s p N 2 s , then u L q ( Ω ) for every q satisfying p q < N p N - 2 s p and there exists a constant C > 0 such that

    u L q ( Ω ) C f L p ( Ω ) .


Let fLp(Ω) for some p2NN+2s. SinceW0s,2(Ω¯)L2N/(N-2s)(Ω) (see (A.1)), we have that

L p ( Ω ) L 2 N N + 2 s ( Ω ) W - s , 2 ( Ω ¯ ) .

Thus (1.1) has a unique weak solution u.

Let with domain D()=W0s,2(Ω¯) be the bilinear, symmetric, continuous and coercive form defined in (2.4). As we have shown in the proof of Proposition 2.1, for every fW-s,2(Ω¯) there exists a unique uW0s,2(Ω¯) such that

( u , v ) = f , v W - s , 2 ( Ω ¯ ) , W 0 s , 2 ( Ω ¯ ) for all v W 0 s , 2 ( Ω ¯ ) .

This defines an operator 𝒜:W0s,2(Ω¯)W-s,2(Ω¯) which is continuous and coercive. Let AD be the part of 𝒜 in L2(Ω), in the sense that

D ( A D ) := { u W 0 s , 2 ( Ω ¯ ) : 𝒜 u L 2 ( Ω ) } , A D u = 𝒜 u .

Using an integration by parts argument, one can show that AD is given precisely by

D ( A D ) = { u W 0 s , 2 ( Ω ¯ ) : ( - Δ ) s u L 2 ( Ω ) } , A D = ( - Δ ) s u .

Then AD is the realization in L2(Ω) of the operator (-Δ)s with the Dirichlet boundary condition u=0 on NΩ.The operator AD has a compact resolvent (this follows from the compactness of the embedding from W0s,2(Ω¯) into L2(Ω), see (A.1)) and its first eigenvalue λ1>0.

In addition -AD generates a submarkovian strongly continuous semigroup (e-tAD)t0 which is also ultracontractive in the sense that the semigroup maps Lr(Ω) into Lm(Ω) for every t>0 and 1rm. More precisely, following line by line the proof of [13, Theorem 2.16] by using the appropriate estimates, we get that, for every 1rm there exists a constant C>0 such that for every fLr(Ω) and t>0,

(2.5) e - t A D f L m ( Ω ) C e - λ 1 ( 1 r - 1 m ) t - N 2 s ( 1 r - 1 m ) f L r ( Ω ) .

Since the operator AD is invertible, it follows from the abstract result in[10, p. 55, Theorem 1.10] that for every fL1(Ω)W-s,2(Ω¯), the unique solution u of the Dirichlet problem (1.1) is given by

u = A D - 1 f = 0 e - t A D f 𝑑 t .

(a) Assume that p>N2s. Then applying (2.5) with r=p and m=, we get that

u L Ω ) 0 e - t A D f L ( Ω ) 𝑑 t C 0 e - λ 1 p t - N 2 s p f L p ( Ω ) 𝑑 t
= C ( 1 e - λ 1 p t - N 2 s p 𝑑 t + 0 1 e - λ 1 p t - N 2 s p 𝑑 t ) f L p ( Ω ) .

The first integral in the right-hand side of the previous estimate is always finite. The second integral will be finite if 1-N2sp>0. This is equivalent to p>N2s and we have shown part (a).

(b) Assume that 2NN+2spN2s and let pq<NpN-2sp.Then applying (2.5) with r=p and m=q, we get that

u L q ( Ω ) 0 e - t A D f L q ( Ω ) 𝑑 t C 0 e - λ 1 ( 1 p - 1 q ) t - N 2 s ( 1 p - 1 q ) f L r ( Ω ) 𝑑 t
= C ( 1 e - λ 1 ( 1 p - 1 q ) t - N 2 s ( 1 p - 1 q ) 𝑑 t + 0 1 e - λ 1 ( 1 p - 1 q ) t - N 2 s ( 1 p - 1 q ) 𝑑 t ) f L p ( Ω ) .

As above, the first integral is always finite and the second integral will be finite if 1-N2s(1p-1q)>0. This is equivalent to q<NpN-2sp.We have shown part (b) and the proof is finished.∎

Remark 2.6

Assertion (b) has been also proved in [19, Theorem 16]. There,Leonori, Peral, Primo and Soria obtained the result adapting Moser’s method in [22], which allows to obtain the Lq(Ω)-regularity of the solution u to (1.1) employing functions depending nonlinearly on the solution. To the best of our knowledge, our approach to the proof of Lemma 2.5 (b) is new.

In our discussion, the following result of regularity on the whole space N will play an important role.

Theorem 2.7

Let FW-s,2(RN):=(Ws,2(RN)) andlet uWs,2(RN) be the weak solution to the fractional Poisson type equation

(2.6) ( - Δ ) s u = F in N .

If FLp(RN) with 1<p<, then uW2s,p(RN).

Theorem 2.7 is a classical result whose proof can be done by combining several results on singular integrals and Fourier transform contained in [29, Chapter V, Section 3.3]; see, in particular, formulas (38), (40) and Theorem 3 therein. These mentioned results have been put together in the reference [3]. In particular, our Theorem 2.7 is obtained as a consequenceof [3, Corollary 6.7 and Lemma 6.9].

3 Proof of Theorems 1.3 and 1.4: First Approach

3.1 Proof of the L2-Local Regularity Theorem

Proof of Theorem 1.3.

As we have mentioned above, our strategy is based on a cut-off argument that will allow us to show that the solutions of the fractional Dirichlet problem in Ω, after cut-off, are solutions of the elliptic problem on the whole space N, for which Theorem 2.7 holds. For this purpose, given two open subsets ω and ω~ of the domain Ω such that ω~ωΩ, we introduce a cut-off function η𝒟(ω) such that

(3.1) { η ( x ) 1 if x ω ~ , 0 η ( x ) 1 if x ω ω ~ , η ( x ) = 0 if x N ω .

Let fW-s,2(Ω¯) and let uW0s,2(Ω¯) be the unique weak solution to the Dirichlet problem (1.1).

Let ω and η𝒟(ω) be respectively the set and the cut-off function constructed in (3.1). We consider the function uη. It is clear that uηWs,2(N). It follows from Proposition 1.5 and Remark 1.6 that

(3.2) ( - Δ ) s ( u η ) - η ( - Δ ) s u = u ( - Δ ) s η - I s ( u , η ) .


g := u ( - Δ ) s η - I s ( u , η ) .

We claim that gL2(N). In fact, there exists a constant C>0, independent of u, such that

(3.3) g L 2 ( N ) C u W 0 s , 2 ( Ω ¯ ) .

Since u=0 on NΩ and (-Δ)sηL(N), we have that

(3.4) u ( - Δ ) s η L 2 ( N ) 2 = Ω | u ( - Δ ) s η | 2 𝑑 x ( - Δ ) s η L ( Ω ) 2 u L 2 ( Ω ) 2 .

Now, recall from (1.5) that for a.e. xN,

I s ( u , η ) ( x ) := C N , s N ( u ( x ) - u ( y ) ) ( η ( x ) - η ( y ) ) | x - y | N + 2 s 𝑑 y
= C N , s Ω ( u ( x ) - u ( y ) ) ( η ( x ) - η ( y ) ) | x - y | N + 2 s 𝑑 y = : 𝕀 1 ( x ) + C N , s η ( x ) N Ω u ( x ) - u ( y ) | x - y | N + 2 s 𝑑 y = : 𝕀 2 ( x ) , x N .

Let us start to estimate the term 𝕀1(x). Using the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality, we get that

(3.5) | 𝕀 1 ( x ) | C N , s ( Ω | u ( x ) - u ( y ) | 2 | x - y | N + 2 s 𝑑 y ) 1 2 ( Ω ( | η ( x ) - η ( y ) | 2 | x - y | N + 2 s 𝑑 y ) 1 2 .

Let xΩ be fixed and R>0 such that ΩB(x,R). Since η is a smooth function (in particular Lipschitz continuous on N), we have that there exists a constant C>0 (depending on η) such that

Ω | η ( x ) - η ( y ) | 2 | x - y | N + 2 s 𝑑 y C Ω d y | x - y | N + 2 s - 2 C B ( x , R ) d y | x - y | N + 2 s - 2 C .

Using the preceding estimate and (3.5), we get that

(3.6) N | 𝕀 1 ( x ) | 2 𝑑 x C N Ω | u ( x ) - u ( y ) | 2 | x - y | N + 2 s 𝑑 y 𝑑 x C u W 0 s , 2 ( Ω ¯ ) 2 .

Concerning the term 𝕀2, we notice that 𝕀2=0 on Nω.In addition, using the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality, we get that

(3.7) | 𝕀 2 ( x ) | 2 C N , s 2 N Ω η 2 ( x ) d y | x - y | N + 2 s N Ω | u ( x ) - u ( y ) | 2 | x - y | N + 2 s 𝑑 y .

For any yNΩ, we have that

η 2 ( x ) | x - y | N + 2 s = χ ω ¯ ( x ) η 2 ( x ) | x - y | N + 2 s χ ω ¯ ( x ) η 2 ( x ) sup x ω ¯ 1 | x - y | N + 2 s .

Thus there exists a constant C>0 such that

(3.8) N Ω η 2 ( x ) d y | x - y | N + 2 s χ ω ¯ ( x ) η 2 ( x ) N Ω d y dist ( y , ω ¯ ) N + 2 s C χ ω ¯ ( x ) η 2 ( x ) ,

where we have used that the integral is finite which follows from the facts that dist(Ω,ω¯)δ>0, that the distance function dist(y,ω¯) grows linearly as y tends to infinity and that N+2s>N.

Since χω¯η2L(ω) and using (3.7) and (3.8), we get that there exists a constant C>0 such that

(3.9) N | 𝕀 2 ( x ) | 2 𝑑 x = ω | 𝕀 2 ( x ) | 2 𝑑 x C ω N Ω | u ( x ) - u ( y ) | 2 | x - y | N + 2 s 𝑑 y 𝑑 y C u W 0 s , 2 ( Ω ¯ ) 2 .

Now estimate (3.3) follows from (3.4), (3.6), (3.9), and the claim is proved. We have shown that ηu is a weak solution to the Poisson equation (2.6) with F given by F=η(-Δ)su+gL2(N). It follows from Theorem 2.7 that (ηu)W2s,2(N). Thus uWloc2s,2(Ω) and the proof is complete.∎

3.2 Proof of the Lp-Local Regularity Theorem

We will now use Theorem 1.3 to prove our local regularity result in the general Lp setting.

Proof of Theorem 1.4.

We start by noticing that, assuming fLp(Ω)W-s,2(Ω¯), we have that (1.1) has a unique weak solution uW0s,2(Ω¯). We divide the proof into two steps.

Step 1: 1<p<2. If 1<p<2, then, according to Theorem A.2, uWs,p(Ω). In particular, uLp(Ω).

Let ω and η𝒟(ω) be respectively the set and the cut-off function constructed in (3.1). We consider the function uηWs,p(N). As in the proof of Theorem 1.3, we have that (-Δ)s(uη) is given by

( - Δ ) s u η = η f + u ( - Δ ) s η - I s ( u , η ) ,

where the term Is(u,η) has been introduced in (1.5). Let ω1,ω2 be open sets such that

ω ¯ ω 1 ω ¯ 1 ω 2 ω ¯ 2 Ω .

Since the function η and the set ω in (3.1) are arbitrary, it follows that uWs,p(ω2). Thus we have uWs,p(ω2)Lp(Ω). Let

g := u ( - Δ ) s η - I s ( u , η ) .

We now claim that gLp(N) and there exists a constant C>0 such that

(3.10) g L p ( N ) C ( u W s , p ( ω 2 ) + u L p ( Ω ) ) .

Indeed, it is clear that g is defined on all N. Moreover,

(3.11) u ( - Δ ) s η L p ( N ) p = Ω | u ( - Δ ) s η | p 𝑑 x ( - Δ ) s η L ( Ω ) p u L p ( Ω ) p .

For estimating the term Is, we use the decomposition

I s ( u , η ) ( x ) := C N , s N ( u ( x ) - u ( y ) ) ( η ( x ) - η ( y ) ) | x - y | N + 2 s 𝑑 y
= C N , s ω 1 ( u ( x ) - u ( y ) ) ( η ( x ) - η ( y ) ) | x - y | N + 2 s 𝑑 y = : 𝕀 1 ( x ) + C N , s η ( x ) N ω 1 u ( x ) - u ( y ) | x - y | N + 2 s 𝑑 y = : 𝕀 2 ( x ) , x N .

Let p:=pp-1. Using the Hölder inequality, we get that for a.e. xN,

(3.12) | 𝕀 1 ( x ) | C N , s ( ω 1 | u ( x ) - u ( y ) | p | x - y | N + s p 𝑑 y ) 1 p ( ω 1 | η ( x ) - η ( y ) | p | x - y | N + s p 𝑑 y ) 1 p .

Let xω1 be fixed and R>0 such that ω1B(x,R). Using the Lipschitz continuity of the function η, we obtain that there exists a constant C>0 such that

(3.13) ω 1 | η ( x ) - η ( y ) | p | x - y | N + s p 𝑑 y C ω 1 d y | x - y | N + s p - p C B ( x , R ) d y | x - y | N + s p - p C .

Now, using (3.12), (3.13) and (A.7), we get that

N | 𝕀 1 ( x ) | p 𝑑 x C ( ω 2 ω 1 | u ( x ) - u ( y ) | p | x - y | N + s p 𝑑 y 𝑑 x + N ω 2 ω 1 | u ( x ) - u ( y ) | p | x - y | N + s p 𝑑 y 𝑑 x )
C ( u W s , p ( ω 2 ) p + N ω 2 ω 1 | u ( x ) | p + | u ( y ) | p ( 1 + | x | ) N + s p 𝑑 y 𝑑 x )
(3.14) C ( u W s , p ( ω 2 ) p + u L p ( Ω ) p ) ,

where we have also used that u=0 on NΩ.Recall that 𝕀2=0 on Nω.Then using the Hölder inequality, we get that

(3.15) | 𝕀 2 ( x ) | p C ( N ω 1 η p ( x ) d y | x - y | N + s p ) p - 1 N ω 1 | u ( x ) - u ( y ) | p | x - y | N + s p 𝑑 y .

For any yNω1, we have that

η p ( x ) | x - y | N + s p = χ ω ¯ ( x ) η p ( x ) | x - y | N + s p χ ω ¯ ( x ) η p ( x ) sup x ω ¯ 1 | x - y | N + s p .

So there exists a constant C>0 such that

(3.16) N ω 1 η p ( x ) d y | x - y | N + s p χ ω ¯ ( x ) η p ( x ) N ω 1 d y dist ( y , ω ¯ ) N + s p C χ ω ¯ ( x ) η p ( x ) .

In (3.16) we have also used that the integral is finite which follows from the fact that dist(ω1,ω¯)δ>0 together with the fact that dist(y,ω¯) grows linearly as y tends to infinity and N+sp>N.

Since χω¯ηpL(ω) and using (3.15), (3.16) and (A.7), we also get that there exists a constant C>0 such that

N | 𝕀 2 ( x ) | p 𝑑 x = ω | 𝕀 2 ( x ) | p 𝑑 x C ω N ω 1 | u ( x ) - u ( y ) | p | x - y | N + s p 𝑑 y 𝑑 x
(3.17) C ω N ω 1 | u ( x ) | p + | u ( y ) | p ( 1 + | y | ) N + s p 𝑑 y 𝑑 x C u L p ( Ω ) p ,

where we have used again that u=0 on NΩ.Estimate (3.10) follows from (3.11), (3.14), (3.17) and we have shown the claim. We therefore proved that ηu is a weak solution to the Poisson equation (2.6) with F given by F=ηf+g. Since FLp(N), it follows from Theorem 2.7 that ηuW2s,p(N). Thus uWloc2s,p(Ω) and the proof for 1<p<2 is concluded.

Step 2: p2.Let fW-s,2(Ω¯) and let uW0s,2(Ω¯) be the weak solution to the Dirichlet problem (1.1). Let ω and η𝒟(ω) be respectively the set and the cut-off function constructed in (3.1). We consider the function uηWs,2(N). Assume that fLp(Ω) with p2. As in the proof of Theorem 1.3, we have that (-Δ)s(uη) is given by (3.2).Since by assumption fLp(Ω)L2(Ω), it follows from Theorem 1.3 that uηW2s,2(N).

(a) Applying Theorem A.2 (a) with r=2s and p=2, we get that W2s,2(N)Ws,2N/(N-2s)(N). We have shown that uηWs,2N/(N-2s)(N). Let ω1,ω2 be open sets such that

ω ¯ ω 1 ω ¯ 1 ω 2 ω ¯ 2 Ω .

Since the function η and the set ω in (3.1) are arbitrary, it follows from the observation uηWs,2N/(N-2s)(N) that uWs,2N/(N-2s)(ω2).Let q:=min{p,2NN-2s}. We notice that q2. Applying again Theorem A.2 (a) with r=2s and p=2 and the above q, we also get that W2s,2(ω2)Ws,q(ω2). We have shown that uWs,q(ω2). Since by hypothesis, uW0s,2(Ω¯), it follows from the Sobolev embedding (A.1) thatuL2N/(N-2s)(Ω)Lq(Ω). Thus uWs,q(ω2)Lq(Ω).Let

g := u ( - Δ ) s η - I s ( u , η ) .

Also in this case, it is possible to prove that gLq(N) and there exists a constant C>0 such that

(3.18) g L q ( N ) C ( u W s , q ( ω 2 ) + u L q ( Ω ) ) .

We omit the proof of (3.18); it is totally analogous to the one we made in Step 1. As before, we have proved that ηu is a weak solution to the Poisson equation (2.6) with F given by F=η(-Δ)su+g. Since FLq(N), it follows from Theorem 2.7 that ηuW2s,q(N). Thus uWloc2s,q(Ω). If 2p2NN-2s, then the proof is finished.

(b) Assume that p>2NN-2s. Since uWloc2s,q(Ω), we have that uW2s,q(ω2). This implies that uWs,q1(ω2) with q1:=min{p,NqN-sq}=min{p,2NN-4s}. It also follows from Lemma 2.5 that uLq1(Ω). We have shown that uWs,q1(ω2)Lq1(Ω).Now proceeding as in part (a), we get that uWloc2s,q1(Ω).Here also if 2p2NN-4s, then the proof is finished. Otherwise, iterating we will get that uWloc2s,qj(Ω) with qj=min{p,2NN-sj} for all j2. Hence, we can find j, j2, such that 2p2NN-sj. The proof of Theorem 1.4 is finished.∎

4 The Approach Using the Heat Semigroup Representation

One of the main passages in the proof of Theorems 1.3 and 1.4 has been to show that, after having applied the cut-off function η, the remainder g, that we obtain applying (1.4) to the product ηu, belongs to Lp(N) if f belongs to Lp(Ω). In this section, we present an alternative proof of this fact, using the characterization of the fractional Laplacian through the heat semigroup introduced in (1.6).

The heat equation representation of the operator looks a priori local and this will allow us to give a very precise information on the commutator, in particular in terms of the order of regularity and the localization properties.

Before going further into our discussion, we first need to describe how the operator introduced in (1.6) behaves when it is applied to the function ηu. For simplicity of notation, let us define

ϱ ( t ) := e t Δ ( η u ) , t 0 .

Then, by definition, we have that ϱ satisfies the following heat equation on N:

(4.1) ϱ t - Δ ϱ = 0 , t > 0 , ϱ ( 0 ) = η u .

Furthermore, the solution of (4.1) can be written in the form ϱ=ϕη+z with

(4.2) ϕ t - Δ ϕ = 0 , t > 0 , ϕ ( 0 ) = u


(4.3) z t - Δ z = 2 div ( ϕ η ) - ϕ Δ η , t > 0 , z ( 0 ) = 0 .

Finally, we can trivially compute

( - Δ ) s ( η u ) = 1 Γ ( - s ) 0 + ( ϱ ( t ) - ϱ ( 0 ) ) d t t 1 + s
= 1 Γ ( - s ) 0 + ( η ϕ ( t ) + z ( t ) - η u ( t ) ) d t t 1 + s
= η Γ ( - s ) 0 + ( e t Δ u - u ) d t t 1 + s + 1 Γ ( - s ) 0 + z ( t ) t 1 + s 𝑑 t .

Therefore we find an expression of the type

( - Δ ) s ( η u ) = η ( - Δ ) s u + g ,

where the remainder term g is given by

(4.4) g ( x ) := 1 Γ ( - s ) 0 + z ( x , t ) t 1 + s 𝑑 t , x N .

4.1 Proof of the L2-Regularity of g

Keeping in mind the notations that we have just introduced, we can now prove the following result.

Lemma 4.1

Let uW0s,2(Ω¯) and let η be the cut-off function introduced in (3.1). Moreover, let g be the remainder term in the expression

( - Δ ) s ( η u ) = η ( - Δ ) s u + g .

Then, there exists a constant C>0 (independent of u) such that

(4.5) g L 2 ( N ) C u W s , 2 ( Ω ) .


According to the expression (4.4), to estimate the L2-norm of g, it will be enough to obtain suitable bounds of the L2-norm of z. For this purpose, we notice that the solution of (4.3) can be computed explicitly as

(4.6) z ( x , t ) = 0 t N G ( x - y , t - τ ) h ( y , τ ) 𝑑 y 𝑑 τ = 0 t [ G ( , t - τ ) h ( , τ ) ] ( x ) 𝑑 τ , x N ,

where G is the Gaussian kernel

G ( x , t ) := ( 4 π t ) - N 2 exp ( - | x | 2 4 t ) , x N , t > 0 ,

and h is given by h:=2div(ϕη)-ϕΔη. Hence, in particular, we have

(4.7) z ( t ) = 2 0 t G ( t - τ ) div ( ϕ ( τ ) η ) d τ - 0 t G ( t - τ ) ( ϕ ( τ ) Δ η ) 𝑑 τ := z 1 ( t ) - z 2 ( t ) .

In (4.7), since we are only interested in the behavior of z with respect to the variable t, and for keeping the notations lighter, we have omitted the dependence of z on the variable x. We will maintain this convention until the end of the proof. Finally, we have (recall that Γ(1-s)=-sΓ(-s))

g L 2 ( N ) s Γ ( 1 - s ) 0 + z ( t ) L 2 ( N ) t 1 + s 𝑑 t
= s Γ ( 1 - s ) 0 1 z ( t ) L 2 ( N ) t 1 + s 𝑑 t + s Γ ( 1 - s ) 1 + z ( t ) L 2 ( N ) t 1 + s 𝑑 t
s Γ ( 1 - s ) 0 1 z 1 ( t ) L 2 ( N ) t 1 + s 𝑑 t = : A 1 1 + s Γ ( 1 - s ) 0 1 z 2 ( t ) L 2 ( N ) t 1 + s 𝑑 t = : A 1 2
(4.8) + s Γ ( 1 - s ) 1 + z 1 ( t ) L 2 ( N ) t 1 + s 𝑑 t = : A 2 1 + s Γ ( 1 - s ) 1 + z 2 ( t ) L 2 ( N ) t 1 + s 𝑑 t = : A 2 2 .

We proceed now estimating the terms A11, A12, A21 and A22 separately.

Step 1: Preliminary Estimates.First of all, throughout the remainder of the proof, C will denote a generic positive constant depending only on Ω, η, s and N. This constant may change even from line to line.

Now, we observe that by using some classical energy estimates for solutions to the heat equation, we obtain that

(4.9) ϕ ( t ) L 2 ( N ) u L 2 ( Ω ) ,
(4.10) ϕ ( t ) W s , 2 ( N ) C u W s , 2 ( Ω ) for all s ( 0 , 1 ) .

These inequalities can be easily proved by multiplying (4.2) by ϕ and (-Δ)sϕ, respectively, and integrating by parts. Moreover, to obtain (4.10) we also took into account that, according to [31, Lemma 16.3], we have

( - Δ ) s 2 ϕ ( t ) L 2 ( N ) = C N N | ϕ ( x , t ) - ϕ ( y , t ) | 2 | x - y | N + 2 s 𝑑 x 𝑑 y .

In our proof, we will also need the following classical property of convolution (see, e.g., [12, Proposition 8.9]). For all w1Lq1(N), w2Lq2(N) and for all q1,q2 and q3 satisfying

(4.11) 1 q 1 , q 2 , q 3 < + , 1 q 1 + 1 q 2 = 1 q 3 + 1 ,

we have that

(4.12) w 1 w 2 L q 3 ( N ) w 1 L q 1 ( N ) w 2 L q 2 ( N ) .

This is a straightforward consequence of the Young inequality. Finally, we recall that for all 1p< and k0, the function G satisfies the following decay properties (see, e.g., [18]): there exists a constant C>0 such that

D k G ( t ) L p ( N ) C t - N 2 ( 1 - 1 p ) - k 2 .

Here, k=(k1,k2,,kN) is a multi-index with modulus |k|=k1+k2++kNand we used the classical Schwartz notation

D k ϕ ( x ) = | k | ϕ ( x ) x 1 k 1 x 2 k 2 x N k N .

In particular, we have that

G ( t ) L 2 ( N ) C t - N 4 , x G ( t ) L 2 ( N ) C t - N 4 - 1 2 ,
( G h ) ( t ) L 2 ( N ) C h L 2 ( Ω ) , ( x G h ) ( t ) L 2 ( N ) C t - 1 2 h L 2 ( Ω ) .

Step 2: Upper Bound of A1:=A11+A12.We start by estimating the contribution of z1. Using (4.12) with q1=1, q2=q3=2, and (4.10), we get that

z 1 ( t ) L 2 ( N ) 0 t G ( t - τ ) div ( ϕ ( τ ) η ) L 2 ( N ) 𝑑 τ
C 0 t D 1 - s G ( t - τ ) D s ( ϕ ( τ ) η ) L 2 ( N ) 𝑑 τ
C 0 t ( t - τ ) - 1 - s 2 ϕ ( τ ) η W s , 2 ( N ) 𝑑 τ
C u W s , 2 ( Ω ) 0 t ( t - τ ) - 1 - s 2 𝑑 τ = C t 1 + s 2 u W s , 2 ( Ω ) .

In the previous computations, Ds denotes the differential operator with Fourier symbol ||s, that is, Dsζ()=-1{||sζ()}for all functions ζ sufficiently smooth. Concerning the contribution of z2, instead, we have

z 2 ( t ) L 2 ( N ) 0 t G ( t - τ ) ( ϕ ( τ ) Δ η ) L 2 ( N ) 𝑑 τ C 0 t ϕ ( τ ) Δ η L 2 ( N ) 𝑑 τ C t u L 2 ( Ω ) .

Since 0<s<1, we have that

A 1 C u W s , 2 ( Ω ) 0 1 d t t 1 + s 2 + C u L 2 ( Ω ) 0 1 d t t s C u W s , 2 ( Ω ) + C u L 2 ( Ω ) C u W s , 2 ( Ω ) .

Step 3: Upper Bound of A21.We have to distinguish three cases: N=1, N=2 and N3.

Case 1: N=1.Since uL2(Ω) and Ω is bounded, we also have uL1(Ω). Hence, the quantity

m := u 𝑑 x = Ω u 𝑑 x

is well defined.

Let us now rewrite u=(u-mδ0)+mδ0, where δ0 is the Dirac delta at x=0. With this splitting in mind, we have that ϕ can be seen as the sum ϕ=ψ+mG, with ψ solving

ψ t - ψ x x = 0 , t > 0 , ψ ( 0 ) = u - m δ 0 .

Therefore, we obtain

z 1 ( t ) = 0 t G ( t - τ ) ( ψ ( τ ) η x ) x 𝑑 τ + 0 t G ( t - τ ) ( m G ( τ ) η x ) x 𝑑 τ := z 1 , ψ ( t ) + z 1 , G ( t ) .

Let us consider firstly the term z1,ψ. First of all, we notice that ψ=θx with θ solving

θ t - θ x x = 0 , t > 0 , θ ( 0 ) = - x ( u - m δ 0 ) 𝑑 ξ ,

and therefore,

z 1 , ψ ( t ) = 0 t G ( t - τ ) ( θ x ( τ ) η x ) x 𝑑 τ .


z 1 , ψ ( t ) L 2 ( ) 0 t G ( t - τ ) ( θ x ( τ ) η x ) x L 2 ( ) 𝑑 τ
= 0 t G x ( t - τ ) ( θ x ( τ ) η x ) L 2 ( ) 𝑑 τ
0 t ( t - τ ) - 3 4 θ x ( τ ) η x L 1 ( ) 𝑑 τ .

Moreover, we have

θ x ( τ ) η x L 1 ( ) C θ x ( τ ) L 1 ( Ω ) C τ - 1 2 θ ( 0 ) L 1 ( Ω ) C τ - 1 2 u L 2 ( Ω ) ,

where the last inequality is justified by the fact that the initial datum θ(0) is well defined as an L1-function compactly supported in Ω, and there exists a constant C>0 such that

θ ( 0 ) L 1 ( Ω ) C u L 2 ( Ω ) .

See [9, Theorem 1] for more details. Hence,

z 1 , ψ ( t ) L 2 ( ) C u L 2 ( Ω ) 0 t ( t - τ ) - 3 4 τ - 1 2 𝑑 τ = C t - 1 4 u L 2 ( Ω ) .

Let us now analyze the term z1,G which, we remind, is defined as

z 1 , G ( t ) = m 0 t G ( t - τ ) ( G ( τ ) η x ) x 𝑑 τ .

We have

z 1 , G ( t ) L 2 ( ) m 0 t G ( t - τ ) ( G ( τ ) η x ) x L 2 ( ) 𝑑 τ = m 0 t G x ( t - τ ) ( G ( τ ) η x ) L 2 ( ) 𝑑 τ .

Now, since u is compactly supported in Ω, the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality yields

m u L 1 ( Ω ) | Ω | u L 2 ( Ω ) ,

where |Ω| is the Lebesgue measure of Ω; hence

z 1 , G ( t ) L 2 ( ) C u L 2 ( Ω ) 0 t G x ( t - τ ) ( G ( τ ) η x ) L 2 ( ) 𝑑 τ .

Rewrite G(τ)ηx=(G(τ)η)x-Gx(τ)η. Then

z 1 , G ( t ) L 2 ( ) C u L 2 ( Ω ) 0 t G x ( t - τ ) ( G ( τ ) η ) x L 2 ( ) 𝑑 τ = : J 1 + C u L 2 ( Ω ) 0 t G x ( t - τ ) ( G x ( τ ) η ) L 2 ( ) 𝑑 τ = : J 2 .

Concerning J1, we have

J 1 C u L 2 ( Ω ) 0 t D 1 - s G x ( t - τ ) D s ( G ( τ ) η ) L 2 ( ) 𝑑 τ
C u L 2 ( Ω ) 0 t D 1 - s G x ( t - τ ) L 1 ( ) D s ( G ( τ ) η ) L 2 ( ) 𝑑 τ
C u L 2 ( Ω ) 0 t ( t - τ ) - 2 - s 2 τ - 1 4 - s 2 𝑑 τ = C t - 1 4 u L 2 ( Ω ) .

Finally, for J2 we have

J 2 C u L 2 ( Ω ) 0 t G x ( t - τ ) L 2 ( ) G x ( τ ) η x L 1 ( ) 𝑑 τ
C u L 2 ( Ω ) 0 t ( t - τ ) - 3 4 τ - 1 2 𝑑 τ = C t - 1 4 u L 2 ( Ω ) .

Summarizing, we get that

z 1 , G ( t ) L 2 ( ) C t - 1 4 u L 2 ( Ω )

which, combined with the estimate that we have obtained before for z1,ψ, gives

z 1 ( t ) L 2 ( ) C t - 1 4 u L 2 ( Ω ) .

Therefore, since s>0, we finally get that

A 2 1 = s Γ ( 1 - s ) 1 + z 1 ( t ) L 2 ( ) t 1 + s 𝑑 t C u L 2 ( Ω ) 1 + d t t s + 5 4 = C u L 2 ( Ω ) .

Case 2: N=2.Using again (4.10), (4.12) with q1=q3=2 and q2=1 and the fact that η has compact support, we get that

z 1 ( t ) L 2 ( 2 ) 2 0 t G ( t - τ ) div ( ϕ ( τ ) η ) L 2 ( 2 ) 𝑑 τ
2 0 t D 1 - s G ( t - τ ) D s ( ϕ ( τ ) η ) L 2 ( 2 ) 𝑑 τ
C u W s , 2 ( Ω ) 0 t ( t - τ ) - 1 + s 2 𝑑 τ C t s 2 u W s , 2 ( Ω ) .

Since s>0, it follows that

A 2 1 = s Γ ( 1 - s ) 1 + z 1 ( t ) L 2 ( 2 ) t 1 + s 𝑑 t C u W s , 2 ( Ω ) 1 + d t t 1 + s 2 = C u W s , 2 ( Ω ) .

Case 3: N3.This case is more delicate and we need to proceed in a slightly different way. For a given ε[0,1], we will apply again (4.12) but this time by choosing

(4.13) q 1 = 4 - 2 ε 4 - 3 ε , q 2 = 2 - ε , q 3 = 2 .

It is straightforward to check that q1, q2 and q3 given in (4.13) satisfycondition (4.11). In particular, we notice that q2[1,2]. With this particular choice of the parameters we have

z 1 ( t ) L 2 ( 2 ) 2 0 t G ( t - τ ) div ( ϕ ( τ ) η ) L 2 ( N ) 𝑑 τ
= 2 0 t D 1 - s G ( t - τ ) D s ( ϕ ( τ ) η ) L 2 ( N ) 𝑑 τ
C 0 t ( t - τ ) - N 2 ε 4 - 2 ε - 1 - s 2 ϕ ( τ ) η L 2 - ε ( N ) 𝑑 τ C t 1 + s 2 - N 2 ε 4 - 2 ε u W s , 2 ( Ω ) ,

provided that

1 + s 2 - N 2 ε 4 - 2 ε > 0 ε < 4 + 4 s N + 2 + 2 s .


A 2 1 = s Γ ( 1 - s ) 1 + z 1 ( t ) L 2 ( N ) t 1 + s 𝑑 t C u W s , 2 ( Ω ) 1 + d t t 1 + s 2 + N 2 ε 4 - 2 ε = C u W s , 2 ( Ω ) ,

if we impose that

1 + s 2 + N 2 ε 4 - 2 ε > 1 ε > 4 - 4 s N + 2 - 2 s .

Thus, we obtain a further condition on ε, namely

ε ( 4 - 4 s N + 2 - 2 s , 4 + 4 s N + 2 + 2 s ) .

Furthermore, we can easily check that, for all s(0,1) and N3 the set

[ 0 , 1 ] ( 4 - 4 s N + 2 - 2 s , 4 + 4 s N + 2 + 2 s ) .

Therefore, for any given s(0,1) and N3, we can always choose q1, q2 and q3 as in (4.13) such that

A 2 1 C u W s , 2 ( Ω ) .

Step 4: Upper Bound of A22.Using again (4.12), this time with q1=1, q2=q3=2 and the fact that η has compact support, for a given α(2-2s,2) we can estimate

z 2 ( t ) L 2 ( N ) 0 t G ( t - τ ) ( ϕ ( τ ) Δ η ) L 2 ( N ) 𝑑 τ
0 t D α G ( t - τ ) D - α ( ϕ ( τ ) Δ η ) L 2 ( N ) 𝑑 τ
0 t D α G ( t - τ ) L 1 ( N ) D - α ( ϕ ( τ ) Δ η ) L 2 ( N ) 𝑑 τ
C 0 t ( t - τ ) - α 2 ϕ ( τ ) Δ η W - α , 2 ( N ) 𝑑 τ C t 1 - α 2 u L 2 ( Ω ) .


A 2 2 C u L 2 ( Ω ) 1 + d t t s + α 2 = C u L 2 ( Ω ) .

Step 5: Conclusion.Collecting all the above estimates, we can finally conclude that there exists a constant C>0 such that (4.5) holds, and the proof of Lemma 4.1 is finished.∎

4.2 Proof of the Lp-Regularity of g

Lemma 4.1 provides an alternative proof of the L2(N)-regularity of the remainder term g which appears in the formula for the fractional Laplacian of the product ηu. Moreover, as we did before in Section 3, also this result can be generalized to the Lp setting. In particular, we can prove the following.

Lemma 4.2

Let uW0s,2(Ω¯), p2, N2 and let η be the cut-off function introduced in (3.1). Moreover, let g be the remainder term in the expression

( - Δ ) s ( η u ) = η ( - Δ ) s u + g .

Then, there exists a constant C>0 (independent of u) such that

(4.14) g L p ( N ) C ( u L p ( Ω ) + u W s , 2 ( Ω ) ) .


We recall that, according to (4.4), to estimate the Lp-norm of g we only need an appropriate bound for the Lp-norm of the function z introduced in (4.6). Moreover, also in this case we have

g L p ( N ) A 1 1 + A 1 2 + A 2 1 + A 2 2 ,

where, with some abuse of notations, the terms A11, A12, A21 and A22 are the same ones as in (4.8), after having replaced z(t)L2(N) with z(t)Lp(N).

Step 1: Preliminary Estimates.We recall that uW0s,2(Ω¯) follows from Proposition 2.1,and uLp(Ω) follows from Lemma 2.5. Moreover, we observe that the classical energy decay estimates presented in (4.9) can be generalized to the Lp setting. In particular, we have

(4.15) ϕ ( t ) L p ( N ) u L p ( Ω ) .

The proof of (4.15) is a straightforward application of (4.12), taking into account the fact that the solution of the heat equation (4.2) is given by the convolution ϕ(t)=G(t)u.

Step 2: Upper Bound of A11.First of all, throughout the remainder of the proof, C will denote a generic positive constant depending only on Ω, η, s, p and N. This constant may change even from line to line.

Now, using (4.12) with q1=2p2+p, q2=2 and q3=p, we get that

z 1 ( t ) L p ( N ) 0 t G ( t - τ ) div ( ϕ ( τ ) η ) L p ( N ) 𝑑 τ
C 0 t D 1 - s G ( t - τ ) D s ( ϕ ( τ ) η ) L p ( N ) 𝑑 τ
C 0 t D 1 - s G ( t - τ ) L q 1 ( N ) D s ( ϕ ( τ ) η ) L 2 ( N ) 𝑑 τ
C u W s , 2 ( Ω ) 0 t ( t - τ ) - N 2 ( 1 - 1 q 1 ) - 1 - s 2 𝑑 τ = C t 1 + s 2 - N 2 ( 1 - 1 q 1 ) u W s , 2 ( Ω ) ,

provided that

1 + s 2 - N 2 ( 1 - 1 q 1 ) > 0 q 1 < N N - 1 - s .

In view of the previous estimate, we have

A 1 1 C u W s , 2 ( Ω ) 0 1 d t t 1 + s 2 + N 2 ( 1 - 1 q 1 ) = C u W s , 2 ( Ω ) ,

provided that

1 + s 2 + N 2 ( 1 - 1 q 1 ) < 1 q 1 < N N - 1 + s .

Finally, we notice that by hypothesis we have p2; this, according to the definition of q1 that we are considering, corresponds to the further condition 1q1<2. Hence, recollecting the conditions on q1 that we have encountered, we conclude that we have to impose

1 q 1 < min { 2 , N N - 1 + s , N N - 1 - s } = N N - 1 + s = 1 + 1 - s N - 1 + s .

Summarizing, we have

A 1 1 C u W s , 2 ( Ω ) ,

if in our computations we assume

1 q 1 < 1 + 1 - s N - 1 + s .

Step 3: Upper Bound of A12.We have

z 2 ( t ) L p ( N ) 0 t G ( t - τ ) ( ϕ ( τ ) Δ η ) L p ( N ) 𝑑 τ
C 0 t ϕ ( τ ) Δ η L p ( N ) 𝑑 τ C t u L p ( Ω ) .

Since 0<s<1, we have that

A 1 2 C u L p ( Ω ) 0 1 d t t s C u L p ( Ω ) .

Step 4: Upper Bound of A21.

Repeating the same computations that we did in Step 2, we get that

z 1 ( t ) L p ( N ) C t 1 + s 2 - N 2 ( 1 - 1 q 1 ) u W s , 2 ( Ω ) ,

provided that

1 + s 2 - N 2 ( 1 - 1 q 1 ) > 0 q 1 < N N - 1 - s .


A 2 1 C u W s , 2 ( Ω ) 1 + d t t 1 + s 2 + N 2 ( 1 - 1 q 1 ) = C u W s , 2 ( Ω ) ,

provided that

1 + s 2 + N 2 ( 1 - 1 q 1 ) > 1 q 1 > N N - 1 + s .

Finally, we notice that by hypothesis we have p2; this, according to the definition of q1 that we are considering, corresponds to the further condition 1q1<2. Hence, recollecting the conditions on q1 that we encountered, we conclude that we have to impose

q 1 [ 1 , min { 2 , N N - 1 - s } ) ( N N - 1 + s , + ) = ( N N - 1 + s , min { 2 , N N - 1 - s } ) .

Summarizing, we have

A 1 2 C u W s , 2 ( Ω ) ,

if in our computations we assume

q 1 ( N N - 1 + s , min { 2 , N N - 1 - s } ) .

Step 5: Upper Bound of A22.Using again (4.12), this time with q1=1, q2=q3=p and the fact that η has compact support, for a given α(2-2s,2) we can estimate

z 2 ( t ) L p ( N ) 0 t G ( t - τ ) ( ϕ ( τ ) Δ η ) L p ( N ) 𝑑 τ
0 t D α G ( t - τ ) D - α ( ϕ ( τ ) Δ η ) L p ( N ) 𝑑 τ
0 t D α G ( t - τ ) L 1 ( N ) D - α ( ϕ ( τ ) Δ η ) L p ( N ) 𝑑 τ
C 0 t ( t - τ ) - α 2 ϕ ( τ ) Δ η W - α , p ( N ) 𝑑 τ
C t 1 - α 2 u L p ( Ω ) .


A 2 2 C u L p ( Ω ) 1 + d t t s + α 2 = C u L p ( Ω ) .

Step 6: Conclusion.Recollecting all the above estimates, we can finally conclude that there exists a constant C>0 such that (4.14) holds. The proof of Lemma 4.2 is finished.∎

Remark 4.3

Lemma 4.2 provides an alternative proof of the Lp(N)-regularity of the remainder term g which appears in the formula for the fractional Laplacian of the product ηu. However, in its proof, we are able to deal only with the case N2. When N=1, instead, we encounter some difficulties that, at the present stage, we are not able to overcome. We will present these difficulties with more details in Section 5, dedicated to open problems and perspectives. Nevertheless, we do not exclude that this regularity lemma could be extended also to the case of one-space dimension.

5 Open Problems and Perspectives

In the present paper we proved that weak solutions to the Dirichlet problem for the fractional Laplacian with a non-homogeneous right-hand side fLp(Ω) (1<p<)belong to Wloc2s,p(Ω).

The following comments are worth considering.

(a) In the proof of Lemma 4.2, which provides the Lp(N)-regularity of the remainder term g following the approach that employs the heat kernel characterization of the fractional Laplacian, we were not able to treat the cases 1<p<2 and N=1. In more detail, we cannot encounter appropriate bounds for the terms A11 and A12 (see (4.7) for more details on the notation). These difficulties are most likely related to the fact that, in this lower dimension case or for lower values of p, there is less diffusion and the decay rates that we shall employ are slower. On the other hand, we believe that there has to be a way to solve this problem.

(b) A natural interesting extension would be the analysis of the global elliptic regularity for weak solutions to (1.1). The problem is delicate however.

For the classical Dirichlet problem associated with the Laplace operator (the case s=1), it is well known that if Ω is smooth, say of class C2, then weak solutions to the associated problem belong to W2,p(Ω).

But, unfortunately, at least for large p, this maximal global elliptic regularity is not true for the fractional Laplacian. That is, for problem (1.1), weak solutions do not necessarily belong to W2s,p(Ω). In fact, if this were the case, then for large p and 12<s<1, weak solutions would be at least β-Hölder continuous up to the boundary of Ω of order β>s. One can see that the latter property is not true by applying the Pohozaev identity obtained in [26] to the eigenfunctions of the Dirichlet fractional Laplacian. Indeed, let λk>0 be an eigenvalue of AD and uk the associated eigenfunction. Then, rewriting the identity in[26, Proposition 1.6] with uk by using the fact that ADuk=λkuk, we get

λ k Ω u n ( x u k ) 𝑑 x = 2 s - N 2 λ k Ω u k 2 𝑑 x - Γ ( s + 1 ) 2 2 Ω ( u k ρ s ) 2 ( x ν ) 𝑑 σ .

Integrating the term on the left-hand side by parts and using that uk=0 on Ω, we get that

(5.1) s λ k Ω u k 2 𝑑 x = Γ ( s + 1 ) 2 2 Ω ( u k ρ s ) 2 ( x ν ) 𝑑 σ .

Now if uk were β-Hölder continuous up to the boundary Ω of order β>s, then since 0<s<1 and sλk>0, it would follow from (5.1) that Ωuk2𝑑x=0. Thus uk=0 on Ω, which contradicts the fact that uk is an eigenfunction. We have shown that uk cannot be β-Hölder continuous up to the boundary Ω of order β>s.A direct proof that uk cannot be Lipschitz continuous up to the boundary is also contained in [28] and the references therein, where it has been shown that the eigenfunctions are s-Hölder continuous up to the boundary and this regularity is optimal. Finally, a concrete example has been given in [25, Section 7].

(c) It has been shown in [24] that if fL(Ω) with Ω of class C2 and u is a weak solution of (1.1), then uC0,s(N) and the function ρ-su, where ρ=dist(x,Ω) is the distance of a point x to the boundary of the domain Ω, belongs to C0,α(Ω¯) for some 0<α<min{s,1-s}. In addition one has the following precise regularity.

  1. If Ω is of class C and fC(Ω¯), then ρ-suC(Ω¯) (see, e.g., [24]).

  2. If Ω is of class C2,β and fCβ(Ω¯), then ρ-suCs+β(Ω¯) (see, e.g., [27]).

Roughly speaking, these results just mentioned tell us that, if the domain Ω is regular enough, the solution u to (1.1) can be seen as u=ρsv, where v is a function regular up to the boundary. By part (b), weak solutions are in general not in W2s,p(Ω). Nevertheless, compared with the above mentioned results, one could expect both ρ-su and ρ1-su to be smooth in the Lp(Ω) context, i.e. to belong to W2s,p(Ω).In view of this, it would be natural to analyze whether this regularity property, which is not available in the literature, is actually true.Finally, more generally, it is also interesting to investigate for which β>0 we have ρβuW2s,p(Ω). Following our approach, we think that it is possible to show that ρβuW2s,p(Ω) for every β>s. However, the most interesting case is 0<βs. We mention that in this situation we have that ρβu is also a solution of a certain Dirichlet problem.

Dedicated to Ireneo Peral on the occasion of his 70th birthday: Gracias Ireneo por tantos años de amistad y ejemplo

Communicated by Antonio Ambrosetti and David Arcoya

Funding source: U.S. Air Force

Award Identifier / Grant number: FA9550-15-1-0027

Award Identifier / Grant number: FA9550-14-1-0214

Award Identifier / Grant number: MTM2014-52347

Award Identifier / Grant number: ICON

Funding statement: All authors were supported by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research through awardno. FA9550-15-1-0027.Umberto Biccari and Enrique Zuazua were supported by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad(Spain) through grant MTM2014-52347 and by the European Research Council Executive Agencythrough Advanced Grant DYCON (Dynamic Control).Enrique Zuazua was supported by EOARD-AFOSR through award no. FA9550-14-1-0214 and byAgence Nationale de la Recherche (France) through ICON.

A Appendix

For the sake of completeness, we introduce some well-known facts about the fractional order Sobolev spaces, which are not so familiar as the classical integral order Sobolev spaces.

Let ΩN be an arbitrary open set. For p[1,) and s(0,1), we denote by

W s , p ( Ω ) := { u L p ( Ω ) : Ω Ω | u ( x ) - u ( y ) | p | x - y | N + p s 𝑑 x 𝑑 y < }

the fractional order Sobolev space endowed with the norm

u W s , p ( Ω ) := ( Ω | u | p 𝑑 x + Ω Ω | u ( x ) - u ( y ) | p | x - y | N + p s 𝑑 x 𝑑 y ) 1 p .

We set

W 0 s , p ( Ω ) := 𝒟 ( Ω ) ¯ W s , p ( Ω ) ,

where 𝒟(Ω) is the space of all continuously infinitely differentiable functions with compact support in Ω.

The following result is taken from [15, p. 25, Theorem].

Theorem A.1

Let ΩRN be a bounded open set with Lipschitz continuous boundary and 1<p<. Then for every 0<s1p, we have that Ws,p(Ω)=W0s,p(Ω) with equivalent norm.

It is well known (see, e.g., [7, 15]) that if ΩN is a bounded open set with a Lipschitz continuous boundary then

(A.1) W s , p ( Ω ) L q ( Ω ) with { 1 q N p N - s p if N > s p , 1 q < if N = s p .

If N<sp, then

(A.2) W s , p ( Ω ) C 0 , s - N p ( Ω ¯ ) .

Next, for 1<p< and 0<s<1 we define

W 0 s , p ( Ω ¯ ) := { u W s , p ( N ) : u = 0 on N Ω } .

It has been shown in [7, Lemma 6.1] that for an arbitrary bounded open set ΩN, there exists a constant C>0 such that

(A.3) N Ω d y | x - y | N + s p C | Ω | - s p N .

Using (A.3), we get that there exists a constant C>0 such that for every uW0s,p(Ω¯),

(A.4) N | u | p 𝑑 x = Ω | u | p 𝑑 x C N | u ( x ) | p N Ω d y | x - y | N + s p C N N | u ( x ) - u ( y ) | p | x - y | N + p s 𝑑 x 𝑑 y .

It follows from (A.4) that for every 1<p< and 0<s<1,

(A.5) u W 0 s , p ( Ω ¯ ) = ( N N | u ( x ) - u ( y ) | p | x - y | N + p s 𝑑 x 𝑑 y ) 1 p

defines an equivalent norm on W0s,p(Ω¯). We shall denote by W-s,p(Ω¯) the dual of the reflexive Banach space W0s,p(Ω¯), that is,

W - s , p ( Ω ¯ ) := ( W 0 s , p ( Ω ¯ ) ) where p := p p - 1 .

We remark that there is no obvious inclusion between W0s,p(Ω) and W0s,p(Ω¯). In fact, for an arbitrary bounded open set ΩN, the two spaces are different, since 𝒟(Ω) is not always dense in W0s,p(Ω¯) (see, e.g., [11]). But if Ω has a continuous boundary, then by [11, Theorem 6], 𝒟(Ω) is dense in W0s,p(Ω¯) and in addition we have that

(A.6) W 0 s , p ( Ω ¯ ) = W 0 s , p ( Ω ) for every 1 p < s < 1 .

In fact, (A.6) follows by using the Hardy inequality for fractional order Sobolev spaces and the following estimate (see, e.g., [15, formula (]): there exist two constants 0<C1C2 such that

C 1 ( ρ ( x ) ) p s N Ω d y | x - y | N + s p C 2 ( ρ ( x ) ) p s , x Ω ,

where ρ(x):=dist(x,Ω), xΩ.

We also notice that the continuous embeddings (A.1) and (A.2) hold with Ws,p(Ω) replaced with W0s,p(Ω) or W0s,p(Ω¯) and this case without any regularity assumption on the open set Ω.

Next, if s>1 and is not an integer, then we write s=m+σ where m is an integer and 0<σ<1. In this case

W s , p ( Ω ) := { u W m , p ( Ω ) : D α u W σ , p ( Ω ) for any α such that | α | = m } .

Then Ws,p(Ω) is a Banach space with respect to the norm

u W s , p ( Ω ) := ( u W m , p ( Ω ) p + | α | = m D α u W σ , p ( Ω ) p ) 1 p .

If s=m is an integer, then Ws,p(Ω) coincides with the Sobolev space Wm,p(Ω). Comparing with (A.1), we have the following general embedding.

Theorem A.2

Let ΩRN be a bounded open set with Lipschitz continuous boundary. Then the following assertions hold:

  1. If 0 < s r and 1 < p q < are real numbers such that r - N p = s - N q ,then W r , p ( N ) W s , q ( N ) .

  2. If 0 < s r and 1 < p q < are real numbers such that r - N p s - N q ,then W r , p ( Ω ) W s , q ( Ω ) .

For more information on fractional order Sobolev spaces, we refer to [1, 7, 15, 17]and references therein.

Finally, we mention the following estimate that has been used previously. Let AN be a bounded set and BN an arbitrary set. Then there exists a constant C>0 (depending on A and B) such that

(A.7) | x - y | C ( 1 + | y | ) for all x A , y N B , dist ( A , N B ) = δ > 0 .


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Received: 2017-02-06
Revised: 2017-04-13
Accepted: 2017-04-19
Published Online: 2017-04-21
Published in Print: 2017-05-01

© 2017 by De Gruyter

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