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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter December 13, 2014

More powerful cointegration tests with non-normal errors

  • Hyejin Lee EMAIL logo , Junsoo Lee and Kyungso Im


In this paper, we suggest new cointegration tests that can become more powerful in the presence of non-normal errors. Non-normal errors will not pose a problem in usual cointegration tests even when they are ignored. However, we show that they can become useful sources to improve the power of the tests when we use the “residual augmented least squares” (RALS) procedure to make use of nonlinear moment conditions driven by non-normal errors. The suggested testing procedure is easy to implement and it does not require any non-linear estimation techniques. We can exploit the information on the non-normal error distribution that is already available but ignored in the usual cointegration tests. Our simulation results show significant power gains over existing cointegration tests in the presence of non-normal errors.

JEL classification: C12; C15; C22

Corresponding author: Hyejin Lee, Department of Economics, Finance, and Legal Studies, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487, USA, e-mail:


Proof of Theorem 1

To show the asymptotic distribution of the RALS ECM test (tECM), we express the RALS based conditional error correction model alternatively as done in Zivot (2000)


where yt=y1tβy2t, a(L)=1–C11(L)L, b(L)=(ϕβ)+[C12(L)+C11(L)β]L, and et=b(L)Δy2t+w^tγ+νt. The OLS estimator of δ1 is characterized by


Here, we let Q denote a set of variables appear on the right hand side including stationary covariate terms. That is, Qt=(C˜t,w^t) with Ct=(Δy1, t–1, …, Δy1, tm, Δy2, t, Δy2, t–1, …, Δy2, tp) and C˜t=CtT1t=2TCt. Since 1Tt=2Tw^tCt=op(1), and 1Tt=2TC˜tνt=op(1), we have


It can be rewritten as


since 1Tt=2Tyt1w^t=Op(1) and 1Tt=2Tw^tνt=op(1).

According to lemma in Hansen (1995), we have the following results:

(A.1)1T2t=2Tyt12a(1)2σe201(w1c)2 (A.1)
(A.2)1Tt=2Ty1,t1νta(1)1σeσν(ρ01w1cdw1+(1ρ2)(1/2)01w1cdw2) (A.2)

where w1c is a projection residual of a Brownian motion, ρ=σνeσνσe, and a(1)=1–a1a2–…–ap is given from a p–th order polynomial in the lag operator, a(L)=1–a1La2L2–…–apLp. We wish to note that the RALS term w^t is a nonlinear function of stationary process. As such, including this term does not change the above results. Then, we can show

(A.3)T(δ^1δ1)=a(1)R(ρ01w1cdw101(w1c)2+(1ρ2)(1/2)01w1cdw201(w1c)2) (A.3)

where R=σνσe. The test statistic under the null of δ1=0 can be obtained as

(A.4)t(δ^1)=δ^1σν1T(1T2t=2Tyt121T2t=2Tyt1Qt(t=2TQtQ)1t=2TQtyt1)12=Tδ^1σν1(1T2t=2Tyt121T2t=2Tyt1w^t(t=2Tw^tw^t)1t=2Tw^tyt1)12=σν1(1T2t=2Tyt12)1/2Tδ^1+op(1). (A.4)

Substituting (A.1) and (A.3) into (A.4) yields

(A.5)t(δ^1)σν1(a(1)2σe201(w1c)2)12×[ca(1)+a(1)R(ρ01w1cdw101(w1c)2+(1ρ2)1201w1cdw201(w1c)2)]=cR(01(w1c)2)1/2+ρ01w1cdw1(01(w1c)2)1/2+(1ρ2)1/201w1cdw2(01(w1c)2)1/2 (A.5)

The null of cointegration holds when c=0 in the local departures from the null hypothesis, =–ca(1). Therefore, we have


since w1c and w2 are independent Brownian motions and the ratio in the last term of (A.5) is normally distributed.


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The online version of this article (DOI: 10.1515/snde-2013-0060) offers supplementary material, available to authorized users.

Published Online: 2014-12-13
Published in Print: 2015-9-1

©2015 by De Gruyter

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