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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter March 19, 2015

H-CLAP: hierarchical clustering within a linear array with an application in genetics

  • Samiran Ghosh EMAIL logo and Jeffrey P. Townsend


In most cases where clustering of data is desirable, the underlying data distribution to be clustered is unconstrained. However clustering of site types in a discretely structured linear array, as is often desired in studies of linear sequences such as DNA, RNA or proteins, represents a problem where data points are not necessarily exchangeable and are directionally constrained within the array. Each position in the linear array is fixed, and could be either “marked” (i.e., of interest such as polymorphic or substitute sites) or “non-marked.” Here we describe a method for clustering of those marked sites. Since the cluster-generating process is constrained by discrete locality inside such an array, traditional clustering methods need adjustment to be appropriate. We develop a hierarchical Bayesian approach. We adopt a Markov clustering algorithm, revealing any natural partitioning in the pattern of marked sites. The resulting recursive partitioning and clustering algorithm is named hierarchical clustering in a linear array (H-CLAP). It employs domain-specific directional constraints directly in the likelihood construction. Our method, being fully Bayesian, is more flexible in cluster discovery compared to a standard agglomerative hierarchical clustering algorithm. It not only provides hierarchical clustering, but also cluster boundaries, which may have their own biological significance. We have tested the efficacy of our method on data sets, including two biological and several simulated ones.

Corresponding author: Samiran Ghosh, Department of Family Medicine and Public Health Sciences and Center of Molecular Medicine and Genetics, Wayne State University School of Medicine, 3127 Scott Hall, 540 East Canfield, Detroit, MI, USA, e-mail:


The research of first author is partly supported by NIH grant number P30-ES020957. Authors would like to thank Dr. Dipak Dey for his comments and initial involvement. We also like to thank an anonymous reviewer for his/her many insightful comments and constructive suggestions which have greatly improved the scope and presentation of the paper.


A Proof of the Theorems 2.1

For notational simplicity, define U=CECS+1. With little abuse of notation, the pmf (probability mass function) of the random variable U is given by,


Without loss of generality, we assume exactly nC=n many consecutive sites are marked and U=n. Then the probability of such a cluster is given by,


Now consider U=n+1, i.e., a cluster with n consecutively marked sites and only one non-marked site placed at one end. We first consider the case when non-marked site is at the very beginning. The other situation when the non-marked site is at the extreme end can be reasoned similarly. In the likelihood equation (1) the binomials coefficients will yield (n+1n)=n+1. However, this does not take into account the constraint of consecutively marked sites and produces n+1 by placing the non-marked site in all possible position which is a clear violation of above assumption. Hence under the assumption that n marked sites are all consecutive and the only non-marked site is at the very beginning, the binomial coefficient yields 1 (only possible way). Hence,


It is simple algebra to show that f(u=n)f(u=n+1)=1pO1pC1, since pCpO by the assumption. Following a similar argument it is easy to note f(u=n)≥f(u=l) for any ln.

Now to prove the other side, consider U=n–1. Hence, the interval [CS, CE] contains n–1 marked cells (i.e., nC=n–1), the only other remaining marked site falls outside [CS, CE]. Hence,


consider again f(u=n)f(u=n1)=pCpO1. Following a similar argument, it is easy to note f(u=n)≥f(u=l) for any ln. Thus the likelihood probability in equation (1) is maximum when U=CECS+1=n, i.e., a cluster covering exactly the consecutively marked cells.

B Proof of the Theorems 3.1

We first note the joint likelihood of (CS, CE) given in (2). Form this the marginal pmf of CE is given by,


To prove the asymmetry and monotonicity consider any integer x∈[1, N–1]. Clearly from the above,


Thus the marginal pmf of CE is non-decreasing and hence can not be symmetric. Also note above inequality holds for all x∈[1, N–1] hence we get the monotonic increasing density from which left skewness is immediate.

C Proof of the Theorems 3.2

Proof is very similar to that of the Theorem 2.1. Denote U=CECS+1, pmf of the random variable U and CS is given by,


Again we assume nC=n many consecutive sites are marked and U=n. Then the probability of such a cluster is given by,


where CS=l for l=1, …, Nn+1. Also note that,


The reason for (unC)=(n+1n) in the above being replaced by 1 is exactly same as in the proof of Theorem 2.1. Since the above involves CS, the simplification for the choice of U=n+1 is dependent upon the value assumed by CS. Note we may have two cases for a cluster of length n+1 depending upon CS=l–1, l. To include one more site in the cluster of size n (i.e., U=n), we may keep CS=l position fixed and move CE by one site, or we may keep CE fixed and move CS by one site to make CS=l–1. Of course, the choice CS=l–1 is not available if l=1. Note that in both the cases all consecutively marked sites are in one cluster. When CS=l is kept fixed, it is easy to show f(u=n)f(u=n+1)=1pO1pC1. For CS=l–1, f(u=n)f(u=n+1)=(Nl+2)(1pO)(Nl+1)(1pC)>1. Following a similar argument, it is easy to note that P(U=n)≥P(U=k) for any integer kn.

Now, to prove the other side, consider U=n–1. Hence,


This again corresponds to two choices, namely CS=l, l+1, i.e., either move CE one site backward or move CS one site forward. When CS=l is kept fixed, it is easy to show f(u=n)f(u=n1)=pCpO1. For CS=l+1, it is easy to note f(u=n)f(u=n1)=(Nl)pC(Nl+1)pO. Hence f(u=n)f(u=n1)1 provided pCpONl+1Nl. Following a similar argument, it is easy to note that P(U=n)≥P(U=k) for any integer kn. Hence equation (4) is a maximum when U=CECS+1=n. This completes the proof.


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Published Online: 2015-3-19
Published in Print: 2015-4-1

©2015 by De Gruyter

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