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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter December 7, 2015

A procedure to correct the effect of heart rate on heart rate variability indices: description and assessment

  • Mario Estévez-Báez , Calixto Machado , Gerry Leisman EMAIL logo , Martha Brown-Martínez , Javier Denis Jas-García , Julio Montes-Brown , Andrés Machado-García and Claudia Carricarte-Naranjo



To develop a method to correct the nonlinear effect of the heart rate (HR) on different heart rate variability (HRV) indices of heart rate variability.


The study included 265 healthy participants (17–69 years old), a group of 36 type 1 diabetes mellitus patients, including 15 patients with positive diagnosis of cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy (CAN), and a group of 24 CAN positive type-2 spinocerebellar ataxia patients. HR and HRV indices were calculated for 5-min resting ECG recordings. The proposed correction method (CM) included the joint application of multiple regression analysis and Z-transformations of HR and HRV indices. To assess the effect of the CM, correlation analysis, multivariate factor analysis, and the ANOVA test were applied to both groups before and after corrections.


The CM was able to remove the effect of HR on HRV indices, and at the same time, were preserved the expected differences between HR and HRV indices between controls and patients. Sample size was not a factor.


Our method may be considered a novel approach, and may represent an alternative to the use of currently developed procedures.


Studies of HRV without an appropriately HR correction should not be considered in the future.

Corresponding author: Gerry Leisman, The National Institute for Brain and Rehabilitation Sciences, Biomechanics Laboratory, O.R.T.-Braude College of Engineering, 51 Snunit POB 78, Karmiel, Israel, E-mail: ; The National Institute for Brain and Rehabilitation Sciences, Nazareth, Israel; Department of Mechanical Engineering, O.R.T.-Braude College of Engineering, Karmiel; and Facultad Manuel Fajardo, University of the Medical Sciences, Havana, Cuba


This project was supported, in part, by the State of Israel Kamea Dor-Bet Grant, and by the Children’s Autism Hope Project to G.L.


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Received: 2015-6-28
Accepted: 2015-10-17
Published Online: 2015-12-7
Published in Print: 2016-8-1

©2016 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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