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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter September 9, 2013

Fungal endophytes of the seagrasses Halodule wrightii and Thalassia testudinum in the north-central Gulf of Mexico

  • Juan Luis Mata EMAIL logo and Just Cebrián
From the journal Botanica Marina


The purpose of this note is to communicate the diversity of endophytic fungi isolated from living leaves of Halodule wrightii and Thalassia testudinum, two ubiquitous seagrasses in the north-central Gulf of Mexico. Fungi were isolated from surface-sterilized leaf fragments of the two plants that had been inoculated onto seawater malt extract agar. Leaves of T. testudinum harbored slightly more endophyte taxa than those of H. wrightii. Trichocladium alopallonellum and 10 other fungal taxa are new records for H. wrightii. No distinct seasonal pattern in fungal filamentous growth was observed; however, our evidence suggests peak activity may take place in spring.

Corresponding author: Juan Luis Mata, Department of Biology, University of South Alabama, Room 124, 5871 USA Drive North, Mobile, AL 36688-0002, USA, e-mail:

All research for this publication was supported by the Alabama Center for Estuarine Studies (grant no. EM-83350301-0-05). We are grateful to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection for granting collecting permits at Big Lagoon State Park.


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Received: 2013-5-20
Accepted: 2013-8-20
Published Online: 2013-09-09
Published in Print: 2013-12-01

©2013 by Walter de Gruyter Berlin Boston

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