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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter June 1, 2005

Evolution in Silico and in Vitro: The RNA Model

  • P. Schuster
From the journal Biological Chemistry


Theoretical concepts and experiments dealing with the evolution of molecules in vitro reached a state that allows for direct applications to the design of biomolecules with predefined properties. RNA evolution in vitro represents a basis for the development of a new and comprehensive model of evolution, focusing on the phenotype and its fitness relevant properties. Relations between genotypes and phenotypes are described by mappings from genotype space onto a space of phenotypes, which are manytoone and thus give ample room for neutrality as expressed by the existence of extended neutral networks in genotype space. The RNA model reduces genotypephenotype relations to mappings from sequences into secondary structures of minimal free energies and allows for derivation of otherwise inaccessible quantitative results. Continuity and discontinuity in evolution are defined through a new notion of accessibility in phenotype space that provides a basis for straightforward interpretation of computer simulations on RNA optimization; furthermore, it reveals the constructive role of random genomic drift in the search for phenotypes of higher fitness. The effects of population size on the course of evolutionary optimization can be predicted quantitatively by means of a simple stochastic model based on a birthanddeath process with immigration.

Published Online: 2005-06-01
Published in Print: 2001-9-30

Copyright © 2001 by Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG

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