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Ideological Change and Syntactic Change in Ancient Greek: The Case of ἄτη and τύχη

From the book Classical Philology and Linguistics

  • Jesús de la Villa


The change in meaning of words very often entails a change in their syntactic distribution. As a consequence, syntactic data can be used inversely as evidence of semantic change. In this paper we study the syntactic data reflecting the change in meaning of the terms ἄτη and τύχη. In the Archaic period these terms were mostly interpreted as referring to entities of a personal character and semi-divine nature, with the meaning, respectively, of Obfuscation and Fortune. Gradually this personification tended to disappear and their meaning changed to the less personalized meaning of ‘ruin’ and ‘chance’. The syntax reflects this change. Philologically, the change in meaning of ἄτη and τύχη has consequences for our different interpretation of these terms at various historical moments of the Greek language. Secondarily, their semantic evolution should also be considered in editions of the texts.

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