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Mass media registration certificate dated December 7, 2006.
Series ПИ #ФС 77-26521.
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ISSN 2073-8137

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Concept of spontaneous hemostasis in trauma spleen in children

Vladimir Podkamenev; Ilya Pikalo;

The article explains the concept of early spontaneous hemostasis in transcapsular spleen injuries in children and the possibility of non-operative treatment.
We carried out a retrospective study of 105 children who died of associated injuries and a prospective study of 75 children with splenic injury, of which 69 (92%) children were treated non-operative. Spleen injury was detected in 33 (31.4%) patients. The risk of death at the scene was very low (OR = 0.09; p<0.017) and is associated exclusively with a separation of the organ from the vessel. Thanatogenic feature of spleen injury in childhood is the prevalence of moderate blood loss and a very low risk of death from hemorrhagic shock due
to massive blood loss. Surgical treatment was performed in 6 (8%) of children due to the ongoing intraperitoneal bleeding. In the group of patients with non-operational treatment moderate degree of blood loss was observed, which did not exceed 15% of blood volume. Spontaneous hemostasis can be considered as a defense mechanism, based on anatomical and physiological characteristics of the spleen in children. Spontaneous hemostasis is one of the parts of pathogenesis of the spleen closed injuries in children and an argument in favor of non-operative treatment.


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Keywords: trauma of spleen, children, non-surgical treatment, spontaneous hemostasis

Stavropol State Medical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy