BuddhistRoad Paper 5.3 “The Life and Times of Daozhen — a Saṃgha Leader and Monk Official in Dunhuang during the 10th Century”


Henrik H. Sørensen


This paper is a study of the life and times of the important local Dunhuang Buddhist monk Daozhen (ca. 915–ca. 987, 道真), the abbot of the Sanjie Temple (三界寺), which was located next to the Mogao Caves (莫高窟). Daozhen is interesting for a variety of reasons, including his involvement with a number of restoration projects involving a cave and the library holdings of his own temple. Moreover, he is undoubtedly one of the best-documented figures in the history of Buddhism in Dunhuang (敦煌).

The activities of important individuals who operated within the religious space of the Mogao Caves in Dunhuang reflect the historical and religious dynamics of the site. Given that Daozhen was an important religious agent, understanding his significance and position within local Buddhism sheds light on how an influential cleric could shape religious life in a sacred space.

Chinese Translation

本文对敦煌当地重要的佛僧道真 (约915–约987) 的生平及其时代行进了研究. 作为莫高窟旁三界寺的主持, 道真有很多有趣的地方, 包括他参与了一些涉及洞窟的修复项目和其寺院藏经处的收藏. 此外, 他无疑是敦煌佛教史上记载最详细的人物之一, 而重要人物在敦煌莫高窟这一宗教空间内的活动反映了该地的历史和宗教动态. 鉴于道真是一位重要的宗教人物, 理解他在当地佛教中的重要性和地位, 有助于了解一位有影响力的僧侣如何在一个神圣空间中型塑宗教生活.



April 14, 2020

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